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Got breathalysed last night


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For the first time in a very long time. Driving home from poker and just going through Newcastle i came to a police road block where they were stopping everyone on mass. I got asked by a policeman if i had a drink and i said yes, so i got taken to the back of a police car and did the test. Anyhow the test was clear as it would be because i only drink coffee and coke during my poker playing :lol: But seriously folks dont drink and drive especially at this time of year get a taxi instead it aint worth it. :)

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  Husky said:
  Beavis said:
I got asked by a policeman if i had a drink and i said yes .... because i only drink coffee and coke during my poker playing


genius :lol: they should be more specific about that really.



Thats what i thought :lol: If i said no i would have been lying ;)

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  • 2 years later...

Been on a Road safety awareness day today with the Road policing unit. Specifically Drink/Drug driving. Anyway Part ot the imput was some horrific pictures of incidents and injuries sustained by inocent bystanders.

I couldnt possibly post such pictures to emphasise the importance not to drink drive.

But found this Picture which is quite distressing. Texas, when a drunk driver killed one person and injured 10 others when he fell asleep at the wheel and slammed into a bike race.


Ps. just for those interested and are visiting the Z-Fest this weekend a Calibrated Breathaliser will be available for anyone to use.

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That crash was actually in Mexico, not in Texas. It was a Texan driving, though.


I often think that it would a good idea at festivals and other major gatherings where the police are anyway to have a couple of coppers walking round with a breathalyser, and people could get themselves tested if they wanted to just to make sure they were under, or to shock them into realising they were still over but before they get into the cars. Even if you made them pay £1 for the tube, it would be worth it.

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  Luke0549 said:

I've still got the ones from when I drove through France on my ring trip. I'll use them if I ever need.


But tbh, if I've got to check, i probably shouldn't be driving.


2 shandys max.


Totally agree with the first part about iof you are considering using a tester than you probably shouldnt be driving however I think it was posted earlier I'm a firm believer it's easier to have none than one when driving. Either leave the car and get a taxi or dont drink at all.

I know that even a "shandy" can alter my own perception... but thats just me :)

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  Luke0549 said:

I've still got the ones from when I drove through France on my ring trip. I'll use them if I ever need.


But tbh, if I've got to check, i probably shouldn't be driving.


2 shandys max.


Exactly thats my thoughts on it. My mate actually has one of those DIY testers, but thats probably even worse as it may well show you are fine, but on another unit it may show you are over.

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