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Just ordered a set for summer to run on my spare set of Rays as a summer/track tyre. I know a few guys on here run them already but I'm looking forward to seeing just what difference they make to the car given my relative lack of mods in the handling department so far (just the full Summit bracing kit). Having used the Yoko A048s on previous cars I know just how much more you can extract performance-wise when swapping from normal road tyres, and it's a shame that they don't do the 048s in 245 size at the back else I'd have gone for them instead, but I decided to go for the R888 now instead of the R1Rs as the 8s will be illegal to run soon sadly :(


I'll keep this post updated with my findings, and will also add to my comparison post in the main tyre thread when I've got a bit more use out of them.

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excellent tyre, performance is cracking when you get heat in them, and after some 'modifications' they worked well in the wet too, still generating a lot of heat.


bare in mind that with the huge increase in grip you will put more strain on parts of the suspension, ive altered quite a bit in that department so cant really give you any help on how that may effect your car...


also put them through a couple of heat cycles to get rid of the gel coat and get the tyre pressures spot on when you first go on track :thumbs:


i think i start at 26psi now, which goes to about 34ish hot :bounce:

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bare in mind that with the huge increase in grip you will put more strain on parts of the suspension, ive altered quite a bit in that department so cant really give you any help on how that may effect your car...

Exactly what I was thinking too. Already got plans for uprated ARBS and some droplinks won't be far behind, but I didn't want to shell out just yet in case the tyres aren't entirely to my liking on the Zed and I go back to the PS2s. Interesting to see how low you set the pressures, gives me a good idea for a baseline to start on mine. :)

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bare in mind that with the huge increase in grip you will put more strain on parts of the suspension, ive altered quite a bit in that department so cant really give you any help on how that may effect your car...

Exactly what I was thinking too. Already got plans for uprated ARBS and some droplinks won't be far behind, but I didn't want to shell out just yet in case the tyres aren't entirely to my liking on the Zed and I go back to the PS2s. Interesting to see how low you set the pressures, gives me a good idea for a baseline to start on mine. :)


I know you said they are for summer but on other forums people have said that they drove the car in the wet, tyres didnt really get a chance to heat up as its in town or really wet and there is no grip. Just something to considor.

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Cost isn't too much of an issue for me with tyres, I'd rather spend money on them than on things that make the car look prettier ;) Same reason I went with the PS2s originally, I want the best rubber I can possibly afford for the car, as that's where there's so much gain to be had.


They're cheaper than the PS2s as well! :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...




Best. Tyres. Ever. There is no way a car weighing 1700KGs should be able to corner like mine has done this past weekend. The Zed with the R888s on was able to corner faster and more stable than a VXR220 on A039s, which aren't exactly bad tyres in the first place (although granted not exactly the cut slicks of the Toyos). I've used them in the damp and they're perfectly acceptable, with easy as much feedback as the PS2s and with more grip than them too. I have yet to try them in proper rain, but I've driven on 048s in the past and they posed no problems at all as long as you keep a keen eye out for standing water so I don't expect much difference with these. Interestingly enough tyre roar was also remarkably reduced on the 888s compared with the PS2s, make of that what you will.


The one thing I will say is that you will have to run with TCS off on these tyres in 225/40/18 and 245/40/18, but tbh any one who is capable of driving the Zed properly (i.e. doesn't have the light flashing away on the dash unexpectedly) will have no issues with that and a keen driver will soon reap the rewards. Also puts your speedo out a fair bit too, but nothing you can't compensate for.




Again, I come back to the question why people spend thousands on pounds on fully adjustable suspension and ARBS and droplinks and camber adjustment and all sorts of other things when the easy and cheaper way to go quicker is to simply put better rubber on the car in the first place. You could have all the above mods on a car shod in T1-Rs/FK452s and I can guarantee you'd be slower than a stock car on R888s. :)

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