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My fears confirmed on ch4 news!!


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  Trev-the-Rev said:
  Stew said:
Ice is damned dangerous, nothing you do on that!


We've had LOADS of rain today so if it freezes it'll be interesting getting to work tomorrow.


That's exactly what has happen here' The side roads that haven't been gritted are just about impossible. I can't get any traction in the Zed even with just letting up the clutch with no throttle :angry:

Exactly, it wasnt the snow, but that fact that we had some, it was compressed, froze, then we had more snow over the top of that. Gritters didnt do sod all to it. Just had it on the weather that heavy rain is heading this way and freezing temps too.


Stew, it said -8C over night for you (-12 minimum in Scotland), and rain too, so suggest you are going nowhere tomorrow! Heavy rain just washes the grit away, so it will be just sheet ice :headhurt:

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  Chris`I said:
  Trev-the-Rev said:
  Stew said:
Ice is damned dangerous, nothing you do on that!


We've had LOADS of rain today so if it freezes it'll be interesting getting to work tomorrow.


That's exactly what has happen here' The side roads that haven't been gritted are just about impossible. I can't get any traction in the Zed even with just letting up the clutch with no throttle :angry:

Exactly, it wasnt the snow, but that fact that we had some, it was compressed, froze, then we had more snow over the top of that. Gritters didnt do sod all to it. Just had it on the weather that heavy rain is heading this way and freezing temps too.


Stew, it said -8C over night for you (-12 minimum in Scotland), and rain too, so suggest you are going nowhere tomorrow! Heavy rain just washes the grit away, so it will be just sheet ice :headhurt:



Meh, I'll be at the office at the 6.30am. :)


Unfortunately I'm one of two people this week that is 'operationally essential' for Europe and Africa......

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  MAD7BOY said:
  Chris`I said:
Well little Zee is back on the drive - courtesy of a tow rope and Ben's (MAD7BOY) Evo - nice one mate :yahoo:
No worries mate. Shame we didn't think to get some photos of the Evo pulling the 350 up the hill!! Was a good laugh though. :)

Was certainly an experience! That tow rope will be permentantly in my car now just in case :lol:

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Oh dear Stew, I've just seen a Micra in Aberdeen spinning its wheels like a mad man. Guess its not just down here that we have idiots :p:lol:


No idea about studded tyres, but I think snow chains are definately allowed and not illegal.

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Don't think your allowed studded tyres here they are worried the roads will get ruined!


Btw just looked out of the window and it's snowing again here, proper sized flakes the size of large cotton balls! :cold:


Looks like I am working from home tomorrow again :yahoo:

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we left our car at a carparl on the outskirts of ipswich while we had a lift to london with my father in law.


car park was covered in compacted ice/snow. got back this evening and it was like glass, the reflections coming off it is impressive. we had no grip in our shoes, but managed to get the car out fine. there was a girl in a smart raodster polishing it up else where though :doh:


i dread to think what its going to get like with more rain and freezing temps, i don't think the zed will come back out for a bit. apart from maybe a clean.

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  alessandro said:
  stanski said:
Don't think your allowed studded tyres here they are worried the roads will get ruined!


even worst than already are? How?

Where I leave there are holes as big as moons craters ( if that it's how you spell it)


~I agree the roads are rubbish in this country but they still dont want to spend money on them even though we all pay a fortune for roadtax - it does'nt go on road repairs rather on MP's expenses I think! :lol:

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  Stew said:
  Chris`I said:
Oh dear Stew, I've just seen a Micra in Aberdeen spinning its wheels like a mad man. Guess its not just down here that we have idiots :p:lol:


That'll be a bloody toonser! :p:p:teeth::teeth:

I look forward to your demonstration on the BBC of how to drive in these conditions, it seems that everywhere could benefit from it :teeth:

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  Chris`I said:
  Stew said:
  Chris`I said:
Oh dear Stew, I've just seen a Micra in Aberdeen spinning its wheels like a mad man. Guess its not just down here that we have idiots :p:lol:


That'll be a bloody toonser! :p:p:teeth::teeth:

I look forward to your demonstration on the BBC of how to drive in these conditions, it seems that everywhere could benefit from it :teeth:


Haha! I doubt that very much! I cheat as I have a 4WD and 195 tyres. :blush::teeth:

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