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AAARRRRGGGHHH - ever feel like giving up??? (rant)


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Sorry for this rant - but I am so angry ATM and need to vent my aggression!

I started a very small business venture a few months ago, mainly to help someone else out.

It has cost me a reasonable amount of money, but I considered it viable at the time.


I have known a very young and very promising web designer for a couple of years, since my Pen days (Penetration - legal hacking) and offered to set him up in a web design company - he did a couple of sites for me, which were okay - but now if feels like I have been pi**ed on!


I offered to pay him £250/week - cash in hand (+ bonus) - he is only 18yrs - I think that's a good salary for his age!!! - but he just cant be assed! - he is unemployed, living off the state and seems not to give a **** about anything. His attitude is so lapse I have had to let him go.


What is wrong with the youth of this country??????????????


Sarnie knows about this, as I did a free site for him, and he has loads of problems with it! and I am sure he will comment!


Rant over (an extremely pi**ed off - Sun)

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Unfortunately some people would rather play Call of Duty online, actually most people would like to but most realise that this will get them nowhere.


Unfortunately he sounds like a waster, get rid of him and thats that. No time for sentiment in business.


Don't take it personally. Find someone willing to do the work as I bet there are plenty young budding web designers out there that'd like that kind of cash and be willing to work for it.


Now don't dwell and go make your business a success, that'll show the little waster! :thumbs:

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I assume this is Rob? I assumed he was 40 or something.........probably explains some of his bizzarre behaviour like disappearing off the face of the earth and then turning up in France a week later :scare::lol:


Your better off without him mate as employee's, good or bad, are a reflection of you and your company. For the record, Dave, has been superb and really gone out of his way, even with a smashed up foot and high on drugs, to help me and has gone beyond what was expected. Its just a shame you were let down by this plum :)

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Unfortunately some people would rather play Call of Duty online, actually most people would like to but most realise that this will get them nowhere.


+1 :thumbs:


I've know a few guys who do nothing but play COD online in their spare time ... It's such a waste of time ....

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Get yourself a university graduate. The small IT company (3 people) who look after our company computers got one. Apparently they only had to pay him a low wage & he has been fantastic. Work that would have taken days gets done in a fraction of the time. Obviously, as the business grows, they will increase his salary, so its a win win situation.

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even with a smashed up foot and high on drugs


Sounds like a right Chav :lol:


I agree with what has been said before regarding the reflection on your company. Even if everyone else is working their asses off it only takes one person that can't be bothered to mess it all up.

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he clearly saw it as a bit of a sideline himself and the opportunity of a job that wouldn't interfere with his own social life! That is a great opportunity for someone that age, i'm sure someone with a bit of ambition would bite your hand off!

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If I can do it from home I'll do it :D


Does he know how difficult it is to actually get into the web design industry? When I was his age I tried to get a job as a designer but most jobs wanted degrees :dry: I ended up in hardware because it was much easier to get into. I got turned down for a design job because my designs were too comlicated :wacko:

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