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EBC Discs & Pads- Funny noise - UPDATED (not good)

James B

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Hey guys,


Just wondering if anyone else has this problem.


Replaced my discs and pads all round with EBC Turbogroove and Yellowstuff pads. I get a funny grinding noise that varies as the wheels rotate. THought it might have been the bearings so took it in to Abbey for them to have a look (feeling like a clueless muppet).


Apparantly its nothing to worry about and Simon (awesome helpful chap) said its just the pads picking up on the slots in the discs. I've seen a few posts crop up about the compatibility of yellowstuff and them only being designed for flat discs.


Does anyone else get this noise with their brakes? Specifically the same brakes that I have?


It's bloody annoying as noises go and I'd like to understand it more / know if anyone else in the same boat as me.






P.S On a totally separate note - big thx to everyone at Abbey. They really do live up to their reps for being so helpful. I'll defo be returning to them for any work that needs to be done.

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  James B said:
Hey guys,


Just wondering if anyone else has this problem.


Replaced my discs and pads all round with EBC Turbogroove and Yellowstuff pads. I get a funny grinding noise that varies as the wheels rotate. THought it might have been the bearings so took it in to Abbey for them to have a look (feeling like a clueless muppet).


Apparantly its nothing to worry about and Simon (awesome helpful chap) said its just the pads picking up on the slots in the discs. I've seen a few posts crop up about the compatibility of yellowstuff and them only being designed for flat discs.


Does anyone else get this noise with their brakes? Specifically the same brakes that I have?


It's bloody annoying as noises go and I'd like to understand it more / know if anyone else in the same boat as me.






P.S On a totally separate note - big thx to everyone at Abbey. They really do live up to their reps for being so helpful. I'll defo be returning to them for any work that needs to be done.




Those yellowstuff pads are really damn abrasive, you will probably find once they have worn the the discs away they will stop grinding.

Do you find any benefit from the??? under braking??

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The grooves explain the noise in part and also becos' yellow stuff are more aggresive with higher metallic content.


I get this on my slotted BBK with race pads moreso than when i used sports pads. Its even more noticeable if you brake gently and your window open you can hear the abbrasive sound ;) .


IMHO I don't think that makes the TG incompatible with yellow stuff and i would not worry about it :thumbs:


+1 that is will lessen with more wear.

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I get this noise to but I have been told that it's something to do with the air getting in the groves so it makes a noise... Apparently it helps with the cooling of the brakes. Don't know how true this is but I hear it all the time.


Just got used to it now :blush:

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I have the exact same set up and don't get any grinding noises but do get a sort of clicking sound, kind of like a train noise clickety click etc etc - can only hear it with windows down.


Its all to do with the air going down the grooves between the pads and disc.


I'd suggest you jack the car up and spin the wheels by hand. If the disk is rubbing on the pad in some places and not others, I would say have your runouts checked on all disks, you might need the discs skimming on the car to get them to run true to the hubs. Checking runout is a must when changing brake discs.


All the best


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Check that the metal plate behind the brake disc hasn't been nudged and is catching the disc itself. I have had this and had to bend it back away a bit. Also check there isn't a stone trapped around the caliper or anything. Other than that, if they have been checked with the wheels off, not sure what else it could be apart from pad and disc noise from the slots.

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  • 5 months later...

Know its been a while but I've found out whats causing the noise and its not good for all those having the same problem.

It's caused by uneven brake runoff, which is basically that the discs have been put on badly. Now I have to have them skimmed which is gonna cost £150 for the front 2. I've learned a lesson about being cheap and getting mates to help me with them. From now on the car will just be going to Abbey or any other mechanic I can hold accountable for **** ups. Great lesson in buy cheap, buy twice. - or maybe it should be be cheap, pay twice :thumbdown:


Hope you dont suffer but cant halp but feel you're probably in the same boat as me.


For anyone just joining the thread the noise is a ticking sound that present even when brakes not applied.

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Brake runoff? never heard that terminology before.


Is that another way of saying brake runout?

Or something completely different?


My EBC bits are still all good, still no problems even after 4 trackdays. Rear disks are getting changed soon though due to a wheel bearing failure that I didn't notice damaging the disk.

Probably going to get Tarox rears just to be a bit different but I would happily buy EBC again.




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Here's the response.


The vibration may be caused by the discs being fitted with more than 0.002†runout initially. The only way forward now is to have the discs skimmed on the car. Please read the information about Pro-cut lathes on our website www.ebcbrakes.com


So yes it was runout. Being largely clueless its not a term I had heard before.

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EBC told me the same thing when I phoned them mate! Its funny how most people who have these rotors are having the same problem.


My car has been off the road for a while so I was going to deal with it when the good weather comes in but I might just take it up with EBC sooner.

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If you're near Northampton you should. They gave me a number for somone that skims the discs for them for free.


Surprising they should have that relationship with someone if its such a rare occurance?! :thumbdown:


Only problem is its way too far for me to go so I'm getting Abbey to do it for me. Either way I dont think I'll be getting EBC next time.

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