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Surprised they lasted without bits coming off or the nice "restricted performance" message appearing every lap. Though of course they will be "show" cars put through the factory, the customers who actually pay for their vehicles are given the regular shite build quality and service.


Ill never touch Jaguar ever again, and cant wait until the next 18 months are over and I can justifiably get rid of the two we bought. Every single time anyone ever says "nice car" when I park it up, I make damned sure that within the next 30 seconds they have the same opinion of Jaguar as myself.


Nice to look at, but Ive had better service from Comet after suffering issues with a £20 toaster. Quite frankly I hope to God they find themselves in another financial "situation" and TATA wind them up. Customer service that they provide deserves no part in the UK, and although it will probably mean a fair few job losses, I believe the UK as a whole would be better without such pathetic service within its borders.


The fact they decided to have another go at fixing my vehicle when it was sent for "inspection", then wrote back to my solicitor stating that the car was fine, was the last straw. They have effectively resprayed and repolished TWICE a brand new vehicle costing in excess of £40,000, and the customer hasnt been given so much as an air freshner in compensation.


Oh and weve had faults with the other one too that have resulted in the customer (my brother) being given chuff all too.


Hardly the actions of a company that wishes to pass themselves off as a prestigious brand.


The MD is all to happy to put his name to letters and marketing material advising that the experience you will get as a Jaguar customer will be top notch, but write to him with details of problems and he cant even be bothered to write back personally. Says it all really.


If anyone wants my reccomendation - DO NOT EVER PURCHASE A JAGUAR, YOU WILL REGRET IT.

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Surprised they lasted without bits coming off or the nice "restricted performance" message appearing every lap. Though of course they will be "show" cars put through the factory, the customers who actually pay for their vehicles are given the regular shite build quality and service.


Ill never touch Jaguar ever again, and cant wait until the next 18 months are over and I can justifiably get rid of the two we bought. Every single time anyone ever says "nice car" when I park it up, I make damned sure that within the next 30 seconds they have the same opinion of Jaguar as myself.


Nice to look at, but Ive had better service from Comet after suffering issues with a £20 toaster. Quite frankly I hope to God they find themselves in another financial "situation" and TATA wind them up. Customer service that they provide deserves no part in the UK, and although it will probably mean a fair few job losses, I believe the UK as a whole would be better without such pathetic service within its borders.


The fact they decided to have another go at fixing my vehicle when it was sent for "inspection", then wrote back to my solicitor stating that the car was fine, was the last straw. They have effectively resprayed and repolished TWICE a brand new vehicle costing in excess of £40,000, and the customer hasnt been given so much as an air freshner in compensation.


Oh and weve had faults with the other one too that have resulted in the customer (my brother) being given chuff all too.


Hardly the actions of a company that wishes to pass themselves off as a prestigious brand.


The MD is all to happy to put his name to letters and marketing material advising that the experience you will get as a Jaguar customer will be top notch, but write to him with details of problems and he cant even be bothered to write back personally. Says it all really.


If anyone wants my reccomendation - DO NOT EVER PURCHASE A JAGUAR, YOU WILL REGRET IT.


And to kick a man while he is down, it was because of Jaguar you were kicked out of the patio area at Oulton Park. All the signs around the patio area were Jaguar!! :lol:

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Yes - when we were told the benches werent in use today, and I saw the Jaguar sign, I did think to myself "very much like the brains of those in Jaguars customer care department".


The signs were probably left over byJaguar from aprevious event and not collected. Just like when someone has a problem with the car, its always someone elses responsibility to deal with it - guess it was the same for the sign collection :lol:


On a side note, Im actually modifying my XF, Im going to use a labeller to make a nice sentence on my number plate utilising the "Hatfields" word that is on my plate.


Im thinking of having a vinyl "DO NOT BUY AN" above the xf logo on my car.


I actually toyed with the idea of having some incredibly large vinyls for the side made up slating Jaguar and Hatfields, but then decided I couldn't be arsed as people will find out soon enough just how crap they are when they buy one.


Came bottom of its class in a survey in the US for reliability. I notice Jaguar didnt bang on about that particular accolade in its TV advert. ;):lol:

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The XFR is on paper a great car. As is the XF to be honest, but in my opinion, and that of my brothers, the service and support from Jaguar and certainly the dealership we dealt with is absolute crap. These are premium price vehicles, and I felt like I was dealing with a backstreet garage.


When I first raised issues, Jaguars response to the fact I had a faulty vehicle (two including my brothers) was very much "your contract of sale is with the dealership - bye". The litterature from Jaguar advised that they were of a quality that other marques could only aspire to... Hmm, a very bold claim given our service level.


We spend almost £100k in cash with that dealership, had one car on an AA truck twice in less than two hours worth of driving time, and another that required partial respray and a polish during an inspection - and what have we got from Jaguar or Hatfields in return? Not so much as a bloody air freshener.. First and last Jaguar Land Rover vehicle I shall ever buy.


Im sure as time goes on Ill mellow about the whole Jag situation, but for now they get both barrells any time they are mentioned :lol:

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