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I'm glad its all my fault even though I had no direct involvement in it whatsoever - influence from beyond the great divide B)


I might point out that in 7 months of being a Mod/Admin I never deleted a post (by anyone other than myself) without contacting them about it. That is quite a different matter from wishing that the content of the posts would remain more on topic more of the time (which personally I do, but hey its not down to me to tell people what to do). I would choose personally rather to try to do that by encouragement, mickey-taking and the like rather than by disposal after the event. All IMO of course. :)

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Guest prescience

Not having a pop at your or anyone personally mate - I know you always did discuss any removal with the people affected unless you were involved in the thread yourself :)


Could say some more on this but no point ATM as it may be a non-issue for everyone else and if so your clarification above is quite sufficient :)

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Apologies for the confusion, I was trying to tidy the badge group buy thread, whilst still trying to leave it making some sort of sense.


No offense to anyone who had any posts deleted, they may not necesarily have been the cause of the problem, but were caught up in the crossfire so to speak.


Although most off topic posts are left, this particular thread turned into a complete and utter mess - a thread in which a few people were trying to organise a group buy. In fact it got that messy, that funkystyling had to start a whole new one.


As a rule we do not delete posts, and if we do, we contact those involved. This thread however turned into a complete joke in my opinion. It most certainly annoyed the people trying to get things organised, caused a major headache for those who have to try and keep things in some sort of order, and became just the sort of topic/thread that would put off new members and alienate existing ones.


The people who constantly taketopics waaayy off topic are simply contributing to this alienation of members.


We have off topic areas, and a chat facility. These can be used for whatever particular off topic discussion people wish to have of an evening.


The odd bit of banter in a thread is acceptable of course, indeed it adds to the fun of the forum, but continuing to post off topic again and again after subtle hints from moderators to stop it, and the continued dragging off topic of thread after thread resulting in people having to start a whole new one is not acceptable.


Once again I appologise if this looks heavy handed, but I hope I speak for all the other guys here, when I say I hope that we can see an end to this.


Also - just to note, from time to time you will see the total posts figure droping for other reasons.


The administrator section (where tests are carried out before releasing to the board etc) and the public "testing" section are emptied every so often.

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Guest prescience

Thanks for the clarification Chris :)


  Chesterfield said:

The administrator section (where tests are carried out before releasing to the board etc) ...... emptied every so often.

Certainly a lot of drivel in there ........... most of it mine :p

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Nope -I have implemented an Auto prune system on the "testing" section.


Any threads in the testing section that have no replies or action within 72 hours are automaticaly deleted.


When I implemented it, it removed any threads meeting that criterea (approx 4). Hence the posts dropping today.


It has been set like that to remove the need for a mod to manually delete the threads in the testing area.

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  M13KYF said:
well it is the same on every thread.


Pis* off Mr Ebay :dry:


Can I say I'm getting pi**ed off with you always putting them 'Spotted on ebay' threads up!!!

More so now as I have to click on them 2 remove them from my 'Posts read' :rant: :rant: :rant:


Instead of having a pop all the time, why don't you come up with some alternative or just come out with it and ask for my resignation :wiggle:

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Personaly I dont read the spotted on ebay threads, but thats because Im a bit skint at present.


You could just visit the spotted on ebay section and mark all the threads read - that way they are removed from your Unread posts menu.


Its just a matter of using the various links to remove the sections that you may not be interested in.


The spotted on ebay topics are prety useful I think, just not for those of us that are skint :lol:

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  Liam said:
  M13KYF said:
well it is the same on every thread.


Pis* off Mr Ebay :dry:


Can I say I'm getting pi**ed off with you always putting them 'Spotted on ebay' threads up!!!

More so now as I have to click on them 2 remove them from my 'Posts read' :rant: :rant: :rant:


Instead of having a pop all the time, why don't you come up with some alternative or just come out with it and ask for my resignation :wiggle:


The average of 5 a week spotted on ebay posts to the 50 posts a day of your posts I have to remove from post read is small in scale. It is not just me who is having a pop all the time but something that has been noticed by the admin/mods and members. I'm all for a bit of banter and it helps to make this forum a friendly place to be.


I am happy to not post anything else up in the ebay section if members prefer. I thought it was of interest. May be not.



Perhaps you would lile to offer some alternatives.

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Mike, this seems to have become a personal issue between you and Liam that in IMO may be best dealt with by PM.


However, even though I only shop on Ebay once in a blue moon I do find your Ebay posts interesting and I for one wouldn't want you to pack in. I suspect there will be plenty who feel the same - keep up the good work! :D


Liam, chill mate! :) We're all friends on here and that's why I spend most of my time on this site not the OC.

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yeah guys no need to feel comments are directly personally to only one guy (I meant Mike's comments about going offtopit etc.)


IMO a little banter is all good as long as it doesn't steer every single thread offtopic, we are trying to agree a trial of a possible solution to this....

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  M13KYF said:
  Liam said:
  M13KYF said:
well it is the same on every thread.


Pis* off Mr Ebay :dry:


Can I say I'm getting pi**ed off with you always putting them 'Spotted on ebay' threads up!!!

More so now as I have to click on them 2 remove them from my 'Posts read' :rant: :rant: :rant:


Instead of having a pop all the time, why don't you come up with some alternative or just come out with it and ask for my resignation :wiggle:


The average of 5 a week spotted on ebay posts to the 50 posts a day of your posts I have to remove from post read is small in scale. It is not just me who is having a pop all the time but something that has been noticed by the admin/mods and members. I'm all for a bit of banter and it helps to make this forum a friendly place to be.


I am happy to not post anything else up in the ebay section if members prefer. I thought it was of interest. May be not.



Perhaps you would lile to offer some alternatives.


:lol: Like any problem that gets posted on this site a solution is soon to follow..... Thanks Chris ;)


M13KYF don't get wound up mate that's my job :lol: You might be bigger than me but I know jujitsu, karate and lots of other foreign words like that :bleh:


Don't get me wrong your ebay posts are appreciated, but not when I personally wanna bid on an item :nono:


Thanks to Val for acknowledging it at least take two 2 tango ;)


Mr Ebay,

Liam's Z - the POST WHORE KING will still be at bay :p, but hopefully all banter can be diverted to perhaps a BANTER thread :thumbs:

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