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Has anyone here got a tracker installed or equivelant tracking device fitted to their zed? Thinking about getting one installed but are they useful. Read somewhere that

thieves now have and use GPS blocking modules so render any tracker dead! :scare:

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are you getting it for piece of mind or saving money on insurance?


If it has been stolen and trashed about I'd rather not see it again


I had a tracker in my last car and the insurance company didn't seem to care less if it was on or not, just that it had an immobiliser... that made it a waste of money in my opinion.


I've also heard that they don't work well if the car is hidden in a container ?

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yup can confirm they can use a dampening field. it just plug directly into the cig lighter. i had one for my Van (as it had a tracker) just switch it on then plug it into the lighter to charge it up. so trackers are useless, unless u get the SMS ones that txt u when the GPS signal is not achieved. they are bucks tho.


dont see the point myself. also if THEY have one of those devices i doubt you would ever see it again.

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are you getting it for piece of mind or saving money on insurance?


Well it was more for peace of mind, i realise insurance co arent to bothered, did a comparison and cost was within 25 quid :wacko:


And yes correctly pointed out, there is the annual fee circa £150pa.


It was just a question too see other peoples opinion really. Would I want my car back after it had been stolen(touch wood it wont be) answer NO.

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are you getting it for piece of mind or saving money on insurance?


Well it was more for peace of mind, i realise insurance co arent to bothered, did a comparison and cost was within 25 quid :wacko:


And yes correctly pointed out, there is the annual fee circa £150pa.


It was just a question too see other peoples opinion really. Would I want my car back after it had been stolen(touch wood it wont be) answer NO.



If it will make you sleep better then its worth it :cloud9: If you buy the best range it comes with a lifetime cover and no annual fee. If you intend on keeping the zed for a few years then that would be the best option. I`ve had mine 6 years so happy that it hasnt really cost me that much per year, and I sleep like a baby at night, worry free. Has others have pointed out, if the thieving scummies have blocking devices your cars not coming back anyway. The advantages with a tracker is that if your car is moved, without the ignition key on, ie up a few inches then it warns tracker of the movement (if you have the 24 hour monitor tracking) so if someone jacked the car to steal the wheels or exhaust, they would have a pleasant surprise from the plod :thumbs: before achieving their goal

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