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hit a curb, dam it


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driving home from work this morning, ended up trying to turn left and instead went straight on into the curb, wouldnt of taken the car to work if i knew snow was on its way :rant: ill have to take it to nissan tommorrow and see what the damage is, might be an insurance job :doh:


bent the wheel, not that you can tell much by the photo, cracked all the newly painted bumper, and suspension damage


pictures: good drivers side:




passenger side (damaged)




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Oh dear sorry to hear that mate. I did the the same thing in my corsa many moons ago in the ice, turned into a junction and it just kept going straight on and into a kerb which I hit with my wheels at an angle. I ended up driving up the road with the steering wheel in full lock but the car was going in a straight line. :scare: I think it cost me about a grand to fix!


Your passenger side wheel looks like its sitting quite far back!? Has it cracked your alloy too?

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i think the sitting far back bits the problem, im not sure if its cracked the wheel or not, its a bit dirty to tell, its just bent around the rim as far as i can tell at the moment,


hopefully it will just be a wishbone and track rod end, alex can sort me out with that

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when i done it in the s2k it was just the wishbone and trackrod end i had to replace , honda wanted 311 for the wishbone so i tryed a breakers and managed to get a 2nd hand wishbone for 120 , got the track rodend from a local auto patrs store for 40quid and my m8 owns a garage so all in it cost me 160 , so not to bad i hope yours turns out to be better than you think m8

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  bounty78 said:
Sorry to hear that bud. This f£$king winter has costs lots of us a fortune. I damaged my new NISMO V1 bumper just before Xmas and third party is claiming personal injury. Why can't the snow and icey roads just go away..hate this time of the year. :rant::angry:


i wrote my s2000 off due to icey roads and i was only 3rd party insurance so this winter has cost me in excess off 12 grand :( but im moving on and will hopefully be the proud owner of a 350z sumtime nxt weekend

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  Chadwick said:
  bounty78 said:
Sorry to hear that bud. This f£$king winter has costs lots of us a fortune. I damaged my new NISMO V1 bumper just before Xmas and third party is claiming personal injury. Why can't the snow and icey roads just go away..hate this time of the year. :rant::angry:


i wrote my s2000 off due to icey roads and i was only 3rd party insurance so this winter has cost me in excess off 12 grand :( but im moving on and will hopefully be the proud owner of a 350z sumtime nxt weekend


:welcome: to the club. We like pictures..don't forget to post a pic. :drive1

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theres a pic ov it before i wrote it off :( , i didnt take any pics of it smashed up didnt want any pics of my pride and joy like scrap metal but it roled a few times so you get the picture , i had just got it back from the garage that day it had been in getting lowered and decat pipe fitted

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  Chadwick said:
  bounty78 said:
i wrote my s2000 off due to icey roads and i was only 3rd party insurance so this winter has cost me in excess off 12 grand :( but im moving on and will hopefully be the proud owner of a 350z sumtime nxt weekend
that sucks :( i guess it's the price you pay for not having fully comp insurance... good luck getting your 350z :thumbs: (i don't even want to know what your premium on that is going to be!)
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  s1xtyn1n3 said:
  Chadwick said:
  bounty78 said:
i wrote my s2000 off due to icey roads and i was only 3rd party insurance so this winter has cost me in excess off 12 grand :( but im moving on and will hopefully be the proud owner of a 350z sumtime nxt weekend
that sucks :( i guess it's the price you pay for not having fully comp insurance... good luck getting your 350z :thumbs: (i don't even want to know what your premium on that is going to be!)



shouldnt be anymore than normal id have thought as he didnt claim, and i bet a S200 is about the same money as a Z to insure! rooled it a few times ..................... :scare: surprised you werent badly hurt matey

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shouldnt be anymore than normal id have thought as he didnt claim, and i bet a S200 is about the same money as a Z to insure! rooled it a few times ..................... :scare: surprised you werent badly hurt matey


yeah i havent claimed anything so my insurance wont be affected , the 350z is alot cheaper for me to insure over a s2000 fully comp on a s2k 7000 , fully comp on a 2002 350z just under 1100 :wacko: , i know evry1 has said that but a big :thumbs: to honda because even tho the car roled a few times inside th car was like th day i bought it other than the airbags :lol:

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  Stew said:
  Chadwick said:




Textspeak... really?????






are you not aloud to text speak ? :wacko: sorry didnt know i cant help it :lol:


yeah il just be glad when i pick up my 350z itl feel like the nightmare is over i h8 not having a nice car to drive about in or even clean ive had nothing to do today and usualy i clean my car but i aint got one :(


anyway on a brighter note thanks for all the nice comments , back to the topic i hope you get yor z sorted scottsoulby ;)

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  Chadwick said:
  Stew said:
  Chadwick said:




Textspeak... really?????






are you not aloud to text speak ? :wacko: sorry didnt know i cant help it :lol:


yeah il just be glad when i pick up my 350z itl feel like the nightmare is over i h8 not having a nice car to drive about in or even clean ive had nothing to do today and usualy i clean my car but i aint got one :(


anyway on a brighter note thanks for all the nice comments , back to the topic i hope you get yor z sorted scottsoulby ;)


was that sarcasm :lol:


i'm dyslexic so i won't point out all the other errors as you might be in the same bag as me.


on here it will have to be a habit you'll need to learn to overcome, otherwise you'll find yourself the permanent attention of the good book; and the grammar nazis'



scott sorry to here that,


2 choices, or 1 if you have protected no claims bonus.


if your protected then just go through the insurance.


if not might be worth looking at getting the parts 2nd from r35lee or zmanalex. depends on the damage, might be cheaper than loosing what you've built up so far. :shrug:

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I'm protected so I think that's the way I'll go, I might try and be cheeky and get a few upgrades while at it, I'll see what they say in the morning and ring insurance if it's going to cost more that £400 which is my excess, which undoubtably it will, hopefully it will get fixed quick enough

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