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Need some Ebay help


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Hi guys, watching an item on the fleebay and I really would like to get my hands on it only snag is that I'm not allowed to bid on it :bang: It's UK bidding only for some strange reason the seller is unwilling to post to EIRE let alone let me in on the bidding, unless my last email convinced him otherwise. Anyhow, I need some help on bidding for this item and shipping it after win to me in Ireland. Anyone out there willing to lend us a hand... or more so a Ebay account :p Please PM me. I'd transfer any monies needed prior to the auction. (this is NOT a scam...)





(all will be revealed after the auction on what it is I'm looking for...)



(hmm note to self, by writing 'it's not a scam' it might be looked upon as one..)


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