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My broadband bill


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Just got my broadband bill for the quarter and for the first time EVER i have an extra charge on it which says internet usage. Funny thing is i've probably used my laptop less in this quarter because i had to send it back for a few weeks for warranty work and i've been busy with other stuff. The only difference is that my phone is connected to my wifi when i'm in the house. Im assuming i've exceeded some kind of download limit but i just don't know how? I can't be bothered to tussle with BT's foreign call centre over £12 but I do wonder...........

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well normally i would say yes..........but his girlfriend has banned him! he had to put his whole collection in the dustbin! :lol: he only has access to a desk top as well but i will investigate....... I think if that was the case it would have happened before now as well.

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£12 is a steep charge and they should have told you about this before they charged. I'm on TalkTalk and went over the 40GB limit a while back, all they did was send me a letter telling m I'd gone over the limit and that if I wanted to increase it I could for £4 a month, failing that if I do exceed it again they will only charge me £5. They didn't charge me the first time. BT sucks. Although I dread to think what sort of bandwidth I was using in uni, 4 guys in the house downloading pretty much all the time, it must have been in the region of 100GB a month.

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i'm on the BT package,


if its the basic like ours the limit is 10gb, and you get charged £1 for every Gb over that limit, the first month you do it they won't charge you second month in a row you do it, they then tell you they'll chage you for every Gb over.


i was 1 gb over last month and i'll probably be the same again this month. so for £1 i don't mind. i blame xbox live :lol:


as for iplayer they eat through your downlad limit rapid. something like 1/4 to half a gb for each download.

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Geoff how do you find being on TalkTalk? Ever since I changed from Sky I have multiple drop outs every day & being on the forum is a nightmare. It can be fine and then just freezes, even with the Ethernet cable attached. :scare::angry:


I had exactly the same thing, I signed up to their forum and they have teccies on there, posted my problems, they did something to my profile and touch wood I haven't had a single problem since and that was roughly 2 years ago. Sorry this is off topic, but pm me if you need any more info. Hope you get it sorted ;)

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