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under 25s insurance help ?


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  tjp8 said:
yeaqhh but my mum wont let me add her as a named driver coz she says its not fair and she dont wanna loose her ncd and i aint moaning about tax i dont rely mind i was just saying its the only difference ,

i dont wanna wait for the car i want it now lol u know what its like when ur excited ive already waited a year thats more than long enough i think ,

im guna sell the golf buy a z with the money then keep lookin around coz i get my ncd in august anyways and im sure il find a way around it , my mates mum said she might let me do it on her insureance seeing as im at her house nearly everyday i dont think itl rely matter if i insure it there or not ,

i dont wanna have to settle for a rx8 231 coz for some reason i can insure that for alot less than a z but i wont look as cool or have a sexy car and girls dig that lol ,



also could i have one fitted with a tow bar ? i needa tow my project car about lol ..


somethings not adding up here... r800ner is correct. sounds like bullsh*t getting talked here. firstly your mother would not lose her noclaims as a named driver. secondly, you sound like you know nothing about insurance and cars except your building a project car??

if im wrong, i apologise, but i smell something hot and sweaty...

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Nothing you say adds up.


We've seen it before, we could put you on the pile with all the other dreamers that sign up & the first plan is to TT the car, the same people that are never seen around here again :)


I'm happy to be proved wrong but your posts so far seems like your trolling

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  Ian said:
Nothing you say adds up.


We've seen it before, we could put you on the pile with all the other dreamers that sign up & the first plan is to TT the car, the same people that are never seen around here again :)


I'm happy to be proved wrong but your posts so far seems like your trolling


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bullshit?? nope i dont understand what u mean u obviously dont understand insureance coz ive been on the phone to them for about 4 hours its also iligal if ur car is registered in ur name with someone other than urself named as a main driver if u get caught ur insurance is actually void which is what adren flux just told me if u want il gladly upload the pictures of my car nothin rely i can say or do other than that except my insurance quotes ive owned my 2007 golf for 2 and a half years my corsa for 1 and i got my beemer just after christmas

im just 20 looking for advice on cheap insurance not a lecture of how better off or worst off u are than myself i can afford this car i just wanted some help trying to find insurance without paying a bomb

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here we go :)


07 golf mk5

the day i bought it :) il only upoad the pics of it on my driveway so u know there mine :)



the beemer 320i coupe after i cleaned it :D



my baby corsa after spending just under 3k on it LOL just been in for re spray candy white and ford signal green so tis not this colour anymore




also have other pictures of other vairous cars :)


the golf is easily worth the value of a 05 odd plate z i only wanted help you people should be nicer towards new member and try not to be as rude were all still learning not everyone knows everything ..


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It's pretty obvious that the forum can't help you with this one I'm afraid mate. Everything we have suggested hasn't helped and I am struggling to read your posts, which is probably causing the animosity, with conclusion that you are in fact, a troll (bullshitter). Just reads that way.



Did your numberplate fall off?

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  tjp8 said:
bullshit?? nope i dont understand what u mean u obviously dont understand insureance coz ive been on the phone to them for about 4 hours its also iligal if ur car is registered in ur name with someone other than urself named as a main driver if u get caught ur insurance is actually void which is what adren flux just told me if u want il gladly upload the pictures of my car nothin rely i can say or do other than that except my insurance quotes ive owned my 2007 golf for 2 and a half years my corsa for 1 and i got my beemer just after christmas

im just 20 looking for advice on cheap insurance not a lecture of how better off or worst off u are than myself i can afford this car i just wanted some help trying to find insurance without paying a bomb


look mate, u can't spell correctly own three cars already, including a beemer.. and for posting a photo of ur car,, u sed u were looking to buy a 05-07 so clearly u cant post photos and you dont own it yet.. stop wasting time please, if u were genuine we'd try to help but it smells a bit musky

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  tjp8 said:
bullshit?? nope i dont understand what u mean u obviously dont understand insureance coz ive been on the phone to them for about 4 hours its also iligal if ur car is registered in ur name with someone other than urself named as a main driver if u get caught ur insurance is actually void which is what adren flux just told me if u want il gladly upload the pictures of my car nothin rely i can say or do other than that except my insurance quotes ive owned my 2007 golf for 2 and a half years my corsa for 1 and i got my beemer just after christmas

im just 20 looking for advice on cheap insurance not a lecture of how better off or worst off u are than myself i can afford this car i just wanted some help trying to find insurance without paying a bomb



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  rtbiscuit said:
quick call A7TAK Z he'd have a field day with this posting :lol:


and before you ask, he's our local grammar nazi :lol:


Hes probably sat in a corner of his house rocking back and forth after reading this thread

