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Newcastle Nissan want the car back!!


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Change of plans now. Today I got a contact from Nissan local, that the place in Newcastle that said "if there were any issues take it locally and they would pay for it", are now (after speaking to the Nissan dealship we took it to) wanting the car back down there.


So im guessing they want the car down in Newcastle to sort any issues themselfs aas my local dealership have now found some problems.


Not to mention having to pay the £70 for an hours labour while they checked the car.


Can you guys advise what to say when I contact Nissan Newcastle tommorrow about these issues?


Thanks guys, RIJ

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Sorry yeah, it was to do with the heated seats, but im not sure waht else has been found as the local Nissan dealership have said nothing regarding the problems, just that they were on the phone to Nissan Newcastle and now want the car back,, is it to save on labour etc? Its confusing and frustrating!

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You bought from a Nissan dealership with warranty left on the car?

If this is the case - any Nissan dealer should carry out any work under warranty - just needs authorisation from Nissan sutomer service.

If Newcastle sold the car to you as "recently serviced" - i.e. serviced as part of the deal then they'll be crapping themselves if another dealership has had to point out to you that you've got worn pads and disks (unless of course you've done significant mileage)


I went through a similar issue with Vauxhaull when I bought a NetQ car twelve years ago - that cost them dear when they didn't repace a belt at service that then snapped and smashed the engine - stand your ground mate!

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Update - It turns out that the car needs new discs and pads, and to do the work would be £700, thats what was said when we phoned Nissan Newcastle and spoke to the manager.


He said no way and think that this Arnold Clark Nissan are at it, so want us to bring the car back down to be checked over by them :angry:


If there is any consolation - they wioll pay the £70 for the hour it was at Nissan Arnold clark, and I think they will fix any issues once its been checked over at Newcastle.



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Yo, forget that man, buy your pads/disc through the forum and fit them yourself. You'll save enough to pay for your next annual service.

I'm sure everyone on here will guide you through the 'how to' if you're not mechanically minded. Me included (Yorkshire).


Thanks man, what I will do is wait till I find out what is happening when I head down south and if I have to pay for new parts I will get them through here and fit them myself (with some fourm assistance if possible :) )Will update once I have spoken to them again!

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If the car is under warranty phone nissan customer service and explain to them that you have two different dealerships trying to bend you over.......you shouldn't have to take the car all the way back down there to get any joy. Inform both dealerships that you are now going to get Nissan HQ involved and see what happens.

TBH Arnold Shark (unless its Perth) prolly are trying to shaft you - they're well known for it (Disclaimer!! This is IMHO and does not represent the views of 350z-uk.com!)

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  ripthejacker said:
Yeah, I thought about buying parts though people on this forum, but would they allow me to source parts and they still fit them? I didnt think they would do that?



why go to nissan to fit them. I'd go to a trusted independent and save even more money

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why go to nissan to fit them. I'd go to a trusted independent and save even more money


Yeah, that makes more sense.


But, before I try and buy anything the car is booked in for a week today, and apparently they are going to try and fix this problem, with a few little niggles in the one day.


Will update on how it goes..

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OK. So went down to Nissan today..


They were very good in service as for start they kept asking if we would like any refreshments and dropped us off at the city centre while we waited for the car.


The three issues were - the heated seat, tracking and strange noise when breaking.


It turns out that the cold had caused an indent almost to the disc so they skimmed it down and now runs perfectly. (there is even photos supplied showing the good condition of the pads and discs which my local Arnold Clark Nissan dealership said needed renewed and at a cost of £700!!)


The seat was given an astronomical price to fix and asked if we would be willing for a check instead to balance it out, so not all was lost.


The tracking was sorted no problem and even gave us a full tank of petrol for the inconvenience of taking it down to them.


So all in all, was pleased with the service and support that was offered.

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  martinmac said:
It just proves that there are some good dealers out there, its just a matter of finding them. :thumbs:


Thing is if you get good service you think damn right I paid enough for it, but when you get crap service you tell everybody that will listen how bad it was.


Glad you got it all sorted fella :yahoo:

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If the original dealer wants the car back and will pay for the £70 charge you incured at your local garage then go with it. Would they be prepared to send a low loader and do a pick up and return service FOC on your car as you are so far away? Maybe worth asking.

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