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  kObi said:
  Jenni86 said:
Hey everyone,


Just got a petition going regarding potholes




Click on the link and get signing. I dont know about you but I'm sick of either falling down a pothole or getting pulled over by police cos I'm avoiding them!!


Thanks :teeth:




How big are your potholes!!!!!


:lol: The roads here, around Suffolk/Norfolk are pretty shocking, too!

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to be honest although I agree its a pain the weather has caused a lot more damage to the roads than usual fairly recently. Some of the really bad bits on main roads near me have been quickly filled in as they are dangerous but you do have to give them a chance to sort it - its a big job! Also don't just expect it to be sorted out if its not reported - they can't have someone out inspecting every inch of the road.

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Was going to take the Zed out last week (before the snow started here again) and decided not to because of all the potholes. I'm seriously wondering why I have a low sports car and a supersports class motorbike when I can't use either because of the flipping roads.


Fuel duty at 80% and road tax on each vehicle and the roads are bloody awful. It's crap. I'm using a '98 freelander to get about and have loads of ££££'s locked away just now.


I've been to some crapholes around the world and a lot of them have much better roads. It's a disgrace!

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  Stew said:
Was going to take the Zed out last week (before the snow started here again) and decided not to because of all the potholes. I'm seriously wondering why I have a low sports car and a supersports class motorbike when I can't use either because of the flipping roads.


Fuel duty at 80% and road tax on each vehicle and the roads are bloody awful. It's crap. I'm using a '98 freelander to get about and have loads of ££££'s locked away just now.


I've been to some crapholes around the world and a lot of them have much better roads. It's a disgrace!





pay through the nose for a service that is crap, at least its only the road network.... oh wait no..... sounds like all public sector institutions :lol:

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Instead of fixing our roads MPs take luxury holidays and claim expenses for millions of pounds... that's where our money goes!


Gordon Brown is crap.... whichever party you vote for you will wont be please they are all unsatisfying IMHO.


Back in the days when i owned a polo gti i went down a pothole and wrote to the council i took pictures there and then, billed them for my time changing the wheel and cost of a new tyre as it completely messed up the side-wall!


1 hour of my time + new tyre = £250


Sorted! :thumbs: took 3 months to get refunded though! But if your persistent you can do it!

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  nixy said:
to be honest although I agree its a pain the weather has caused a lot more damage to the roads than usual fairly recently. Some of the really bad bits on main roads near me have been quickly filled in as they are dangerous but you do have to give them a chance to sort it - its a big job! Also don't just expect it to be sorted out if its not reported - they can't have someone out inspecting every inch of the road.


Nixy, although I certainly agree with what you're saying and I do appreicate that once the local councils are made aware of any such potholes or grouping of potholes, they are quick to respond. What I feel is the actual problem, is there choice of repair and the quality of this repair!!!


Since the "Big Freeze" as everyone is calling it, we have had a grouping of potholes appear on the main road through our village. The road is a major access route used by many large haulage firms and once the cracks develop, they soon grow into these extremely deep (sometimes 6" or worse) potholes. The problem continues to grow because these large trucks cannot avoid the holes so easily as we can in the smaller vehicle.


The real gripe I have is that the council have been out and filled these holes but they have completed it with a mixture or composition that you could tell, even on the day of completion that this was never going to last..............now a few days on and a few trucks later...........the holes are as bad as ever and within a week they will be no better than before.


In addition to this now the entire road and footpath is littered with the composition material they used for the repair. Now not only do you struggle to avoid the holes......now the grit fills your tyres and arches whilst continually being thrown towards the pedestrians.


DISGUSTING!!!! :thumbdown:

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I signed it but you have to wonder how much attention they pay to these things don't you?


I had a quick look through some of the others in different sectors and quite a lot of them seem like genuinely good ideas. I think I'll sign up to a few more when I have more time. MAke me feel like I've done my part

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to be fair i was on my way to cleege monday going through a couple of small vilages and hit a pot hole and was thinking this is what i pay my road tax for... but heading home for lunch i passed 3 yellow council trucks and they had been filling in all the pot holes, was actually quite impressed

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  jacr87 said:
Image say's it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:clap: I like that!


Seriously though folks - if you don't report them you shouldn't be whinging :bangin: ............yes some of this was unavoidable ...........yes the weather has made the roads worse............yes we're overtaxed.............ya-de-ya...........we live in a western 'free' democracy - and we're free to vote with our feet.

Most councils have report online facilities now - so get it done already- if they're over-run with reports then it gets picked up in audits and service evaluation! Then central govt will have no choice but to remove ring-fenced funding and give local councils some more cash!!!

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  rtbiscuit said:
signed it,


i wouldn't mind paying the amount in road tax and fuel duty if when i drive down a road it wasn't pot holed, or if i go on a long journey the roads are smooth wide and free from traffic and road works.



Me neither.


Thanks for signing people! The potholes have been reported where I am but I noticed in our local paper, the council are going to put council tax up just to pay for the roads, how unfair is that.


Dont know if the petitions are taken seriously though. One petition on the site is asking for crisps to be banned from vending machines!! LMAO! :lol:

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