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Zed 2010 Euro Trip Advice / Ideas?


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I have been hankering for my first European drive in the zed for 2010, so have taken a look at petrolheadnirvana.com for inspiration (see: http://www.petrolheadnirvana.com/torque ... .php?t=865).


Has anyone done anything like this? B):D


I totally love the idea, but find it pretty shocking at the price (without petrol & food) these guys are asking for (albeit, you'll have the time of your life). I went to Australia and back via Asia for 3 weeks for £2k (roughly same as what these guys are asking for).


I would organise our very own zed euro trip, however I have ziltch experience of driving in Europe let alone taking everyone around decent places and staying in decents hotels / B&Bs. I wouldn't know where to start. :(


Is there a reason why we have the famous Wales and Northern hoons but no euro ones? Does anyone have any tips on my very first euro drive? How do you know if hotels have secure decent parking?


I want to go on a euro tour... :p

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I've done two holidays in Europe now in the Zed and absolutely loved it. On both occasions I simply booked ferries across and then drove where I felt like.


First trip was down through Germany and Switzerland to Italy, along the South coast of France and down through southern Spain into Portugal and back from Santander, and second time down through France, across the Pyrenees and through central Spain to Portugal and back from Bilbao.


Both were brilliant, and the looks and comments you get on the Zed make you as proud as anything.


I stopped where I felt like at the end of each day (in everything from cheap b&b's to the Hilton Cannes) and there was always good parking etc (plus the Europeans generally admire your car rather than want to walk over it when p*ssed up). There are plenty of must sees (mainly great roads in Switzerland and Italy, plus the Millau viaduct and the tunnel at Monte Carlo etc).


It isn't cheap mind - I think I spent about four grand for four weeks (and 4400 miles) the first time and 2.5 grand over 3 weeks (and 3000 miles) the second time, but you can use cheaper accommodation to keep costs down and don't drink as much red wine as I did! Petrol is fairly expensive in Europe except for Spain (depending on how you drive) and the tolls can mount up if you use the motorway network (though I took my time and used A roads instead). Yes, you could probably have a fortnight in the Maldives for the same money, but this is a much better way to spend your dosh......

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