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Running coilovers without camber kit.


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Have a bit of a dilemma!


Currently sitting in my garage is a spanking new set of Bilstein PSS10 coilovers, just begging to be fitted to my car, on which I am currently running 18" Rays with 20mm spacers.


I am aware that due to the drop (about 20mm min all round) I may put the camber out of whack at the rear. In order to combat this I have on order, from Adam over in the US, a set of rear camber arms. Unfortunately, there has been a delay in getting these over here - they're part of a larger shipment and there have been one or two dramas with suppliers and the like.


I know the sensible thing to do would be to wait (becoming a painful process!) however I'd just like to know, for arguments sake :blush: , would I be asking for trouble by running without adjustment for a few weeks?


I'd get the alignment sorted as best I can after fitting, within the limitations of the oem parts.



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Never worked out how some people dont have issues with coilovers on a drop and some do...


Think I may have dropped too much to start with as I had to go for camber and toe arms... Am running 19x10.5 and there was no way I could bring the rears in with the stock arms..

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  ZMANALEX said:
  Wookiee22 said:
  ZMANALEX said:
I would be more concerned about the front, at least you do have some adjustment on the rear to dial it back in.


Requiring adjustable front A arms yes?



Correct :thumbs:


Learning slowly!


I guess it's one of those where I won't really know if I need them until I fit the coilovers. Hmm.


I had looked at the Cusco ones recently. Or perhaps these:



Not heard of hardrace before. Anyone had any experience?

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  Wookiee22 said:
  3FIDDYZ said:
Never worked out how some people dont have issues with coilovers on a drop and some do...



I agree, it does seem strange. Perhaps the tolerances on oem suspension parts are pretty liberal!



Beats me too :wacko: ...........its possible that the only reason they have no trouble is because they don't recheck the geometry after lowering or they never take the car close to the limit to healight alignment issues or just donot do enough miles to see the accelerated inner tyre wear from running excessive neg camber ;):lol:


On a seperate note; i have been experimenting with a new set up for my rear and can't seem to dial-in the desired toe-out for any given camber less than -2deg as it stops at .5deg toe out no matter what i do :bangin:

so it looks like i will have to get adjustable toe arms to give me more flexibility!


Also with the front i can only get the Ichiba arms to dial-in not lower than -1deg 45mins camber(its ok on my current settings but it means i can't get within stock alignment if i chose to!). You can get up to -3deg easy though:lol: No problems with range of toe adjustments:thumbs:


Anyone experienced this or has answers to the above! sorry if this slightly detracts from the post though relevant IMHO :blush:

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  Adam@Z1auto.com said:
  ZMANALEX said:
What ever you decide to buy, do not purchase Kinetix front A arms :thumbdown::scare:;)


I wouldn't purchase a Kinetix coffee mug if they made one


Taken on board!


May well look at some A arms in the near future then Adam.


Just excited for the first parcel to arrive at the moment though! :bounce:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'll soon enough be putting coilovers on mine with the OEM rays, got 30mm spaced at the back and will probs go 20mm at the front. I'll be going alot lower than 25mm, probably as low as it will go without being really silly as the roads near me aren't too bad.


I reckon rear arms will be a must, or maybe just archwork, opinions? Tyre wear isn't a massive issue as I don't do that many miles at all.

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  Adam@Z1auto.com said:
  ZMANALEX said:
What ever you decide to buy, do not purchase Kinetix front A arms :thumbdown::scare:;)


I wouldn't purchase a Kinetix coffee mug if they made one


does that mean you think their HFC's are pap as well ?


i have a set, but got them cheap any way, so not to worried,


but wouldn't touch any of their manifold stuff :shrug:

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I ran KW3 coilovers for 18 months with no probs,but after that the steering seem to feel light and would pull on certain roads to the kerb.I had both rear camber and toe bolt kit fitted and also the A arms,then allignment done.Car is now transformed,steering is heavy again and corners brilliantly,also drives true in a straight line.


One of the best mods I have had done.

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