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Better Late than Never!

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Hi Guys,


I joined a while back but never really got round to posting anything...


Anway, here I am introducing myself...finally!


I've finally turned 25 :) and I've always dreamed of getting myself a 350z...now that time has finally come - I can actually afford one!


I'm currently driving a very boring and professional Golf Mk5 and fancying just going for something expensive and unaffordable in the 350!


But, Someone said something interesting to me that made me think. They said "Why don't you just get yourself a 370z, after all buying a car is an investment"...


What do you guys think?


I'm slowly coming round to the thought of getting myself the 370! :drive1

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Welcome along! :D




Nether a 350 nor (especially!) a 370 is an investment. You'll lose buckets on the 370, and 350 prices aren't static yet either. Buying a fun sports car shouldn't be something done with the head, it should be done with the heart, go with whatever your instinct tells you to :thumbs:

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Welcome to the forum ..


I'm not sure I agree with the advice about a car being an investment though ...


When you make an investment you are doing so under the assumption that you will receive a return on the money that you put into the investment. A house appreciates in value over time; stocks/shares pay a dividend as well as appreciate in value.


But a car is not an investment as it depreciates over time ...


Still I wouldn't let that put you off buying a 370z if that's what you really want!

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Thanks, guys!


I think you're all definitely right with the 'investment' comment!


At the moment, although having being a big fan of the 350z over the past 6 years, I think my eyes (and heart) is set on getting myself a 370!


I hope to be buying one in the next couple of months...now all i have to do is find a car share to avoid my 40 mile round trip commute to work everyday!

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  J3NTON said:
Thanks, guys!


I think you're all definitely right with the 'investment' comment!


At the moment, although having being a big fan of the 350z over the past 6 years, I think my eyes (and heart) is set on getting myself a 370!


I hope to be buying one in the next couple of months...now all i have to do is find a car share to avoid my 40 mile round trip commute to work everyday!



:welcome: to the club - forget the car share and find a better driving route to work :drive1:yahoo:

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Welcome to the forum :wave:


A car is never an investments as depreciation is one of the most expensive parts of car wondership (unless we are talking classic cars of course!). Forget about all that and just start taking a few test drives to figure out exactly which you want, be it 350 or 370, and buy the best you can afford. You won't regret it!

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there are not many cars you could buy that re an investment unless you wish to spend a fortune initially. Some classic and the odd limited addition supercar and thats about it.


consider owning any car is like having a hole in ya pocket



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Despite the cars having many similarities, they're two completely different purchases. Obviously the 370z is going to cost a lot more to buy, wether you finance it or not but you'll end up with a new (or nearly new) car and all the benefits that go with it.

The 350 will be cheaper to buy, easier to fix/maintain (with the knowledge and experience on here) and if you're into modding then there are more options. Obviously it'll be second hand, likely have higher milage and therefore the history of it could be more uncertain.


Either cars are great - I've not driven or owned a 370z but from what I hear they're just as good, only better interiors...


Get hunting and keep us posted on what you decided... :thumbs:

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350z will get you women (or men if you wish) - we're a cultural forum thanks to RTBiscuit.


the 350z has crap fuel economy

Mods are crazily expensive.

Eats clutches for breakfast

Has poor quaility interior

Crap gearbox and axels


But we wouldnt have it any otherway, gives us something to talk about :thumbs::thumbs:

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I went looking for a BMW Merc or Jag walked passed the 350z stepped back, sat in, took for a test drive and bought, love the car hate the running costs but lifes short in 2 years I may go looking for the BMW Merc or Jag again in the meantime driving is fun again.

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  Ekona said:
Welcome along! :D




Nether a 350 nor (especially!) a 370 is an investment. You'll lose buckets on the 370, and 350 prices aren't static yet either. Buying a fun sports car shouldn't be something done with the head, it should be done with the heart, go with whatever your instinct tells you to :thumbs:


Agreed! Investment??? No way! :lol:



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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys!

It's been a while since my last post on this thread, so I thought I should update you all on what I've gone for!


Well...my deposit is down and come September, I will be th proud owner of a sexy 370z!! I can't wait! Ha


I'm resorting to early nights tucked up in bed just to make the days pass quicker!

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