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once you buy your zed and stop making such childish spelling errors.. talk to us. as far as we can you are a troll.


theres no way someone who is sane would pay anything like the money ur wasting on insurance for a golf and a beemer and a corsa.. no way!! theres loadsa driver on here around there 20's who can insure a zed for alot less that what ur saying.. so either you have a massive criminal record, a massive history of points, or plenty of claims against you. if its the later, then i suggest not buyin a zed because you will become a risk to others on the road. stick to 1.6 front wheel drive


plus you sound like a 14yr old prepubescent schoolboy dreaming... and sendin pics of a car they found on autotrader or there brothers cars

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  andlid said:
eh he might be just asking for some help?



or he is the passenger of this car;






lol sounds like a kid and posting his bro's photo im afraid, so it could more than likely be the passenger lol

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haha coz ur all perfect ? i own my car i have for nearly 3 years lol and no the number plate hasnt fell off it had a fully smoothed front bumper and audi rs6 wheels just come back from low and loud even though its not very low , and i clearly do own these cars well i should seeing as ive just been driving it ??

grammar has nothing to do with it all i asked was for help not for a childish cry baby fight lol its ok if ur poor or whatever i dont care its nothing to do with me why u gettin all up in my face when im just being friendly with my childish spelling mistakes ?? sorry didnt realise i was in a spelling be :)

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i dont see what u people cant add up ? heres a quote ive done about 3 hours ago lol

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  tjp8 said:
haha coz ur all perfect ? i own my car i have for nearly 3 years lol and no the number plate hasnt fell off it had a fully smoothed front bumper and audi rs6 wheels just come back from low and loud even though its not very low , and i clearly do own these cars well i should seeing as ive just been driving it ??

grammar has nothing to do with it all i asked was for help not for a childish cry baby fight lol its ok if ur poor or whatever i dont care its nothing to do with me why u gettin all up in my face when im just being friendly with my childish spelling mistakes ?? sorry didnt realise i was in a spelling be :)

get rid of those 3 cages and get the z for 9300 in the for sale thread :thumbs:

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  tjp8 said:
haha coz ur all perfect ? i own my car i have for nearly 3 years lol and no the number plate hasnt fell off it had a fully smoothed front bumper and audi rs6 wheels just come back from low and loud even though its not very low , and i clearly do own these cars well i should seeing as ive just been driving it ??

grammar has nothing to do with it all i asked was for help not for a childish cry baby fight lol its ok if ur poor or whatever i dont care its nothing to do with me why u gettin all up in my face when im just being friendly with my childish spelling mistakes ?? sorry didnt realise i was in a spelling be :)


firstly why would you say your salary on here to boast, there is alot more people on here on more than you think.

secondly you come on and say your paying 9grand on insuring a golf,

thirdly it sounds like your mother no's you a threat on the road as she isnt willing to put her name on the insurance, when infact she wouldnt even know she is on it.

4thly you start insulting by saying people are poor...... uve got a clapped out beemer and a corsa that fell from the carpark in the sky...


dont try insulting people.. you sound like a troll... prove us wrong.. buy your zed and come to one of our meets

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what i actually said if u read it properly was the last 3 years ive been spanker for 9 grand insurance which was for my corsa i first had when i was 17 then my golf for two years with 1 accident .. add that up

the golf is going which is why i can get the z and its being sold to a friend of the family for 10,000 as vw valued it at 8 and i asked them how much they would sell it for and they said 9995 ive tryed being honest with everyone the beemer is also for sale coz im just tidying it up ive never insinuated that i drove all of these cars

the only car i currently drive is my golf ?? the corsa is way to low and the bmw is purly for fun and a hobbie im 20 years old been to college for 2yeards doing mechanics and engineering lvl1 ,2 which is more than some

ive been a full time steel erector for 3 odd years too which i think ul find is alot of money coz i actually work a 50 hour week ive worked for everything i own and i do everything thru the books

no one is perfect u dont believe these cars are mine then go f*ck lol

a 05 z is only about 6 - 8 grand my golf is worth alot more and will always retain the value because its german quality i want a 350s purly for weekends only im also on uk mk5s golf forum check my cars on there , also on all corsa forum under the name tjp8 check my cars on there also and my project thread also check my age im also on bimmer uk forum check my stats they all add up


no one should be treated the way u people are treating me its very rude and i would have thought u people would know better actually being adults mostly over the age of 21 +++ and your acting like children ?


im not like that i just wanted some advice so thankyou to everyone thats actually tried to help ive actually been on this forum for a matter of months i couldnt remember my accound details so i started a new one today i find this is a good forum and id like to be treated with the respect i actually deserve




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