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Is my engine ok? pics of my spark plugs


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Right after my recent dyno dissapointment i thought id make sure everything was tip top, so gave it another service and changed the plugs, 3 of the plugs looked perfect but the 3 on the MAP sensor side were slightly oily, not majorly gucked up but more than the other side? what is this likly to mean?




its not the rocker cover gasket as the bores were prefectly clean, the car still pulls like a train, i dont think (hope) its normal and this is nothing major???

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  BulletMagnet said:
Well, seeing that you've only had the car a short while, why not just change all servicable parts for your own personal peace of mind, at least you then know when the items were changed and then know what servicing schedule to run


Good call mate, thats what I've done even though the car has full service history... I know everything is new and fresh now.. :teeth:

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its only 10k away from needing them changing anyway.


its not unknown to get a small amount of oil through to the sparks expecially over a long period of time like 42,000 miles.


if it was flooded with oil then i'd be concerned

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wasnt a crazy amount, just wonderd if sombody would high light anything, ive seen them before when the whole plug is covered in gunk and soot deposits, took it for a quick spin to check all is well and does seem smoother tbh

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Did you have a look in the sockets where the sparkplugs go and was there any oil?


If there is then you you may find the gaskets have gone (quite common) and you need them replacing. You may also want to get it compression tested.


But as I did mention on a past post, you need to get it too someone that can hook it up to a CONSULT or someother type of engin checking system and see if its throwing up any errors that are not showing up on the dash. There are all sorts of things that can pull timing on the engine thus reducing power. Sparks may help but unless you get it checked you wont know..

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To be honest mate for what they cost I would replace them now. If funds are sort at the moment I would take them out again, clean them with brake cleaner, check all the gaps and refit them. Maybe check them again after a few hundered miles.


Also might be worth running some Redex or injector cleaner through your system... :teeth:



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