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Brown out!


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Not yet, just Brown resigning as leader.







its funny it took them this long to realise it was HIM and him alone that was doing massive damage to their compaign :bangin:


lab/con, either way we are getting robbed somehow. :shrug:

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Well I for one am sad to see him go...he did the best he could with what he had inherited and still got flayed at every opportunity.

That man could have rescued someone from a burning house and they'd still criticise him for not wiping his feet on the way in :bangin:

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As soon as he agreed to do televised debates 'a la' USA Labour had lost - he's never been a showman and isn't photogenic :shrug:

But having worked in and around his consituency for the last five years and met him and his staff on a couple of occasions in relation to young people and Equal & Minority rights I will quite happily continue to support their work :)

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Well I for one am sad to see him go...he did the best he could with what he had inherited and still got flayed at every opportunity.

That man could have rescued someone from a burning house and they'd still criticise him for not wiping his feet on the way in :bangin:


Damn right, most folk who slag him dont know F all, europes going bankrupt around us and we are coming out of a recession on the UP an its thanks to Brown. The guy was good, but people are just looking for a scape goat.

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Well I for one am sad to see him go...he did the best he could with what he had inherited and still got flayed at every opportunity.

That man could have rescued someone from a burning house and they'd still criticise him for not wiping his feet on the way in :bangin:


Damn right, most folk who slag him dont know F all, europes going bankrupt around us and we are coming out of a recession on the UP an its thanks to Brown. The guy was good, but people are just looking for a scape goat.


really :lol:


i'm sorry but the only reason i'm glad he was PM was that he was there long enough to receive the sh1t storm that he created as chancellor.


their policy for the last 10 years has been to throw money at it. huge amounts of waste and we've picked up the bill for it. i only wish blair had been there to take the beating at the same time. he was the biggest con man on the planet.

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Well I for one am sad to see him go...he did the best he could with what he had inherited and still got flayed at every opportunity.

That man could have rescued someone from a burning house and they'd still criticise him for not wiping his feet on the way in :bangin:


He inherited the job from Tony Blair...


He did a slap up job of selling gold at an all time low - by the current gold rate, he cost the country £12 Billion. Yet he has the audacity to bang on about £6 billion in cuts that the Tories plan on being the wrst possible thing for the country. Short and selective memory Brown has..

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Well I for one am sad to see him go...he did the best he could with what he had inherited and still got flayed at every opportunity.

That man could have rescued someone from a burning house and they'd still criticise him for not wiping his feet on the way in :bangin:


He inherited the job from Tony Blair...


He did a slap up job of selling gold at an all time low - by the current gold rate, he cost the country £12 Billion. Yet he has the audacity to bang on about £6 billion in cuts that the Tories plan on being the wrst possible thing for the country. Short and selective memory Brown has..


Begger's cant be choosers. The gold was sold because we had too. This is an international recession btw, and we are actually doing not bad in relation to the rest of the world. He didn't have the luxury of waiting on the gold rate to get better and thanks to him we don't have China banging on the doors of Westminster asking for their debt to be paid off or the country handed over. There's 1 other country in more debt to China than us, and that's America.


I keep saying this, that Brown isn't an estate agent, he didn't sell houses to all the idiots out there that couldn't pay for it. Greed is the reason this country suffered. Greed from the banks and greed from the civilians for wanting more than they had the means to pay for. Yes he allowed the banks to offer 110% mortgages but I'm sure you realise the banks have more power than the governments of this world.


In fact you should write Gordon Brown a letter of thanks for selling your gold when he did, because this country should technically have hit rock bottom.


I don't know if the Tory's will do better, or the lib dems will. I just know the pounding Brown takes is rather unjustified. Britain's to blame, not him.

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The gold was not sold because we had to. In fact to date there is no explanation as to why he chose to sell it, although it was rumoured he sold it in an effort to prop up the new euro, and investing in assetts which were interest bearing. The rampant inflation and soaring gold prices were a thing of the past....


Announcing that the sale was going ahead (auctions actually instead of quiet releases into private sales) drove down the price of gold before he actually sold it! By announcing the sale, he was assured of getting the lowest price.


Seriously, it is a supply and demand market of precious metal and he announces that there will be auctions of 395 tonnes of the stuff! What exactly did he think was going to happen to the price?


That little gem actually cost us at least three times what Black Wednesday cost us. Its spilt milk though, so nothing can be done.


He presided of the introduction of the 10p tax fiasco by the current chancellor, which any GCSE maths student and a calculator could have seen was not going to work - which then resulted in a jigging of the allowances and other tax rate thresholds (which caused every small business in the land a headache in changing tax codes and payments).


