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Road Rage


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On my way home from work this afternoon I saw a rather unpleasant thing. I was in a queue that went straight across a roundabout, a guy coming around the roundabout from the right quite rightly wanted to be let in but the person in front of me was having none of it and did the typical edging along inch by inch to stop him from getting in. Anyway to cut a long story short neither would back down and they came off the roundabout side by side. Eventually one of them ended up on the grass verge....... :scare: But then, the guy who was trying to get in and had ended up in front, got out of his car, stormed up the car behind him shouting and swearing and then SPAT all over the drivers window! It was a bit scary and very GROSS! Some people are such morons........... :thumbdown:

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The main problem is you dont know what folk are like, some people have a shorter fuse that others. He may well have dragged that fella out the car and windmilled him.


No need for the spit mind you but i can see why the fella who got out the car was :rant: (not that i condone such action, was a bit OTT)


No need to be a c**k, be courteous enough and let folk in. problem solved :thumbs: . You dont know what the other fella may or may not be capable of.

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You dont know what the other fella may or may not be capable of.


Thats the key.


I get out and shout, he gets out with a knife.


I get out with a bat, he gets out with a gun.



Maybe a tad extreme but when you live in a major city, these things can't be 100% ruled out. You never know what the next person is capable of. Not worth getting involved with, stay in your car and then when the road clears, drop the window and give them the bird :lol::lol: *












* And then hope there are no traffic lights ahead :lol::lol:

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i accidentally cut someone up once on a dual carriageway, it was a fifty and he was doing a zillion mph, i wasnt speeding. anyways he obviously took offence as he was attached to my bumper. i came up to the roundabout which was just ahead (three lanes) and indicated right. then i see mr warrior coming up ontop of me flashing his lights and trying to run me down :dummy::scare: i pulled out and decided i would rather not have him behind me when we come to lights so i went all the way round the roundabout (was a big busy one). he followed :scare: so i went back the way i came thinking no way would he follow... he did! :scare: so i wasnt speeding for his benefit and did the 50 down the dual carraigeway. so as we go under an underpass bit he pulls infront of me and hammers the brakes on!! :surrender: i hammer them on aswell untill we both come to a stop in the no stopping 50mph tunnel with lots of traffic piling up behind us. all it took was the first tiny sight of his door opening and i turned full lock went past and ran for the hills!! WHAT A NUT JOB!! i pulled straight into tescos car park, it was dark, the first thing i could think to do way HIDE :scare: so i threw it in a space, tunred it all of lights n all and slumped down in the seat heart pounding... he pulled into the car park and stalked about it for a min before leaving.


wasnt police, no i wasnt speeding, yes i waved to say sorry for cutting him up. i was so shaken. yeah, road rage is crap. :thumbdown:

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i used to like teasing tailgater's on country roads. where i used to live on one route there were only 3 good over taking places.


so if they got up my arse i used to like to slow right down to about 20 and then just as they get near the overtaking spot, i'd drop the hammer again, then slow right back, and so it would continue. i used to find it hilarious watching them boil in the car behind, i swear i used to be able to see steam coming out of their ears.


i have matured a lot since then but it still makes me smile.


and before anyone says it, yes i know its not a bright thing to do, but i was young and care free, and used to feel pretty indestructible.


tailgater's just annoy me :shrug: if they left the space, i would have made space for them to pass

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i used to like teasing tailgater's on country roads. where i used to live on one route there were only 3 good over taking places.


so if they got up my arse i used to like to slow right down to about 20 and then just as they get near the overtaking spot, i'd drop the hammer again, then slow right back, and so it would continue. i used to find it hilarious watching them boil in the car behind, i swear i used to be able to see steam coming out of their ears.


i have matured a lot since then but it still makes me smile.


and before anyone says it, yes i know its not a bright thing to do, but i was young and care free, and used to feel pretty indestructible.


tailgater's just annoy me :shrug: if they left the space, i would have made space for them to pass


Nerver a truer word spoken.


I hate tailgaters :rant:

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i used to like teasing tailgater's on country roads. where i used to live on one route there were only 3 good over taking places.


so if they got up my arse i used to like to slow right down to about 20 and then just as they get near the overtaking spot, i'd drop the hammer again, then slow right back, and so it would continue. i used to find it hilarious watching them boil in the car behind, i swear i used to be able to see steam coming out of their ears.


i have matured a lot since then but it still makes me smile.


and before anyone says it, yes i know its not a bright thing to do, but i was young and care free, and used to feel pretty indestructible.


tailgater's just annoy me :shrug: if they left the space, i would have made space for them to pass


If the tailgater's are bad enough and I'm in a bad enough mood then I still do this, slowing down gradually to minimise the chance of them rear-ending me. Although usually after pulling away I don't slow down to let them catch up again!

