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Driving Standards at Wales


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  clarkie34 said:
I don't know if anyone else saw it but there was a timely reminder on the way home of what happens when driving dangerously.


A recovery truck was blocking half the road and was pulling a car that had gone off the road up an embankment.The driver luckily looked ok apart from some scratches on his legs.

Yep spotted this

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This is simply setting the standard. It is a club drive out, not a track session, and is something that is done with the public all around us. No flags, no recovery trucks, no crash helmets - and children and families coming the other way. When they are the consequences, there is no other option.


That said, I am happier writing on this thread than anything more serious.


And it should be said that overall the club events are attended and treated with the utmost respect, resulting in some of the best car based events I have ever been part of. :)

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  H5 said:
And it should be said that overall the club events are attended and treated with the utmost respect, resulting in some of the best car based events I have ever been part of. :)

Yes it should be noted that the other 95+% of members that attended drove in a considerate, safe and fun manner and did the club proud, especially the looks and thumbs up we got from passers by. So well done to all those that did listen and still managed to have fun :#1:

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We have been lucky in this club - people are generally well behaved and sensible - ok sometimes they get carried away on the spur of the moment but there is no excuse in putting yourself or others in danger regardless of media attention on the club.


Bottom line if you want to behave like total f***t go and do it by yourself and away from anybody else - go book yourself on a track day or something!

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I myself did not attend but in my head this is what a drive out is all about

a nice sensible drive along a great scene line

Personally i would love to thrash some roads but that would be by myself without the clubs involvment.


If anything i would be driving more calm/slower than the speed limits to take in the view's etc, i mean thats the whole reason you guys/gals where all there for as well as the nice roads, the last thing you want to do is upset the locals or police as next year the Wales Run is something i woud very much like to do, i would hate the fact of not being able to go due to inpropper behaviour.


But on a higher note :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs: to the 95% good drivers out there.



How would you feel to be known as the one who ruined it for others. :boxing:

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I agree with the team completly. And also I live arround here.


Thank goodness I did not get a ban for 'Putting on a Hi-Vis vest and stopping all the traffic in Bala'.


Cos that's a road traffic offence, I think !!

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  ChrisS said:
I agree with the team completly. And also I live arround here.


Thank goodness I did not get a ban for 'Putting on a Hi-Vis vest and stopping all the traffic in Bala'.


Cos that's a road traffic offence, I think !!


The Village People took offence though

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  ChrisS said:
I agree with the team completly. And also I live arround here.


Thank goodness I did not get a ban for 'Putting on a Hi-Vis vest and stopping all the traffic in Bala'.


Cos that's a road traffic offence, I think !!

That Jag wasn't going to stop for me Chris and I would have been offended if he marked my baby :lol:

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I'll keep my head dow next time I go there. (NOT in the 350 though)


I also stopped to let zeds out. Did have full head lights on though.


So it is you Sir I need to appologise to. Bloody Jag owners. ;););)

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  ChrisS said:
I agree with the team completly. And also I live arround here.


Thank goodness I did not get a ban for 'Putting on a Hi-Vis vest and stopping all the traffic in Bala'.


Cos that's a road traffic offence, I think !!


But it was also a stroke of genius so im sure its tolerated :thumbs:

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The drivers I stopped were great about it.

I just told them we thought it was safer to get the cars out of the way in a few groups.


APPART from the 'Jag'. He could not see the vest or my SMALL hand movements. :)


Thought it could be my first big meet and I was the cause the first ding of the weekend. :blush:

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I don't think our Zed club has too much to worry about, did anybody see how reckless that bloody Cortina club were as they left the Sportsman??? They should all be getting life bans for that!! :rant:


There were over a hundred of them last year, but only 7 managed to dodge a ban for this years' meet!! :D

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+1 To the above points, I nearly had an incident and went into the back of Mike, merely because I had let my guard drop for a minute and went round a sharp, blind corner at about 30mph only to find him stopped dead in the road at the back of the queue for a junction! Even worse was the fact that behind me was Chris I in his brand new 370 and Dave in the Garage Queen :scare:


Suffice to say that although my first reaction was to turn into the other lane (thankfully nothing was coming), I think i managed to come to a stop mere centimetres from where Mikes bumper would have been.


I normally try to hold to the rule of "Be able to stop in the road you can see", but no one is perfect and I consider this a lesson learned! :blackeye:

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  AK350Z said:
+1 To the above points, I nearly had an incident and went into the back of Mike, merely because I had let my guard drop for a minute and went round a sharp, blind corner at about 30mph only to find him stopped dead in the road at the back of the queue for a junction! Even worse was the fact that behind me was Chris I in his brand new 370 and Dave in the Garage Queen :scare:


Suffice to say that although my first reaction was to turn into the other lane (thankfully nothing was coming), I think i managed to come to a stop mere centimetres from where Mikes bumper would have been.


I normally try to hold to the rule of "Be able to stop in the road you can see", but no one is perfect and I consider this a lesson learned! :blackeye:


I was in front of Mike and was bracing myself for the impact when you appeared in the mirror :scare:

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+1 For the action this forum has taken luckily no accidents happened and no one got hurt but i have to scrape people up at work for silly driving and showing off.

Yesterday 3 lads racing in wolverhampton all was fun till one hit a tree!! The engine was 500 yards down the road , 2 hours later he was cut free from the wreckage ALIVE !! but in a bit of a bad state

And all this was having fun just playing about !!!


It was bad timing on the repair to my car that i didnt attend this meet !!

If anything would of happened I would have to deal with it or it is neglect of duty so if they had of crashed or hurt someone My job would of been on the line !!


We attend meets to have fun and enjoy the drive and other peoples company NOT to cause people grief or put anyones car,job,life in danger

So fair play

lets keep our club clear of smegs !!

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At Bala on Sunday I was speaking to John and saying that I was glad the club take a strong stance against driving recklessly and that I didn't see any stupid driving with the group of cars I was in (dangerous dogs are another matter entirely though - we'll have to ban them from next year's run).


It would put me off from coming to future meets if every drove like lunatics so it's nice to see the work the mods do to ensure we all drive sensibly.

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See what happens when I am not at the Wales Event!..............................Driving Standards go to pot! All I can say I will make sure that I am there next year to make sure no sillyness happens on the driving front again :lol:

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