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Clutch & Fly nightmare... a long read......


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....but worth it if you are looking at changing a clutch and fly......


A while ago (September 09) my clutch went and so I went about the usual of sourcing the parts and somewhere to fit them.


I settled on an Exedy stage 1 organic clutch from driftworks and an LUK dual mass flywheel from A to Z autoparts incase the original needed replacing, and after asking about, Envy in Northumberland were reccomended for the fitting.


Gaz at Envy was quick to point out that they had no experience of fitting a replacement dual mass fly, only the lightened ones, and so was willing to reduce the cost of fitting as it was the first time. Which was fair enough.


The car went in, where it sat for days before finally being worked on (admittedly at first I said I was in no rush so long as it was done by the following weekend.... however I think the only part they heard was the "no rush" as it was not done by the weekend).


The following week after repeated phone calls I was told the car had been started on. I then got a call saying there was a problem with the new flywheel; it was defective but they could sell me a new lightened one. I asked what my options were, I was given the option of buying the new fly from them at a "reduced rate" and that was it. I asked about the condition of the old fly and if that was still fit for use as I had hardly driven the car since the clutch started slipping. I was met with stutters and non commital answers, and so asked Gaz to find out and phone me back. Of course he didnt, and I phoned him a further few times over the next couple of days until eventually he found out and told me the old fly was in perfect condition so I asked for that to be fitted.


By this stage I was aware that should A to Z autoparts dispute that the fly was defective I would need Envy onside to back me up, which is why I have waited until now to post this, and why I remained very patient with Envy throughout this.


I arranged with A to Z autoparts to send a courier to pick the fly up from the Envy garage and return it to verify defective. Gaz was given the time window for pick up which he aggreed to, however a few days later (yes, again nobody thought to inform me) when I phoned A to Z to check progress, I was informed the pick up had not taken place. Gaz told the driver they did not have any flywheel, and knew nothing of the pickup. When I phoned Envy to question ths I was told "I was on my way to take a customer to a cashpoint and didnt have time". Thanks. A second delivery was arranged and this time was successful.


This was the end of September. After repeated phone calls and threatening with "article xx of consumer rights blah blah blah" and finally me giving a load of legal jargon and threatening with my solicitor, I finally got my money back from A to Z auto parts this weekend. 5 MONTHS!!


In summary,

Be aware of A to Z autoparts returns process, 5 months is a long time.

To anyone thinking of using an LUK dual mass fly, beware. Obviously this could be an isolated case but it also may not..... who knows?

As for Envy, I am sure you get from my post I was not best pleased with them, and I can safely say I will not be using Envy in Northumberland ever again.


ps, MODs, I placed this in general as I felt it covered a number of issues, please throw it elsewhere if you feel it would be more appropriate there.

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I had a similar nightmare last year when I purchased my 350z. They couldn't get my exedy clutch to fit and wanted to supply there own and ditto with the flywheel to cut it short. Alexanders prestige near Scotch Corner, would never buy a car from there ever again :rant:

Think the best bet in this situation is to either buy a package that go together or get the garage to supply without ripping you off.

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  bodyboarder said:
All this talk of clutch and flywheel problems has started to get me ( perspective 350z buyer ) very worried. Thank you for that info. Also what miles had your car done when the clutch went?

bear in mind these are people putting aftermarket ones in :thumbs:

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  Husky said:
  bodyboarder said:
All this talk of clutch and flywheel problems has started to get me ( perspective 350z buyer ) very worried. Thank you for that info. Also what miles had your car done when the clutch went?

bear in mind these are people putting aftermarket ones in :thumbs:

I think the clutch in the Z is quite long lasting unless it's abused .... I'm up to 68,000 with no probs touch wood :)


PS I'm not saying you abused yours Nick

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  ATTAK Z said:
  Husky said:
  bodyboarder said:
All this talk of clutch and flywheel problems has started to get me ( perspective 350z buyer ) very worried. Thank you for that info. Also what miles had your car done when the clutch went?

bear in mind these are people putting aftermarket ones in :thumbs:

I think the clutch in the Z is quite long lasting unless it's abused .... I'm up to 68,000 with no probs touch wood :)


36k I think it was. Im up to 39K now. The car has only ever been a weekend car really, I bought the car with 26K on so I can safely say for 10K it had definately not been abused. The other 26 I cant be sure obviously.

