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New owner, possible problems. Please advice


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I'm a new proud owner of 350z, just done my introduction to this friendly forum last week :) Been enjoying driving the car since I got it, really loving it! :)




There's something I've noticed from the first time I moved it out of my garage but haven't paid much attention to it until recently. Noise from underneath the car on idle, which disappears when clutch peddle is pressed down. I've done research through forum's search but couldn't draw a definite conclusion. If it's just the noise Zs have from dual mass flywheels or if it's first sign of a gearbox failure. Are any actions required to sort this out?


Other 2, possibly related, issues I noticed so far are:

2 - Clunck in the clutch pedal, whist it's being pressed (clunck is about half way down).

3 - In 1st, 2nd and 3rd gears, foot off gas, there's a slight whining noise as car reaches 2000 rpm. It doesn't sound too bad, just like a slowing down sound. Not sure if that's normal though.


My car is 07 model with just 5k on a clock and with manufacturer's warranty until April this year. Another 6 months extended were offered to me by the dealer.


I took car today to a local Nissan garage in Epsom and they told me that I'll have to pay for inspection or take it to the dealer I bought the car from (which is in Plymouth). Guy also said they'll have to strip down a gearbox for inspection and there's still a good chance they will not find any faults. Estimate is £400 btw. I then caught a mechanic outside the garage and in a friendly manner asked him to have a listen to this noise. He say in the car for about 5 mins playing around with a clutch pedal and said he's not sure what it is. He then offered me to check out another roadster which they had outside. It turned out it has got the exactly same noise on idle.


I'm genuinely confused. Any ideas, guys? Having paid a lot for this car I was hoping to enjoy it before I start any repairs :(


I was wondering if there's another owner of standard-ish 350Z around Kingston / Surbiton area, so I could compare these issues with another car. Or maybe one of you aces live in the south-west wing of M25? :)


Many thanks in advance.



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could be clutch release bearing.



The clutch is a bit noisey without the clutch pressed down. Pretty normal but dont know how noisey your is.


There shouldn't be any clunking during the process of the pedal being pressed. I dont get it anyway.



pm ZMANALEX. He's good on this sort of stuff.

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Guys, thanks for quick response :)


Taras did you have the recall letter for yours ? Mine was an 07 roadster and the recall was for the clutch slave cylinder and other stuff but on the face of it sounds normal to me anyway. The thrust release bearings do tend to grumble :)



Stan, what's a recall letter? :blush:

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Guys, thanks for quick response :)


Taras did you have the recall letter for yours ? Mine was an 07 roadster and the recall was for the clutch slave cylinder and other stuff but on the face of it sounds normal to me anyway. The thrust release bearings do tend to grumble :)



Stan, what's a recall letter? :blush:


A recall letter is from Nissan to tell you your car needs to go to the dealer for a (potential) problem to be sorted out at their cost.


BTW your local dealer has a responsibility to do warrany and service on your car - if they refuse then you should get it in writing and send a copy to Nissan Customer service who will promptly dump on the dealership from a great height - Have a word with martinmac about this.

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Guys, thanks for quick response :)


Taras did you have the recall letter for yours ? Mine was an 07 roadster and the recall was for the clutch slave cylinder and other stuff but on the face of it sounds normal to me anyway. The thrust release bearings do tend to grumble :)



Stan, what's a recall letter? :blush:


Hiya - sorry had to dash off - answered already but last year the 07 roadsters seem to have a recall on the slave clutch cylinder - means a gearbox out job - also the alarm fettled at the same time. Afterwards my thrust release bearing seemed to be a lot quieter- ie, they probably put some grease on it! :doh:


Check with Nissan UK or the stealer there should be a record for your car - maybe its not needed for your chasis number though so who knows?

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Great, I've filled in a contact form requesting a call back about any recalls on my car.


I'm kinda relieved that such noise means nothing serious. But still worth doing a check with Nissan. Mine isn't very noisy, can't hear it unless it's quiet outside or i'm in the garage.


The clunck when pressing clutch pedal is more like a grinding feel rather than a clunck...


Thanks for your input, guys :)

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This problem is GLOBAL!!!




Mine doesn't sound so bad but still... Don't know if I should bother stressing out by dealing with Nissan forcing them to fix this or should I just fit uprated clutch and flywheel in some time :wacko:


Has anyone suffered any further damage by not taking care of the cause for this noise?


I'm confused :(

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