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Over kill on my office again!


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So the other day my 24" cheapo flatscreen tv went bang leaving nothing to watch the world cup on except running tvcatchup.com on my pc, which was ok to start with, but after a few days got on my nerves. So I thought I would invest in a new tv for my office. I shopped around and finally went for a 32" LG flatscreen to match my monitors. When I got it out the box my initial reaction was OMG its way too big, which is the exact same expression I used when I first got my 3 monitors. Have just finished setting it all up and thought I would share. On the bottom I have 3 x 21" widescreen LG monitors all running through a TripleHead2Go system, and on the top I have the mentioned 32" LG tv also linked to my pc via a DVI-HDMI cable. What you think, overkill? :lol: Forgive the picture but the room isnt really big enough to easily capture the whole setup.



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that is a pretty awesome set up mate


i run dual monitors on my pc, normally with my laptop to one side as well and have the 106" screen and hd projector set up for the football.


so no, i dont think thats overkill at all


i also love how you are still calling it your office and not accepting that it is just your man room, or do you still work from in there.


btw, do you play eve or just like the pic you have as your desktop?

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do you play eve or just like the pic you have as your desktop?


Yes I am playing eve at the moment, just in a small mining corp.


mining corp?


is that not the most boring thing you can do in the game?

+1 thats what i heard :lol:

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