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:thumbs: thanks for info mate, I've read other people having problem with clutches and more horrible stories about this so when I go for a clutch change it will be sourced from one place and I know the guy that will fit it for me beforehand :thumbs: 5 months is stupid IMO, what was wrong with it anyway?


This is the second bad vibe I've heard from Envy in a short period of time :dots:

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I'm thinking my clutch is starting to slip, so reading all these threads is scaring me into heading to nissan for peace of mind.


It would be good if someone who knew all about these clutch and flywheel issues to write a little something to help us noobs understand the situation a bit more, there's obviously a lot of information out there but summarising it all would be much appreciated.

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  Jotun said:
I'm thinking my clutch is starting to slip, so reading all these threads is scaring me into heading to nissan for peace of mind.


It would be good if someone who knew all about these clutch and flywheel issues to write a little something to help us noobs understand the situation a bit more, there's obviously a lot of information out there but summarising it all would be much appreciated.

eh stay away from the stealer's mate, you are better off getting flywheel and clutch from the same place... preferably not from the internet since you have some comeback if you don't (locally go there and throw it back at them etc), in saying that I'll get it online though... then if the fitter that you find through other people recommending them sells there own clutch kit I'd buy it from there... seem to care a bit more if you source it from the same place...


Think if you get someone that has a lot of recommendations of fitting a clutch / flywheel for the Nissan and then source a kit online you should be home free :thumbs:

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Andlid: I didnt find out. A to Z autoparts returns method involves returning the item to the manufacturers and getting them to verify it defective before paying out. I believe this doesnt conform to consumers rights, but actually getting them to conform just didnt happen in my case, and believe me I tried!


I would also take MartinMacs advice, although it worked out cheaper sourcing the parts myself, ultimately the garage (in my case Envy) were only making money on the fitting. It may have been a different story had I used their parts.

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  N!ck-z said:
Andlid: I didnt find out. A to Z autoparts returns method involves returning the item to the manufacturers and getting them to verify it defective before paying out. I believe this doesnt conform to consumers rights, but actually getting them to conform just didnt happen in my case, and believe me I tried!


I would also take MartinMacs advice, although it worked out cheaper sourcing the parts myself, ultimately the garage (in my case Envy) were only making money on the fitting. It may have been a different story had I used their parts.

so nothing might have been wrong with it then?

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This clutch / flywheel issue in my opinion is a can of worms that needs addressing for sometime now!

It is uncommon to need a clutch change under 40k on the zed unless you have no mechanically sympathy or drag or track the car endless which is understandable accelarated wear and tear. This is not hot air but coroborated by nissan and exedy. i had a long chat with the Exedy representatives at autosports at the NEC and it is very clear that the flywheel is more than capable.


For US here when the time comes to replace clutches there is always the question of: Do i need to replace the flywheel too! My answer is catergorically NO unless there is proof it is damaged and not salvageable! yes some issues can sorted and the same unit reused safely!


The dual mass OEM flywheel is very good and sturdy and almost always outlasts the clutch so unless you want to lighten the driveline for obvious reasons of increased responsiveness there is no need to change this as is often the case!


The second issues is, since you will be changing the clutch anyway you need to decide what you plan to do with the car in the near future so you can save yourself so cash on double labour/parts.

If FI was your plans then and you know what power range you will be shooting for then it may be better to go for multi-plate stuff which have in-built flywheel at once but ofterwise the OEM spec clutch made by Exedy is perfect for all NA zeds with or without mods :thumbs:


So the real question comes down to the single mass flywheel. My personal opinion is that the single mass flywheel has more drawbacks than benefits and most people get them because they are told they need to change for them with the clutch at the sametime either because dealers/traders want to make a sale or erroneously that lightenned singlemass flywheel will make their zeds more powerful or faster!


