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Gordon Browns opening speech....


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The UK is in DEEP trouble...


The population of this country is approximately 60 million.


32 million are retired.


That leaves 28 million to do the work..


There are 17 million in school or at Universities.


Which leaves 11 million to do the work.


Of this there are 5 million employed by the UK government.


Leaving 6 million to do the work.


1.2 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden, and fighting in Afghanistan ..


Which leaves 4.8 million to do the work.


Take from that total the 0.8 million people who work for Local or County Councils. And that leaves 4 million to do the work.


3 million of these are EEC nationals or foreign workers so that leaves 1 Million UK people working


At any given time there are 888,000 people in hospitals or claiming Invalidity Benefit.


Leaving 112,000 to do the work.


Now, there are 111,998 people in prisons.


That leaves just two people to do the work.


You and me.


And there you are,


Sitting on your arse,


At your computer, reading jokes.


Is it any wonder that we are in such a mess and that I am stressed out through trying to cope on my own?

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I really dont know who to vote for at all, usually i lean one way or the other but this time i have no idea.



i'm with dcash on this


i thought i knew that i was going to vote tory, as it was the only party likely to shift brown out. don't agree with all there points but they made some sense.


but now i'm not sure. Lib dem seem possible as well


all it seems to have done is dilute the options we'll end op with brown back as no one had enough vote to take a majority.


what might interest you is this website http://www.votematch.org.uk/


it asks you a range of questions about your views and then gives you a percentage read out of which party best suits you.


i did it and the first time i did it i just selected the main parties for the read out, got tories then libdems and then labour. tory by a large percentage.


i did it again but picked all parties, what scaried me was that the BNP came out top then UKIP and the the same order with the others. now i'd never vote BNP in a million years but i obviously seem to agree with alot of their policy without even realising it :blush:


shame UKIP don't stand achance otherwise they might have go tmy vote


still going to stick with the either tory or libdems, just not sure which pros and cons with both :shrug:

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The main point for me is Lib Dems views on the tax system, in particular their views on reforming the council tax system to be based on income rather than house value etc.


From all sources it appears as though the average level would be 4.5%. Meaning that you would not pay council tax at all, but you would pay 4.5% more on your income tax.


Therefore you could live in the smallest house on the cheapest estate. Earn £100k and your council tax bill is £4500 effectively. Yet the person living next door on benefits pays zero, for the same local services.


And they have the audacity to bang on about being "fair".


What complete and utter bs.


Do a simple sum, take your salary (and that of anyone else working in your household) take 4.5% of this, and compare it to your council tax ammount.


It also means if you get a promotion or bonus or any other form of income, your council tax goes up too. :thumbs: Stupid stupid idea.


Lib dems own publishings quote that 50% of pensioners would under their system no longer pay any council tax at all. Exactly where is that going to come from then, given that the councils will still want the money....

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Only got a choice of four here, Labour, Tories, LibDems or BNP


No way is that tw*t Brown getting my vote and I don't really trust Cameron to do anything but help his mates. I've always thought the LibDems were too ineffectual to be worth a vote so that leaves the BNP, and then I'd get accused of being a racist and all that crap - what chance have I got to make a difference :thumbdown:


About time we shot all the MPs and got people in who actually have some experience of being in the real world - having to buy their own cars and run them, having to work a 40 hour week for bugger all, and having to pay for everything out of their own pockets instead of using our money to fund their lifestyles. Is it going to happen? Of course not; who'd rock the boat when life is that cushy.


Power to the People, Wolfie; revolution is the only way..

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The UK is in DEEP trouble...


The population of this country is approximately 60 million.


32 million are retired.


That leaves 28 million to do the work..


There are 17 million in school or at Universities.


Which leaves 11 million to do the work.


Of this there are 5 million employed by the UK government.


Leaving 6 million to do the work.


1.2 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden, and fighting in Afghanistan ..


Which leaves 4.8 million to do the work.


Take from that total the 0.8 million people who work for Local or County Councils. And that leaves 4 million to do the work.


3 million of these are EEC nationals or foreign workers so that leaves 1 Million UK people working


At any given time there are 888,000 people in hospitals or claiming Invalidity Benefit.


Leaving 112,000 to do the work.


Now, there are 111,998 people in prisons.


That leaves just two people to do the work.


You and me.


And there you are,


Sitting on your arse,


At your computer, reading jokes.


Is it any wonder that we are in such a mess and that I am stressed out through trying to cope on my own?


