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350Z Handling characteristics


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Hi all, i have just recently acquired a 2005, 1 owner, FNSH, UK car and i am over the moon with it as i have had my heart set on one for a few years now and finally bought it. Day 2 of ownership was nearly my last and here is why:

i was trundling along following a BMW 335i the roads were wet and we entered a dual carrageway, he sped off and i followed at a similar pace i then overtook him just before going into a long right hand bend and i eased off the gas slightly part way into the bend and the back end came round ever so slowly :scare: i immediately steered into the skid and the back end nearly went the other way but i managed to get her going straight again, before slowing down and taking my exit :blush:

Now the tyres were all but shot and it was wet, but it was a familiar bit of road that i have been through at pace before in my Skoda Octavia 2.0T VRS which is front wheel drive.

Now i know all cars drive differently as i had to adapt when i had my 4wd Subaru Impeza and also my front wheel drive VRS, but this is different somehow compared to when i had a rear wheel drive BMW 320D 170BHP, i know i now have 280bhp going to the rear's but the balance of the 350Z is supposed to be setup excellently 53%F to 47%R weight distribution, but my confidence has taken a battering and i want reasurance from other 350Z drivers on how well they handle and also any driving tips for twisty's, can you back off mid corner? does the LSD affect the handling on bends. I did not buy the car to drive it like i was driving miss daisy home, i bought it to drive it like i stole it :yahoo: only now and again :boxing: . The following day i did have new rubber fitted all round, Falken FK452's which i have now almost scrubbed in, but i don't want to be a straight line merchant as anyone can drive quick in a straight line, i want to drive it quick through sweeping bends etc like it was meant to be driven, but first i have to understand how she handles. I have watched loads of 350Z video's on youtube and saw this one which is similar to what happened to me.

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You let off mid corner - big no no in RWD ;)


The Zed can be a bit of a handful in the wet if you are not used to finessing a RWD monster about the place. You need to be smooth on rolling on and off the throttle and brakes and not make any mid corner throttle or braking adjustments in the wet.


The car is very stable and solid to drive and does handle as to be expected for a RWD car, you just need to be mindful of it :)

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Hi all, i have just recently acquired a 2005, 1 owner, FNSH, UK car and i am over the moon with it as i have had my heart set on one for a few years now and finally bought it. Day 2 of ownership was nearly my last and here is why:

i was trundling along following a BMW 335i the roads were wet and we entered a dual carrageway, he sped off and i followed at a similar pace i then overtook him just before going into a long right hand bend and i eased off the gas slightly part way into the bend and the back end came round ever so slowly :scare: i immediately steered into the skid and the back end nearly went the other way but i managed to get her going straight again, before slowing down and taking my exit :blush:

Now the tyres were all but shot and it was wet, but it was a familiar bit of road that i have been through at pace before in my Skoda Octavia 2.0T VRS which is front wheel drive.

Now i know all cars drive differently as i had to adapt when i had my 4wd Subaru Impeza and also my front wheel drive VRS, but this is different somehow compared to when i had a rear wheel drive BMW 320D 170BHP, i know i now have 280bhp going to the rear's but the balance of the 350Z is supposed to be setup excellently 53%F to 47%R weight distribution, but my confidence has taken a battering and i want reasurance from other 350Z drivers on how well they handle and also any driving tips for twisty's, can you back off mid corner? does the LSD affect the handling on bends. I did not buy the car to drive it like i was driving miss daisy home, i bought it to drive it like i stole it :yahoo: only now and again :boxing: . The following day i did have new rubber fitted all round, Falken FK452's which i have now almost scrubbed in, but i don't want to be a straight line merchant as anyone can drive quick in a straight line, i want to drive it quick through sweeping bends etc like it was meant to be driven, but first i have to understand how she handles. I have watched loads of 350Z video's on youtube and saw this one which is similar to what happened to me.


I suspect thats the majority of your answer. What make were they?

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changing gears mid corner at full throttle is a handful with the standard suspension, chassis doesnt have a problem but the suspension has a fit, as mentioned above the car doesnt like huge changes whilst one side or the other is loaded, that doesnt mean to say it cant corner quickly once you get used to it, just takes a bit longer to get the most out of rwd v front or 4wd, more rewarding when you do too :)

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Nice set of answers guys the rear tyres were some unknown name i have never heard of before and the fronts were federal's.


BTW i would only turn the "traction control" Off if i were on a track.....So no changes mid corner or no letting off the gas, so it's the slow in fast out scenario with a bit of oversteer on the exit :thumbs:


Stupid i know testing my car out in the wet with shite unknown rubber that was only 2mm in places, but i thought i was the STIG! well it was a valuble lesson learned and now i have new rubber on all 4 corners i will take it easier and get to know my car.


I am going to take it to the track in February "Oulton Park" novice track day, best place to learn me finks.

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there is your answer there, unknowns and federals, you've got mixed axles, low tread, wet weather and you let off mid corner; a lovely concoction for mayhem :lol:


might also be worth checking tyre pressure alround, should be 35psi alround if they are out it can have an adverse affect as well. also if the hnadling has thrown you slightly might be worth getting the geometry checked out and have it setup again, shouldn't cost more than about £60 but well worth it.

once you learn to use it to itsw full potential its a very rewarding drive. i'd take it steady at the moment with the snow regardless of what tyres your own you'll be wanting to go steady. if its really icy i'd suggest going a gear higher to reduce your torque available save the rear coming out without warning.


welcome to the club :thumbs:

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Lift of oversteer is cause of rear end going out. As you lift of the rear goes lighter than the front (as suspension becomes unloaded). Even though you didn't come off completely, you had reduced traction due to worn tyres - so you were on limit. Same effect when changing gear mid-corner... rear end is nicely loaded as you apply power from apex, a moment of power to back wheels as you change gear and away you go.


Lift of oversteer can be used effectively (especially by the rally boys) and on some bends (on track !).


I will drive car in wet with stability off - but only to have fun in controlled manner. I've driven car on track and airfield day in dry with stability off and the Z handles great - great feedback once you get used to it being relatively soft.


You can with practice get it to slide with stability on (just a bit but feels good) - I didn't believe it at first, but is possible. Just tickle it on the limit.

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