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Non-Tein Coilovers + EDFC ?


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Hi all,


I am planning on fitting my HKS coilovers in the next few weeks, once I get my camber adjustment kit. What I do like is the EDFC that teins make, I was wondering if anyone has ever fitted that Tein EDFC to a non Tein suspension setup ?


I did try to look for some universal but they all seem to look like the Tein kit...so can it be done? I do really fancy this as it will make gettin up my drive way and work car park alot easier...plus i wont be destroying my CF lip!


If this is a totally n00b idea feel free to flame me :lol:

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  bhavin85 said:
Ahh interesting....do you guys stock these Meister R or can you get a price for them? Its bonus month soon and this would be a lovely little toy for the car :)


You can easily retro fit these to the MeisterR Coilovers.

It will need some adjustment to the springs length and some helper springs, but it isn't very difficult.


But I hope you are sitting down, that little kit from KW on its own is about £2000!!! :scare:

So it isn't cheap at all for the luxury of lifting your car 35mm at a touch of a button.

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The way the HLS kit work is that it is adding the length of the springs.


This add 2 issue:

1. Changing the height using the HLS kit will change the damper stroke travel...

By lowering it, you will loose damper stroke travel much like a single perch coilovers do.


2. Because the HLS kit fit into the springs section of the coilovers, it depends on how much room you have to fit the kit.

You will have to use shorter springs which mean you also loose springs travel, and to to mention the springs can only be so short so you are limited in how much room you have to use. A lexus for example have MILES as their standard suspension is very long. A honda Civic on the other hand won't have any room to adapt this kit.


I have been looking on some adjustable height kit, and are currently thinking about developing an "Air Spring" system to go with the adjustable damper.

This way you can get the change in height you want (more than the HLS kit), but then use the adjustable damper to "tune" your ride.

The long as you have enough rebound damping adjustments, you can use that to limit the body roll.

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There is no way i could justify spendking 2k for this....if it was 500 then probably but more then that and id much rather buy a different lip spoiler everytime I break mine!


Someone should develope a system to do this, i think they would sell very very well....get to it meister :#1:

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  bhavin85 said:
There is no way i could justify spendking 2k for this....if it was 500 then probably but more then that and id much rather buy a different lip spoiler everytime I break mine!


Someone should develope a system to do this, i think they would sell very very well....get to it meister :#1:


I know it is expensive for what you are getting, but if you look at the price of the parts, it is understandable.


The parts needs to be very strong... you can imagine how much weight land on it if your car were to get some air time then land on the ground.

It also have to reliably hold up the weight of the car, and you need alot of parts to drive the system.


I think air springs would be the way forward in terms of giving what people want as the range of adjustment can be much greater than hydraulic, and the cost isn't as high either.


Otherwise, old fashion height adjustable coilovers with user care will works just fine. :)

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