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BP Techniques in the Gulf of Mexico


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Attached is a link to an interesting topic pertinent the business some of the guys on here are in. Worth a look if you have got 10 minutes. Its a piece of BP propaganda, but the attached video link gives a good explanation of the status of the relief well and the technology they are using in the Gulf of Mexico plus you get a decent look at a semi sub drilling rig and the sort of directional drilling tools used in the oil business




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That is a nice video actually.


two comments from me.


Cleanest Semi Sub EVER! Ok, this is their second well with it but it looks like a nice new gen Semi. The roughnecks will even stay clean as everything with motorised.


Longest wireline tool ever! I've seen a quite a few (hundreds...) electric line jobs but never seen one of those bad boy vectoring tools.



Nice bit of propoganda but they aren't doing anything fancy. In fact I remember being on a jack up getting ready to complete a new drill and them drilling a relief well by mistake...... they intercepted another well due to being idiots.

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Hmmmm Mr Obama....notice anything about all the GOM BP crew??? Thats right ALL AMERICAN!!!

This whole situation has P'd me right off, British getting the blame for an accident from the result of the usual American gun hoe cowboy culture!




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