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Naughty Neighbour


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Chuffing awful that, stick a note through everyones door asking the person to come forward and pay for damage.... if they don't flay the git...


  ZedJohn said:
If you want sheer school-boy style revenge, how about dog poo inside the door handle?


Better than that smeer it in the ventilation intakes for cabin ventilation. Everytime they turn the heating on it'll smell like the preverbiable.... or fish paste...


Take em ages to get shot of the smell.

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  Roo said:
Chuffing awful that, stick a note through everyones door asking the person to come forward and pay for damage.... if they don't flay the git...


  ZedJohn said:
If you want sheer school-boy style revenge, how about dog poo inside the door handle?


Better than that smeer it in the ventilation intakes for cabin ventilation. Everytime they turn the heating on it'll smell like the preverbiable.... or fish paste...


Take em ages to get shot of the smell.


You sound very well versed in this - not speaking from experience are you....? :dry:

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Find out who your safer neighbourhood police officer is, ring them directly and ask for advice. They will contact the relevant legal advisor (free of charge) and let you know. It is thier job to see local conflicts solved fairly. With your pics its pretty open and shut. You can ask your neighbour to obtain a price from someone they would choose - if your choice of repairer is more, you pay the difference. Either way get some cash out of them.



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on the other hand i'd say get even. Get one of those plant watering....spray... gun...things. fill a quarter of it with nitromors and fill the rest with water. shake well and spray his door with it. he ruins your door, you ruin his!

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How about a note on the windscreen? Something along the lines of 'You bang my car, I bang your Mrs'?


Maybe borrow a mate's van/old nail and park it there for a few days. Repay the favour and see if they say anything.

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A freind of mine had a bit of an argument with a neighbour ... They got some weed killer and sprayed his front lawn :lol::lol:


It said in very large letters:


..........................W @ N K £ R................


(he loved his lawn as much as we love the Z)

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  MLC35 said:
Find out who your safer neighbourhood police officer is, ring them directly and ask for advice. They will contact the relevant legal advisor (free of charge) and let you know. It is thier job to see local conflicts solved fairly. With your pics its pretty open and shut. You can ask your neighbour to obtain a price from someone they would choose - if your choice of repairer is more, you pay the difference. Either way get some cash out of them.



That does sound like the way to go after you've got a horse tranquilizer in you to keep you cool. It's a normal occurance over here that people dont give a rats about their cars or other ones and do things like that.

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Thats shocking :scare:


Is it me, or are you on a hill sloping towards your car? Could the door swing open into yours? I'm thinking its more a careless owner who doesnt give a **** tbh. I would knock on their door and ask if they realise if they have done it. They might fess up, in which case tell them to be more careful and ask them to pay for it to be fixed, they should be reasonable. If not, inform the Police and get things moving that way. You have more than enough evidence its them IMO, but get them on camera if you can, you can get motion sensative cameras quite cheap from places like Maplins these days.

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  Animal said:
How about a note on the windscreen? Something along the lines of 'You bang my car, I bang your Mrs'?


Maybe borrow a mate's van/old nail and park it there for a few days. Repay the favour and see if they say anything.



I have to say despite this being one of the most upsetting threads I've seen in a while, I've also found it one of the funniest!


To me the damage looks deliberate, but even if it's not they'd certainly be aware that they'd done it. And then done it again. And again, then a few more times.


I think my head would implode through the frustration of something like this.


Probably best to talk to them first I say, see what they're like. If they're honest or polite then try to sort it as reasonably as possible but looking at the amount of times it's happened I'd be very surprised if they were the honest or polite type. In which case hire one of the surprisingly open psychopathic forum users to sort them out for you. :lol:

I'm not usually the violent sort but I feel revenge would be going around in my head if I were you...


Oh and one thing on the CCTV - I heard if you film a public area (like a car park) without permission or some kind of notice then it's actually void as evidence and cannot be used... That's what I heard anyway. Plus you might need 12 hours of recording time!


I hope you get it sorted peacefully.

Make love, not war :dry:

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Pretty rubbish to be honest, although I do have to ask why your first impression was to post on the forum, as my first action would have been knocking on the door, there's absolutely no way they can dispute that, and by saying 'me and my wife' saw you hit my car, and we have taken photographs of the damage to yours and mine, it would give you enough proof to point the finger.


If they became nasty about it then I don't see any reason why their insurance can't be claimed? Surely its just as bad as being reversed into at a slow speed and leaving a mark? If they dispute liability then insurance can provide ways of having the paint tested.


But would deffo be banging on that door right about now, while both cars are sitting side by side.

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I think firstly you have to go and see the neighbour and ask him/her about it at what thye are willing to do to sort the damage out. Show them the photo's. If the neighbour is not willing to do anything then call the insurance company and see what they advise. They may ask you then to call the police. You first have to give the neighbour a chance to sort the damage out before getting anyone else involved.



I would be mad as hell if the damage was done to my car but try and stay calm when you meet the neighbour.

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There could be a simple reason such as they have a kid and whilst trying to get the child out and the door is wide open hence hitting your zed. :(


Other than that (no kid), they are being total pr**ks - probably jealousy ("He has a nice car, so he can afford to fix it" attitude and just smacks it).


I'd be FUMING if I were you! There are many options:


> Put an exhaust whistle (joke shops have them) on the car - everywhere they go, they'll get a loud whistle until they figure it out.


> Put curry powder into vents. Trust me - it'll be a treat in the summer and it won't go away


> Let down the tyres. No need for nails (don't damage their car - you'll be just as bad as them) - simply deflate a tyre every so often so when they are in a rush to get to work every day they keep coming back to flat tyres. (They'll start off taking it to a garage wondering if faulty tyres and then they'll soon get the message when the penny drops).


> Tie a piece of string under the car with a ball to it so it bounces around and smacks the hell out of their car when they are driving along. Just make sure it isn't long enough to hit others; also don't tie the string to anything hot so it burns off.


> Get some duck tape and peel a single piece of string from the back of it. Run the string all over the car - it will stick and from a distance it looks like someone has keyed the **** out of your car. :D Nothing perm, but makes them have a minor heart attack.



Any one else?

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  Anubis said:
There could be a simple reason such as they have a kid and whilst trying to get the child out and the door is wide open hence hitting your zed. :(


Other than that (no kid), they are being total pr**ks - probably jealousy ("He has a nice car, so he can afford to fix it" attitude and just smacks it).


I'd be FUMING if I were you! There are many options:


> Put an exhaust whistle (joke shops have them) on the car - everywhere they go, they'll get a loud whistle until they figure it out.


> Put curry powder into vents. Trust me - it'll be a treat in the summer and it won't go away


> Let down the tyres. No need for nails (don't damage their car - you'll be just as bad as them) - simply deflate a tyre every so often so when they are in a rush to get to work every day they keep coming back to flat tyres. (They'll start off taking it to a garage wondering if faulty tyres and then they'll soon get the message when the penny drops).


> Tie a piece of string under the car with a ball to it so it bounces around and smacks the hell out of their car when they are driving along. Just make sure it isn't long enough to hit others. Just make sure you don't tie the string to anything hot so it burns off.


> Get some duck tape and peel a single piece of string from the back of it. Run the string all over the car - it will stick and from a distance it looks like someone has keyed the **** out of your car. :D Nothing perm, but makes them have a minor heart attack.



Any one else?


dont think this goes to anyway in getting his zed repaired though. I would first try to get the neighbour to cough up.

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