Yes it will improve responsiveness but the effect is marginal especially in NA tune as oposed to spending that money on an uprev reflash or better brake pads or disc or tyres or even the D1 spec controller for that matter :p .


You can also do alot more effectively with short shifters or changing final drive (e.g 3.9) for more accelaration or response and have a very driveable car without vibration and chatter with high bitting point = stalling which you get with the single mass item!


However if the single mass flywheel fits your style/objectives and you are going into it with your eyes open then thats cool.


I think fitting a clutch should be tackled by somene who has experience with these and on the zed, if not horror stories will abound. I know CS gets the job done and a few others here :thumbs:


Finally, it is worth having someone else have a go with you can to see if your clutch is "gone" or if you need education as these things do happen especially to noobs on the zed :blush: . There is a long list of trouble shooting/FAQs on Exedy's website which are quite helpful. (http://www.exedy.co.uk/index.php)

just my 2p worth

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  N!ck-z said:


In summary,

Be aware of A to Z autoparts returns process, 5 months is a long time.

To anyone thinking of using an LUK dual mass fly, beware. Obviously this could be an isolated case but it also may not..... who knows?

As for Envy, I am sure you get from my post I was not best pleased with them, and I can safely say I will not be using Envy in Northumberland ever again.




sorry to hear that you've had such a bad time. its not very good

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I'm thinking my clutch is starting to slip, so reading all these threads is scaring me into heading to nissan for peace of mind.


It would be good if someone who knew all about these clutch and flywheel issues to write a little something to help us noobs understand the situation a bit more, there's obviously a lot of information out there but summarising it all would be much appreciated.


As your in Notts go to TR&D developments in Hucknall. Ian over there is a specialist in Celica GT4's but great with any Jap cars and does all the work on mine. He'd fit a clutch and flywheel for a good price and do the job properly. Get a kit from Zmanalex and away you go.


Here's his site:


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Good post Bennet. The only bit I would disagree with is the flywheel outlasting the clutch. Most reports I have had from several places is that the flywheel is normally pretty shot by the time the clutch needs changing and if not, it wont outlast another clutch so best to do it in one go. When I had mine done, the flywheel was in a worse condition than the clutch but then I was at 70k when I got it done. I guess the main problem is while the flywheel might be ok at clutch change, will it outlast another? As double the labour isnt worth it.

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  andlid said:

so nothing might have been wrong with it then?



the manufacturers verified it defective then informed the supplier who informed me 2 weeks later (and only after I phoned up to check progress)

The point I was making was it could have been a design fault or a defective unit, I am not in a position to say unfortunately.

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  N!ck-z said:
  andlid said:

so nothing might have been wrong with it then?



the manufacturers verified it defective then informed the supplier who informed me 2 weeks later (and only after I phoned up to check progress)

The point I was making was it could have been a design fault or a defective unit, I am not in a position to say unfortunately.

cool, feel for you mate 5 months is a looooong time to be waiting.. :snack:

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  N!ck-z said:
I arranged with A to Z autoparts to send a courier to pick the fly up from the Envy garage and return it to verify defective. Gaz was given the time window for pick up which he aggreed to, however a few days later (yes, again nobody thought to inform me) when I phoned A to Z to check progress, I was informed the pick up had not taken place. Gaz told the driver they did not have any flywheel, and knew nothing of the pickup. When I phoned Envy to question ths I was told "I was on my way to take a customer to a cashpoint and didnt have time". Thanks. A second delivery was arranged and this time was successful.


As for Envy, I am sure you get from my post I was not best pleased with them, and I can safely say I will not be using Envy in Northumberland ever again.




I have to say I am shocked to see this posted up.


My faults here are not calling you one day, and then not being in the office once when a delivery driver was there to collect a flywheel - that we didn't supply and I agreed to send it back as a favour to yourself.


I am sorry to see that you are annoyed with these issues.


I would have thought the hugely reduced labour cost would have made up for these shortfalls.


Best Regards,



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