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As most of you know TAX regs have changed and some people like myself have now got the good news that our 400+ road tax for a year will now be 250 'ish' for a year.. (unless your name is nixy with a z that emits 0 emissions :lol: who pays around 200)





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my mate at work has got a 2007 mazda 3 mps (285hp FWD...) and his road tax has gone up to £501.00 so he went back to mazda and traded it in for a brand spanking new ... ... ... mazda 2, 1.4l (fiesta in disguise) couldnt beleive it, from one extreme to the other... kinda glad of having an import so not being affected too much, just have to spend my savings on some UK gauges now lol, hate guessing my dte in kms...

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  sketch said:
my mate at work has got a 2007 mazda 3 mps (285hp FWD...) and his road tax has gone up to £501.00 so he went back to mazda and traded it in for a brand spanking new ... ... ... mazda 2, 1.4l (fiesta in disguise) couldnt beleive it, from one extreme to the other... kinda glad of having an import so not being affected too much, just have to spend my savings on some UK gauges now lol, hate guessing my dte in kms...



Just wait untill you see " - - - - " then you know refulling is top priority! haha

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  Harman350z said:
  sketch said:
my mate at work has got a 2007 mazda 3 mps (285hp FWD...) and his road tax has gone up to £501.00 so he went back to mazda and traded it in for a brand spanking new ... ... ... mazda 2, 1.4l (fiesta in disguise) couldnt beleive it, from one extreme to the other... kinda glad of having an import so not being affected too much, just have to spend my savings on some UK gauges now lol, hate guessing my dte in kms...



Just wait untill you see " - - - - " then you know refulling is top priority! haha


hahahahaha! I've watched mine go from 21 to 15 to 10 to 6 to "- - - -" while waiting to fill up at the forecourt. I was only 5 feet away from the pump but it struck the fear into me.


Oh and the tax thing, it's a joke, I strongly disagree with the taxing system, simply saying they had to put a cut off somewhere is not a good excuse, it is a majorly flawed system.

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