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Lookinga at all the great measures brought in by Labour, and the even more due to come, I often wonder if the government actually want any small businesses in the UK at all. Manufacturing is even worse.


National insurance rises for employers, compulsory pension schemes at 3% of wage bill by 2014, increases in corporation tax, reduction of allowances on equipment, pensions contributions, cars now taking a decade plus to write off the depreciation.


Manufacturing cant even write off the whole cost of new equipment, yet if its a PC or other IT equipment you can!


Its bloody ridiculous now, and with the revenue the country now needs to raise, any successive government will be looking to get it from the "rich business types" - I see no positive outcome. We have already shelved plans for expansion and reversed decisions to look for more employees. We have had one retire and have not replaced them either.


The taxes on small businesses are already costing jobs. Hiting businesses with daft items like compulsory pension contributions and national insurance hikes, and removing their tax breaks is just going to cost more.


Its all because the government (whichever one is in power) has not got the balls to totally reform the welfare system. We have had the situation for far too long now, where people can be better of on benefits than working. Whilst ever that is allowed to exist, then we will be forever fighting the benefits culture and an immigration nightmare. Immigration is only such a hot topic becasue of the high numbers. Those high numbers only exist because of our ridiculously generous welfare system. Fix that and the immigration problem will mostly resolve itself.


Dont even get me started on the "local income tax" by the Lib Dems being spouted as a "fair tax". Im just waiting for a door knocker to come and talk to me about that and Ill rip him/her a new one.


well said!

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Appologies sasha, but there are a number of problems....


2. Transform the tax system to something with more tiers, grossing more money in a fairer way. Stop calling different components of tax different names and effectively giving the rich a tax discount through the national insurance calculation and set one single payment tax to:


0% - £0 - £5000

15% - £5,000 - £10,000

20% - £10,000 - £15,000

25% - £15,000 - £20,000

30% - £25,000 - £30,000

35% - £30,000 - £35,000

40% - £35,000 - £40,000

45% - £40,000 - £45,000

50% - £45,000 - £50,000

55% - £50,000 - £55,000

60% - £55,000 - £250,000

62% - £250,000+


No NI, No Employer contribution. All raw wages will go up, but the system will be transparent.


Build a straight-forward online portal with people-friendly ways of explaining the tax system, submit their tax and calculate how much tax they should be paying.



Err how is taxing people different percentages fair at all? Call me a capitalist, but I fail to grasp the concept of charging people more just because they earn more.


When I buy a loaf of bread from Tescos, or petrol from a pump - do I have to show them my P60 before they decide how much I should pay? Nope. Then why if someone sends their kids to school, read books in a library, or walks on the pavements do they have to pay more just because they earn more?


Chesterfield, I think he meant a sliding scale of tax, similar to how it is now but with more frequent but smaller steps, zero on the 1st 5000, 15% of the next 5000, 20% on the next and so on :thumbs: - obviously someone clever would have to work out the percentages to ensure the government gets 10% more than it does now :lol::lol:

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That still means those who earn more pay a higher percentage of their total income in tax. Just like the current, and totally unfair system.


Just because someone earns more, why should they pay a higher percentage?


The common argument is "because they can afford it". How's about we extend that to shops...


"ah I see you earn 100k per year sir, that loaf of bread will be £7.99 please"


"hang on, the person in front bought the same loaf for only £1.50"


"yes sir, but they only earn £20k per year, so you can afford to pay more than them for the same loaf, £7.99 please sir"



Does that seem a fair way to run things?


It's exactly how the tax system works.

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That still means those who earn more pay a higher percentage of their total income in tax. Just like the current, and totally unfair system.


Just because someone earns more, why should they pay a higher percentage?


The common argument is "because they can afford it". How's about we extend that to shops...


"ah I see you earn 100k per year sir, that loaf of bread will be £7.99 please"


"hang on, the person in front bought the same loaf for only £1.50"


"yes sir, but they only earn £20k per year, so you can afford to pay more than them for the same loaf, £7.99 please sir"



Does that seem a fair way to run things?


It's exactly how the tax system works.


Hear hear, I'm sick of getting taxed through the arse for earning what I do, the reason I earn it is because I spend a large portion of my life living on a gigantic metal shite hole in the middle of the ocean filled to the brim with highly explosive material, get to work by helicopter that could drop out of the sky and second just to keep this country in fuel which they decide tax the hell out of. If the tax rates went up for me it just wouldn't be financially worth the risk of having a dangerous job and I would jack it. Im pretty sure alot of my co-workers would follow.



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