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To keep..to upgrade..to get rid


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Well after owning my Black 04 350z with GT Pack for over 3 1/2 years. Got it with 29K on the clock and its now sitting on the 56K. This is my daily driver. I still love the car, get a grin when driving it and just enjoy it. Looks soo nice when all cleaned up and polished (which funny enough i did today too)


So as I have had the car coming on 4 years this summer and almost 30K its time to look at my options. Of which there are..


1) Keep it - My concerns with this options are the increased cost of things going wrong like it will need clutch soon it no doubt and with it being 6 years old expect it to go wrong. Am I over worrying. Are there many high millage 350z's out there which are having trouble free driving? My other concern is that it still suddenly start to drop in value to pennies after a few more years


2) Upgrade. As much as I would like a 370 IMO they are overpriced so and it would be the likes of a 06/07 plate in black again or blue. Looks like a 35K 06 is around the 16K mark with 07s being around 17.5L+. Over mine I would it out as an outlay of around 5K/6.5K..


3) Sell and go for someone else fun.. problem being that not really sure of what out there can give me the fun i have at the moment without spending a lot more money i.e likes of Cupra, Fabia VRS etc


So what are peoples thoughts. Looking at it now I have typed it out keeping it doesn't seem to bad even with the extra costs.

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Surely if you wanted to shift your car you could expect about 10k? You'd lose less on that in the next few years than the depreciation on a more expensive model :) And just cos your car is older, doesn't mean you will get problems. Some people's clutches go at 20k :wacko:


But when I get the bug to sell a car, it doesn't go away until I get rid. I agree with other comments tho, getting one that looked the same but costs you £6k doesn't make much sense to me.

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If you keep your car and something does go wrong, it won't cost £6k to put right (unless your engine randomly blows up).


You'll end up spending cash for the sake of lower mileage and an earlier plate (and even then, you're risking something going wrong since you weren't its owner for the last x years).


If your car is still making you happy and isn't breaking then why sell it?! It's not a T-Shirt, its a damn expensive car you probably have to work hundreds of hours for. :blush:


(Don't mean to sound patronising, just trying to get the man to see sense). ;)

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Cool - the comments I wanted to hear. Pretty sure I will keep the car but just wondered. It comes down to the how much will the car 'loose' in the next 2 years against a newer car. Probably not that much difference but the maintenance will be higher. That said probably less than the 6K difference (- the extra you will sell it for)

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Keep it. Should last well up to 200k miles and beyond if properly maintained and most parts will last (its a very well made car). It wont cost more to maintain as it gets older. My last car was a 2.8l v6 golf and was 12 yrs old, had mid 100k miles and was still going very strong. No more costly to run or maintain than when I first bought it a few years prior to that. As a contrast my gf brand new vw Polo had no end of problems and cost a lot of money to fix when it was 3 yrs old (out of warranty). There are some cars that age well such as nissan 350z, Porsche, Mercs. 2004 is still relatively very new in my book and 56k mileage is very low.

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i'm with the rest of the guys on this. we get so hung up over depreciation but it will happen whatever you have, its just one of those things. If you're loving the car just keep it. It doesn't look old or dated, still turns heads, is great to drive and what else would you get that good for your money? You would regret it and just transfer your depreciation to something else............no brainer really unless you're actually fed up with it or need to change for other reasons.

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IMO its only worth upgrading to a newer car if your going for something significantly different such as a MY07+, a different colour, a roadster or a Nismo kitted car. No point in buying another kuro, coupe My06 as the differences are not big enough.


When i changed from my 53 plate kuro I did so as I was about to spend £5k on a Nismo kit and Nismo rims plus tyres. That £5k would have been totally lost. Instead I used it to buy the 06 UY GT4 with Nismo kit, and then sold it and only lost about £500.



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  Sarnie said:
IMO its only worth upgrading to a newer car if your going for something significantly different such as a MY07+, a different colour, a roadster or a Nismo kitted car. No point in buying another kuro, coupe My06 as the differences are not big enough.


When i changed from my 53 plate kuro I did so as I was about to spend £5k on a Nismo kit and Nismo rims plus tyres. That £5k would have been totally lost. Instead I used it to buy the 06 UY GT4 with Nismo kit, and then sold it and only lost about £500.




+1 - this is exactly how I'm thinking at the moment..........completely head over heels with the zed but still getting a wee itch that will need scratched sooner rather than later ;)

I've already spent an extra £2k on her and now want upgraded brakes / a re-flash/ upgraded ARBs and droplinks not to mention body kit and summer wheels :scare: this place is dangerous :lol:

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