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HELP PLEASE - Electric problem on my 350z roadster


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Hi Guys, I need some help.


I took my car to get valeted the other day, and ever since the electrics have been messed up.


Now the electric windows dont go down, the indicators dont work, the headlights are constantly on!


I dont know what to do. :bang:


This car has made me broke...I cant afford taking it to Nissan. :thumbdown:


Does any one have any advice on what I can do?


thanks for your help!



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have you checked the fuse box to make sure water hasnt got in there, from the power washer? id check everything is dry as the power washers tend to blast through seals if used at close range.


i may be wrong but its what i do first :shrug:

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Thanks guys for the replys.


No they didnt clean the engine bay. Just the outside and insdie of car.


Its not the valet firm's fault. I have been taking may car there for eyears. They didnt do anything differently to normal - so I have to fix the problem my self.


I have checked the fuse box and it does seem dry. The vapour from the steam may have shorted something

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hmm steam + electrics probably wont go well together no. If you did take it to nissan they would plug it in to diagnostics (cost prob £90) and find out where the fault code is, if there is one.


to me it sounds like either a module is faulty or a connector is shorting. Due to the range of things that dont work it could be the BCM that has been steamed? it i located alongside the accelerator pedal and has about 9 different connectors going into it. right next to the carpet in the driver footwell. its a bit of a fight but you could take the module out and inspect it for any water/moisture, if you find it i would go at it with a hair drier immidiately befroe it all corrodes. I'm not saying this is definately what it is but that is my first guess.


but i disagree, if they broke it, it IS their fault :shrug:

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