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Ps3 Owners Heavy RAIN


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Just wondered everyones thoughts on the game?


I bought this on Tuesday and completed it last night (8 hours completion). I thought the strory line was quite good and some of the tasks to which you carry out are well thought out. Not enough gameplay in my mind but had to try somethin new as I was getting sick of C.O.D MW2.

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well now buying is a tough question, as its a game you will probably play once and never again (unless you are hardcore and want to see all the ending etc..)


imho i probably woudnt buy i would rent or borrow of someone else who has bought (for me i only buy games i know i am going to want to play again and again cod etc..) (i have lovefilm so basically get all my games through them)


but as i said before its a marmite game, i have friends who have loved it and others who have hated it with a passion

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