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MCN's Data Logger App


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Just heard about this little app which uses GPS technology to record location, speed, acceleration braking continuously through your journey and then outputs it on googlemaps. Looking forward to trying this and seeing how good it is as just downloaded it in work. Thought I would post up as it might be of interest to some of you.


They recommend it should only be used on track and ofcourse thats how everyone should and will use it :D

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Got a lift on way into work this morning and decided to give it a try. Very clever little app which records various stats about your journey. The most impressive IMO is the plot on googlemaps of the route you have take and be able to scroll through to see what speed and G force values where at that particular point. It is so accurate when you zoom in on the map you can actual see where you stop to reverse park. Big thumbs up from me.....definately worth the £5 asking price.

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I would say it should work everywhere that you can achieve a GPS signal. May be able to read up and find further information on this but see no reason why it couldnt be used at the nurburg.


I can think of a whole host of reasons why you should use this app. Most benificial to myself would be the plot of your route on google maps. I have been countless runs where I have found very good roads and not really known where they have been. With this app you can review your whole journey and look at your stats along the way. I think its a really handy app for the way I use my car. If I only went to work and back and the odd trip down to asda shopping then it probably isn't of any use :thumbs:

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I downloaded it tonight after my boss came in the office speaking about it. Handed it to him to go for a blast on his 'blade. Came back and the GPS signal in the area was poor as it was patchy.


I''ll try it on the way home in the morning.

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