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X Box generation ?? warning - footage is bit harsh

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yanks are a liability i've heard all kinds of stories of their stupidity in the field.


they are gun happy and poorly trained.


they use english signs at checkpoints in an arabic speaking country, and then shoot people for not stopping when they can't read the sign.


its why the brits are there to do it properly and clean up the yank mess.


brits use arabic road signs, have translators, and don't shoot anything that walks


yanks are the reason we no longer use the phrase friendly fire as the yanks shot so many friendlys its now known as blue on blue

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my dad was in the navy and he used to say "if your fighting with the yanks let them go first. they go out with the finger ojn the trigger and shoot anything in front of them"


i think the yanks go more on adrenaline than training

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There was a quote from a French general after the first gulf war. I don't remember it precisely so I'm paraphrasing but it went something along the lines of:


The latest weapons, the most advanced technology and a massive intelligence budget, all in the hands of unruly children.


Thought it summed up the US military perfectly.

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There was a quote from a French general after the first gulf war. I don't remember it precisely so I'm paraphrasing but it went something along the lines of:


The latest weapons, the most advanced technology and a massive intelligence budget, all in the hands of unruly children.


Thought it summed up the US military perfectly.




To the Americans guns aren't weapons they're toys!! & war isn't war, it's sport.....!! :dry:

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This is from the country that goes deer hunting with armour piercing rounds. How many deers have you seen wearing Kevlar body armour. :lol:


it's even in their constitution. You have the right bare arms and the right to arm bears.

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Oddly enough, I'm discussing this exact footage on another forum lol. I'll say exactly the same thing as I did on there . . .


"Truely shocking . . . ."


acting as if they were playing a bloody shooter online


"THAT'S the disturbing bit for me.


It's war, people die, unfortunately civilians included. The attitude the gunner has is just wrong "C'MON LEMME KILL 'EM", utter b**locks...."


"Thing is, there's only one bloke to blame for this. The gunner. He's the one that has the eye's on, the pilot's there just to fly. It's a responsibility to operate one of these machines as 0 (HQ), has the info given to them by the gunship itself. If they say there's armed militia running about, 0 has to believe them . . . This muppet abused that responsibility.

Poor f****rs wouldn't of had a clue what was happening, The Longbow must've been a couple of miles out, judging by the amount of time it took the rounds to fall. . . ."



true.. but someone put that longbow there in the first place.. and we all know that the reason to put it there was not really what we got told in the beginning.. so if you ask me.. the blame is to be put in a higher place.. true.. the gunner is the eyes in this but tbh I have a hard time telling the difference myself, now I don't have military training but I do know how most weapons look like.. anyway that longbow should never have been there in the first place..


but let's not get into a heated political discussion.. at least we can all agree that what happened is terrible and should never have happened..


"Why should it not of been there in the first place? It's covering a convoy, which is a Standard Operating Procedure (& a fekkin good one! lol). If you're referring to the legality of the Iraqi war, that's something else & not directly relevant to this video. The point is, this bloke's probably doing the same thing now in Afghan . . ."


Just remember though, not all us squaddies squalor human life as these f***ers do . . .


Here's the whole unedited video . . .


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