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New friend for the Zed.


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Yesterday I picked up a new garage friend for the Zed. Something Ive always wanted since being a kid, I know they arent everyones cup of tea and can come across as a bit ostentatious, but its been my dream all the same.


I managed to snap one Iphone pic during the day! :lol:


Its an F430 F1. :blush:


Sorry I dont have more pics yet as I had to spend most of the day gardening, and then out for a meal with parents last night, so including the 60 mile drive back after collecting, I managed a total of only 90 miles all day. :blush:




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Yummy B)


Just like the G, a decatted Tubi totally transforms the whole experience.......... B)

Your G sounded like an F1 car, was mental! Awesome for when you wanted it to be noisy, but how was it to live with if you wanted to do more miles?

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F me Chris, when did this come about? Have you ditched the Jag then?


This is such a step up i'm almost suspicious its a hire! :lol: Have you got it on one of those PCP arrangements or are you just loaded? ;)

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Thanks martin :) come zedfest we can take it for a run out at some point. :)


as for pcp or hp etc. No. As it's a luxury and not an essential I am a firm believer that I should have it only when I can pay for it. May sound snobbish, but that's what I stick to. :blush:

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It will get used yes. No track days or anything like that but whenever I get the chance I'll be out in it.


I don't think it gets any more attention than the z to be honest. The driving position is lower to the road, but higher in relation to the car or so it feels. You are looking "down" the bonnet rather than across it if that makes sense.


I have the F1 gearbox, which people have mixed opinions on. I think it's great though, it's easy to drive slowly in traffic, but changes can be a bit lumpy until it's fully warmed the box through. In manual mode using the paddles can be a lot of fun. You can take it all the way to 8.5k before changing up (though you have to have an iron will not to change before then given the scream from 7k onward :surrender: )


it has given me the incentive to use the paddles on the jag more, but the seats in that are not nearly supportive enough in the sides to do any spirited driving. To be honest for a "sport" version, they are crap.


The seats in the fezza though adjust in so many ways, it's possible to set them up to be a perfect fit even for my pie filled frame. :lol:

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