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I blasted the Zed past a car when travelling home one night. It was in a 30mph but the road goes really wide at that point. He wasn't very happy, gave me the horn & lights but then I was gone. 1/2 a mile further on and I reach traffic lights to turn on to my estate & of course they had to be on red. He pulled in behind me giving me the finger & was mouthing off which I found quite funny in a nervous sort of way. He was a big bugger but thankfully stayed in his car. A couple of weeks later I was in the queue behind him a the local Spar :scare: & half expected him to acost me when I left, which thankfully he didn't. Learnt my lesson though and have never done the manoeuvre again :blush:

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LOL I undertook someone using a bus late once, but the bus lane was one of the ones you CAN use after 7pm and this was late evening the guy blew a gasket and followed be from Dundee back to RAF Leuchars where I was based he was fooked if he thought he was going to follow me onto camp tho HAHAHA, I was lucky that a friend of mine was on Guard at teh time and give him a wave off with his rifle lol

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I must admit I do tend to laugh as all they are doing is stressing themselves out for what! :shrug: See a lot of it in the town. Best one I remember is a car undertaking a white van going round a corner (I was sitting at lights to go straight on). Next thing, white van went for it and overtook the car and then screeched to a halt across both lanes :evil: White van man charges out his car ranting and raving. Unfortunately I didn't get to see what else went on as I was driving past by then :doh: I don't know what happened to the bad car driver (he was to blame in the first place).


Recently seen a driving instructor punching the window of another car at a petrol station - no idea what had been going on but the other driver had a young kid in the car so that was really bad. Poor kid must have been scared silly :(

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when people are going ape sh1t in their car i always like to put on the biggest cheesiest grin, and do the biggest kiddie wave at them, lol.


its like watching nuclear meltdown :lol:


the other one i like is when someone makes a really stupid mistake. Like trying to be smart or in general is just an idiot. instead of going into nuclear meltdown as you say i prefer the patronize approach.

just clap and mouth well done, give some :thumbs: s up and just congratulate them. Its fantastically funny.

works better than :rant:

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I can be prone to get rather aggrivated at the odd driver now and then, but never to the point i would get out of my car.


I find that its not the fact i didnt 'get into the space' or whatever it may be, its more the fact that the person is consciously making it their goal not to let me in. Its the arrogance of someone or the selfishness of them that usualy bugs me. I know fine well i should have patience and wait my turn, but i always feel that if it was me in their shoes, id have let me in. bah, who knows the idiosyncrasies of road rage, but id never get out the car and get physical. :thumbdown:

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If someone has intentionally cut into a queue of traffic. E.g. Left lane straight on. Right lane turn right only. They drive up the right lane which is free from traffic to jump in left and go straight on, I'll always try and hold them up. It's Britain goddamit, and we LOVE TO QUEUE!


If it's just merging traffic or junctions whatever, I'll always let people in/out.


Oh, btw. I do sometimes do the cheeky thing above, but I know it's rude, so fully expect people to try and block me :teeth:


I try and steer clear of roadrage personally. Standard internet disclaimer. "I'm no pussyâ„¢" But I'll try and avoid roadrage whenever possible. As there are some absolute crazies on the road. I even saw a group of people get out of their car, walk to the other drivers window, and all start giving him jabs through the window! All because of some roadrage!!

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If someone has intentionally cut into a queue of traffic. E.g. Left lane straight on. Right lane turn right only. They drive up the right lane which is free from traffic to jump in left and go straight on, I'll always try and hold them up. It's Britain goddamit, and we LOVE TO QUEUE!


If it's just merging traffic or junctions whatever, I'll always let people in/out.


Thats just like me - loads of those on my commute and you always know who is going to do it. I just put my foot down on those occasions and they end up having to go around the roundabout. It does wind me up if they manage to cut me up but unfortunately i'm not that scary.........(although i'm sure some people would say otherwise....) I do admit i used to do the turn right, go all the way around the roundabout to effectively go straight on or left but i stopped doing that when I got a car that sticks out like a sore thumb as people get to know your habits! :blush:

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