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Whats your thoughts on mastication

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To cut a long story short ive let myself slide ! :snack:


I quit smoking 5 months ago and ive really not been good, ive ate crap and not done much exercise just used my punch bag a couple of times a week.

Im the heaviest ive ever been and its depressing me, even the chicks at work dont look at me the same way they used too.


Anyway, I need to do something fast before I can't fit in the Zed anymore... Does Masticating food make any difference ??? someone told me it does ? My problem is that im like a JCB when it comes to food, I shovel it down me. I don't enjoy chewing loads as it makes me want to puke. If it does help I might re-educate myself to do it more but if it doesnt im not going to bother.


Right im off to play squash

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Yea it makes little difference, the idea behind it is that you digest your food qucker, but if your consuming the same amount of food, especially high fat foods, theres no point.


Get yourself down a gym or play more squash, swop smoking for exercise, its what my girlfriend does, she hits the gym four times a week and remains smoking free for 3 years now and looks great for it. :thumbs:

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For what it's worth I finally quit smoking Sept 2006 and I put about 14 lb on over the next 3 years. I finally decided to do something about it Sept 2009, and as I'd cut down on the wrong foods as much as I could, I bit the bullet and decided that the only way I was going to loose the excess I'd put on was to stop drinking ....... add up the calories you drink it will surprise you


Initially my goal was to give alcohol a rest for a month. Anyway I lost 4 lb in 4 weeks and, since I was not missing the drink, I decided to continue


It's now 4 months down the line and I've lost 18 lb in total with the added bonus that I feel soooooooo much better. My target is to lose a further 10 lb which I should be able to do by the time I get to Oz in March and then .....




PS Masticating does burn a few extra calories and it is good for your digestion ;)


PPS Fat Bustards do not look B) getting out of a Z

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Portion control and diet is the key though, u can chew as much as you like but if its a large portion of fish and chips then you will still put on weight. Idealy you should have 2/4 veg, 1/4 lean meat (palm sized) 1/4 carbs on your plate and do as much excercise as possible (at least 30 mins per day), and no carbs after tea time. Try to eat 6 x per day, 3 main meals and 3 healthy snacks to keep your metabolism high.


Also my grandad stopped smoking after 45 years and did it by substituting fags for chewing gum, stock up on sugar free chewing gum and stuff your face with this when you get a craving.


Good luck, its hard work but you will feel so much better for it.



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chewing's over rated - i like to burn my mouth and then swallow! :lol: But on a serious note Tarmac, having lived with a smoker for a fair few years i really find it disgusting. I would rather have someone with a few extra pounds and a bit cuddly than with stinking clothes, stinking breath and smokers teeth! It's completely repulsive to me and even if Keanu turned up on my doorstep I'd only do it with him the one time then send him packing if he was a smoker! :lol: You've done really well on the smoking so now just gradually introduce a better diet and a bit of exercise but still enjoy your life - I thought you looked fine when i saw you. :thumbs:

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  Tarmac said:
Thanks guys


Some great tips, really appreciate your comments


The cravings for cigs have gone now thankfully...... Im gonna knuckle down and eat sensibly and exercise regularly....


Look out for a bronze adonis at a meet in the midlands this year :#1:


Simplz - chew yer food ;)

but then I'm a smoker and overweight so you really can't listen to me :lol:

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  nixy said:
chewing's over rated - i like to burn my mouth and then swallow! :lol: But on a serious note Tarmac, having lived with a smoker for a fair few years i really find it disgusting. I would rather have someone with a few extra pounds and a bit cuddly than with stinking clothes, stinking breath and smokers teeth! It's completely repulsive to me and even if Keanu turned up on my doorstep I'd only do it with him the one time then send him packing if he was a smoker! :lol: You've done really well on the smoking so now just gradually introduce a better diet and a bit of exercise but still enjoy your life - I thought you looked fine when i saw you. :thumbs:

i saw nix eat at top gear live :scare::surrender: my god ive never seen anyone keep up with me , let alone a girl :lol:

dont worry mate i am a fellow jcb shoveller :thumbs: its fine, your coming windsurfing with me in the summer OR ELSE!

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You could always go down the route of food replacement?


Currently getting geared up for the following:


Breakfast: CLA-1000, Thermabol, Porridge

Lunch: CLA-1000, Thermabol, Promax Diet (Maximuscle)

Dinner: CLA-1000, Thermabol, Promax Diet (Maximusle)


Haven't as yet been 'able' (felt like it) to replace both lunch and dinner. For evening snack I'd eat dry hard bread or popcorn (the one you make in the air machine without fat)


Also attending the gym 3 days a week at least (trying to get to 5 but need to start slowly so I don't wreck something)


If you do above for 2 weeks you'll loose loads of weight, to manage it you just replace one meal with a protein drink and attend the gym (at least 3 times a week)


My gym sessions are pretty long at the moment (2-2.5 hours) 45 min on cross trainer or similar and 15 min weights on machine (with high intensity) is enough though.


Cheers & G'luck... Wish I had my old squash partner around, best way for me to loose weight was to run around like a eejit in the squash court every lunch for 45 min!





Oh yeah, here is the 'hardest' one.... KEEP AWAY FROM ANY ALCOHOL.



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I would be very careful with the above food intake and work. Your relying very heavily on the body to produce energy from merely protein and your own fat, thats quite extreme Andlid did a professional actually advise this? It will definately help you lose weight quickly though.

Your kidneys will be taking a massive pounding from all that protein as well so drink lots of water, and if you can stand it, cranberry juice. Just my thoughts though :lol:

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  cookiemonster said:
I would be very careful with the above food intake and work. Your relying very heavily on the body to produce energy from merely protein and your own fat, thats quite extreme Andlid did a professional actually advise this? It will definately help you lose weight quickly though.

Your kidneys will be taking a massive pounding from all that protein as well so drink lots of water, and if you can stand it, cranberry juice. Just my thoughts though :lol:

professional like a doctor or a fitness freak? :snack:


Cranberry Juice would flush me quicker then the CLA-1000! :lol: Did say if anyone else care to try suggested meal replacement to speak to a doc beforehand. I'm aiming to do 1 week of the above then replace 1 meal a day (preferable lunch since that seems to be the most crappy one I eat). Trying to do a lof of arobic stuff in the gym since I sit on my ass most of the time...



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Something that I found helps quite a bit is keeping a calorie intake diary. It sounds boring, but if you have a smartphone you can buy "apps to do that" - and then log your food as you eat and be cool about it. Trust me, you will be shocked how little it takes to get over the daily limit. You need to keep it religiously, but that also gives you something to focus on and a daily reason to eat less.


I think masticating does help too, it helps you "feel" the food more and beat the cravings, but it won't make as much of a difference as working out regularly, eating less calorie-rich foods, etc.


In the end the key is staying focused on the diet and exercise for the long term

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