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Which wax?


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Got a host of kit on order so thanks for the input guys....


One more question. This has given me the idea to try and bleed a little bit of life in to the other car which is the mileage eater for work. 12 year old black thing with four wheels.


The black has become dull and matt in areas as you would expect. Does polish get this off or do I need something a little stronger. T-Cut possibly?

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One more question. This has given me the idea to try and bleed a little bit of life in to the other car which is the mileage eater for work. 12 year old black thing with four wheels.


The black has become dull and matt in areas as you would expect. Does polish get this off or do I need something a little stronger. T-Cut possibly?

T-Cut is just very aggressive polish, aggressive enough it can make a big difference, even just applied by hand. Rule of thumb with polish is always to start with the least aggressive and work your way up. You can always up the polishing power, but never step down once you've gone too far! What polish do you have to work with? Any access to a machine polisher? T-Cut will certainly work but may remove too much. Try with whatever other stuff you have first and step up to T-Cut if required.


Just dont use T-Cut on the Zed, its far too agressive :surrender:

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I've just started using collinite and its pretty good, just don't let it dry in :thumbs:


+1 most people say its too hard to take off but they are doing wrong. I always find that with carnuba waxes just before they haze is best time to take off as its eaiser and gives the best shine.

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