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Anyone know what's happened to R35 LEE?


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Lee has been seriously busy with "real" work running Falcon and other stuff recently so he's not had even a second free to get on the forum. I'll try and give him a nudge for you mate but even im struggling to get him on the phone these days :surrender:

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well normally i get a reply instantly as he's a mate but he's not even got time to chat to me :cry:

he did promise to phone a few times to keep the dying husk of a relationship we have together but im afraid i may have to move on soon as he is breaking my heart :(

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it might be quicker to get hold of him if you book the "transgender-bender dance troop" you can chat to him while he lap dances for you. hint... he's the one with the long blonde hair, slim waist, big boobs and a moustache ;)



only kidding Lee, hope all is well and that your not running yourself into the ground.



to be honest last time i heard from him he wasn't really stopping to sleep; i think he's a cyborg. :wacko:

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Thanks guys,

Sounds like I've got a good chance of geting the stereo fixed and a lapdance :)


The irony is that normally I'd be chilled out about this but need to sell the car as wife has got baby on the way [she's due 8th Aug.] & have already bought baby wagon! It's the last thing that needs doing to make car perfect (am really anally retentive about selling a car I would want to buy, just put 2x RE050's on the front, had a service and had the alloys refurbed!)

Am gutted as have wanted a Z since 2003 and only had it a year and spent AGES looking for a nice one.


in the abence of Lee's magic stero fixing hands - are there any other options beyond forking out £x00's to Nissan? If you sell car with stereo with stereo that jumps every now and then - how much should you knock off the price?




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  cantaffordaGTR said:
............. If you sell car with a stereo that jumps every now and then - how much should you knock off the price?


I would say zilch ...... it's a known problem ......... tell the buyer to live with it or go aftermarket

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personally i wouldn't mention it; unless the buyer specifically asks. the radio works fine i'm guessing, and if it skips it probably only does it when its cold.


its a known issue; but not a deal breaker to be honest.

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i would sell it with it and make sure i'd warmed it up first :lol:


i'm on the phone to him now so will drop it in the convo ;) he's going to give his pm's a going through but i imagine he has about 10million :lol:


sarah, due to your terrible service im not helping you :p:lol:

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The stereo was the least of my worries when I bought my car . The first thing I did was get rid of the Bose stereo and put in adouble din after market stereo. I wouldn't even mention it. Most people when buying a car won't listen to the stereo they'll listen to the engine :thumbs:

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  rtbiscuit said:
i heard he had a sex change and joined a berlesque dance troop. ;)


lol, you joke but on another forum of a well known jap car this actually happened, someone disappeared for ages and re-appeared as well, a woman, they didn't join the burlesque dance troop though as far as I know.

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