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track day photography


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ive got a track car with some friends, and am planning on doing photography will im at track.

then handing out card, then selling discs of the day full of pics. to help fund the track days.


i just need to think of a name?? to put down the side of the car?


so any help? keep it clean :D

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yes, i will sort some out.


they are not pro pic, but i all ways find people wont pics of the day without spending a lot.

and you always want pics of your self driving but cant take any as your driving.


i was thinking of £5 to £10 for a disc of 200/300 pis and some short videos.

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The *only* problem I can see with this arrangement is the fact that other keen photographers are happy to give you pics of your car on track. Well they are up here anyway!


I do like the idea though.


i see your point, but even if a sell 2 discs at £5 each, thats £10 of my trackday :thumbs:


i just need a name??

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