The man was incompetent as chancellor and even less impressive as PM imho.

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Its a funny old situation. There is no way that Clegg would want to be part of lib-lab if Gordon were at the helm. The two losing parties getting together with a couple of other small parties to form a group headed up by Brown for another term. It would never sit with the voters. The damage done to clegg and the lib dems if that happened would be incredible.


Though with Brown gone, the lib-lab coalition would result in a newly elected labour leader (Miliband?) becoming PM with a party that lost! I doubt that would be good either.


A lib lab party would also need the help of other parties to have an overall majority, which would make it incredibly unstable - a new election would be required before the end of the year. That certainly doesnt give enough time for a referendum on the voting system, so we could just end up with a re-run of what we have now :wacko:


It will be interesting to see what happens.

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don't forget the swelling welfare purse which is helping to keep people out of work as its more kushdy for the wasters.


or the NHS system that sees it more beneficial to employ more middle managers than actual medical staff.


or the open borders policy that's seen us flooded with an undetermined population of illegals.


or the ability to back a choice to go to war on evidence that a blind man could have told you didn't exist.


or the policy of employing an over paid quango for every decision it chooses to make.


the NHS computer system that doesn't work

the ID cards that are flawed

the passport tax ... sorry the fee to upgrade to biometric


the consistent following of ridiculous laws on health and safety and human rights.


one of the largest UK deficiets in recorded history. especially after they made the big campaign on how they'd apparently shrunk it so much :lol:


the plans to increase national insurance


need i go on...

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Its a funny old situation. There is no way that Clegg would want to be part of lib-lab if Gordon were at the helm. The two losing parties getting together with a couple of other small parties to form a group headed up by Brown for another term. It would never sit with the voters. The damage done to clegg and the lib dems if that happened would be incredible.


Though with Brown gone, the lib-lab coalition would result in a newly elected labour leader (Miliband?) becoming PM with a party that lost! I doubt that would be good either.


A lib lab party would also need the help of other parties to have an overall majority, which would make it incredibly unstable - a new election would be required before the end of the year. That certainly doesnt give enough time for a referendum on the voting system, so we could just end up with a re-run of what we have now :wacko:


It will be interesting to see what happens.


It will be interesting, but at the end of the day, do you think things will get better regardless of who comes into power? Call me pessimistic, but I don't :wacko:

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Another worry about all this is that if we get a change to the voting system (either by referendum or a vote in parliament) then we will have this exact same situation every time.


With no one party getting more than 50% of the votes, then we will just see the third placed patry whoring themselves around the other two to come up with a government.


If we have proportional representation then heres a gem... BNP got 2% of the votes. Out of 650 this gives them 13 seats. Is this really the way we want it?

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It will be interesting, but at the end of the day, do you think things will get better regardless of who comes into power? Call me pessimistic, but I don't :wacko:


Depends on the viewpoint. The planned increases in national insurance from Labour and Lib Dem will directly afect the number of new jobs I create. This will be replicated by thousands of businesses across the land. The country needs jobs to be created to get us out of this, and imho the NI increases will hamper this.


Things may not get better overall, but the policies of tax and spend have got us nowhere. Spending our way out of this mess simply will not work, not when our debt is so high already. The harsh truth is that the ridiculous levels of spending have now got to be reigned in. This has to be coupled with the relaxing of taxes in some areas to allow job growth and more cash in peoples pockets who can then spend it themselves to get the economy moving again.


Raise taxes and keep spending like we are and people shut down. They save (even though interest rates dont give them anything in return) - they put off any luxuries and they keep the cash to themselves, or pay extra off their mortgadges while the rates are low.

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It will be interesting, but at the end of the day, do you think things will get better regardless of who comes into power? Call me pessimistic, but I don't :wacko:


Depends on the viewpoint. The planned increases in national insurance from Labour and Lib Dem will directly afect the number of new jobs I create. This will be replicated by thousands of businesses across the land. The country needs jobs to be created to get us out of this, and imho the NI increases will hamper this.


Things may not get better overall, but the policies of tax and spend have got us nowhere. Spending our way out of this mess simply will not work, not when our debt is so high already. The harsh truth is that the ridiculous levels of spending have now got to be reigned in. This has to be coupled with the relaxing of taxes in some areas to allow job growth and more cash in peoples pockets who can then spend it themselves to get the economy moving again.


Raise taxes and keep spending like we are and people shut down. They save (even though interest rates dont give them anything in return) - they put off any luxuries and they keep the cash to themselves, or pay extra off their mortgadges while the rates are low.


+1 :thumbs:

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