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Newbie... MagaZine 350z Comp winner!!!!!


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All I can really say is the best of luck with it Amy! If the garage gave the mag a quote for the work and the mag have paid the money then it is cut and dry; the garage must honour their commitment for the money paid. If the garage gave the mag an estimate then it is as it says only an estimate; it could cost double the amount.

I wonder if you did not have another car to use but had to hire one. I wonder who would be liable for the hire car cost? I am not talking a lambo here (sorry Sarnie :lol: ) but say 1.3 Fiesta. Also the value of the Zed has gone down since the garage has had it. Who is going to pay for the depreciation? All questions which I think should be considered given the enourmous time you have waited. :dry:

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sounds like the kind of fun i have between my landlord and letting agency, i know its a different subject entirely but it sounds oh so familiar, them dodging about apportioning the blame here and there, lying etc. I ended up getting very personal with thier staff, something which is very unlike me :blush: they hate me now, but god dam they are quick to respond :evil: shame you have to keep the good relations as it makes it more difficult. I also tried the whole legal threat route and they didnt give a toss as they were convinced it was the other parties fault leaving me in the middle like yourself. i have to admit i had to foot a bill of £154 quid myself and charge it back to them in the process though :headhurt: .


my point being; it is crap being stuck in the middle of two arguing parties when the outcome affects you more than them. But, these things have a way of sorting themselves out in the end and you'll be happy. bit of nagging always helps speed it along a bit though ;)


good luck :)

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  choptop said:
All I can really say is the best of luck with it Amy! If the garage gave the mag a quote for the work and the mag have paid the money then it is cut and dry; the garage must honour their commitment for the money paid. If the garage gave the mag an estimate then it is as it says only an estimate; it could cost double the amount.

I wonder if you did not have another car to use but had to hire one. I wonder who would be liable for the hire car cost? I am not talking a lambo here (sorry Sarnie :lol: ) but say 1.3 Fiesta. Also the value of the Zed has gone down since the garage has had it. Who is going to pay for the depreciation? All questions which I think should be considered given the enourmous time you have waited. :dry:


your now talking about the depreciation of a car that is being given to someone free of charge? :lol: and also the cost of a hire car for not getting it on schedule? I'm just checking? Becaue it's sounding more and more like an American forum. Like others have said before legal routes shouldn't be necessary. Let them fight it out and be patient.

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Getting it for free is 100% irrelevant. What if Amy had planned to pay off a load of student debts by selling the car straight away and keeping the FTO but was now £2k short due to the depreciation, who's fault is that?


Getting it for free does not excuse the delay, the lack of communication and general **** up that this seems to have been.....

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If i didnt know the people, and i didnt care about them... id of taken legal action ages ago and got very angry.....

i do believe its not the mags fault, so i will stand by them.... for now,

i should know end of next week if this garage is going to play ball or make it worse ........

but if it goes to court, i could be waiting ages ..however if it does... they did say theyl give my zed to another garage to finish..and i have one waiting!! :)

it has taken the pi$$ !!! and i am upset, but i dont think theres much i can do, without losing friends!

will give an update end of next week... with what the garage do about the mag now threatening em, 'finish it or court!'

my lifes like a soap opera at min!!!

and yes i am waiting to sell FTO to clear debts and get my own place! :(

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  RobD7 said:
You mention you dont want to lose friends over this but clearly they're not fussed about losing you as a friend or they wouldn't behave like this :blush:

+1 and presumably you're car is depreciating which means you wont be able to pay off as much as the debts as you might like. Hate to always be sceptical, but if it turns out the garage beleive they are owed money, the mag might find it hard to get the car back before it all goes to court :surrender:

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  cookiemonster said:
  choptop said:
All I can really say is the best of luck with it Amy! If the garage gave the mag a quote for the work and the mag have paid the money then it is cut and dry; the garage must honour their commitment for the money paid. If the garage gave the mag an estimate then it is as it says only an estimate; it could cost double the amount.

I wonder if you did not have another car to use but had to hire one. I wonder who would be liable for the hire car cost? I am not talking a lambo here (sorry Sarnie :lol: ) but say 1.3 Fiesta. Also the value of the Zed has gone down since the garage has had it. Who is going to pay for the depreciation? All questions which I think should be considered given the enourmous time you have waited. :dry:


your now talking about the depreciation of a car that is being given to someone free of charge? :lol: and also the cost of a hire car for not getting it on schedule? I'm just checking? Becaue it's sounding more and more like an American forum. Like others have said before legal routes shouldn't be necessary. Let them fight it out and be patient.

Unfortunately being patient hasn't really got Amy anywhere has it? As you rightly say legal routes shouldn't be necessary but between the garage and the mag no-one seems to care about Amy's feelings and giving her the car which she has won. I jest but the new 370z Roadster is now available for order at your dealer with a revised 3.7 litre engine for March 2010 delivery. How much longer should she have to wait? Until the 380z comes out?

I wish you all the best in getting your car Amy :thumbs:

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True, the garage certainly dont care about me... the mag say they do, and say theyre very busy and its not their priority..IT SHOULD BE!!!!!!!

If on friday i dont get what i want to hear - ie action happening... ill get stronger on em.... :rant:

they did say theyl take car to another garage.... so im pushing for this! :boxing:

But you guys r correct the garage its in now may not let the car out!!!

Most people are tellin me to take action against the mag, but my family are tellin me to wait..... they dont want me to fall out with the mag.

So hard!! I reckon its def garages fault.. i was told the amount mag gave em... it was enough!! and they havnt done alot of the jobs on the car asked...... just want car out of there, in a garage i know and keys then in my hand! :bounce:

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I'd be bored of waiting by now, I'd take the solitors offer and let them all argue it amongest themselves - in court and in the press.


I wouldn't be too fussed about loosing MaxPower as a friend, could be a good thing!

+1 - I think the mag are feeding you a line tbh, they obviously dont care about you or they'd have given you more details about whats going on. The garage wouldnt want to hold the car for any reason, unless they feel they have been short changed by something. Doesnt have to have been your car either, if they have done work on another and are owed money on that, they might be holding all of the mags cars against the debt. I'd let the solicitors scare the mag a bit into doing something, doesnt have to be official action, just a letter of intent.

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I'd be bored of waiting by now, I'd take the solitors offer and let them all argue it amongest themselves - in court and in the press.


I wouldn't be too fussed about loosing MaxPower as a friend, could be a good thing!


Well i am fussed coz i like getting my cars in their mag and i also like being with them at the shows ..... it would be a shame for me if they hated me! my friends dont go to car shows with me, so i rely on who i know at the shows to keep me company :(

i know im being really nice ..... too nice, but i dont just yet want to be at war with them, i believe they will threaten garage this week, if not- then i will ring solicitor back!

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  AmyZed said:
I'd be bored of waiting by now, I'd take the solitors offer and let them all argue it amongest themselves - in court and in the press.


I wouldn't be too fussed about loosing MaxPower as a friend, could be a good thing!


Well i am fussed coz i like getting my cars in their mag and i also like being with them at the shows ..... it would be a shame for me if they hated me! my friends dont go to car shows with me, so i rely on who i know at the shows to keep me company :(

i know im being really nice ..... too nice, but i dont just yet want to be at war with them, i believe they will threaten garage this week, if not- then i will ring solicitor back!


But for how long do you want to be mixing with Chav Power? There are more than enough car shows to go to with this club alone.....

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  Sarnie said:
  AmyZed said:
I'd be bored of waiting by now, I'd take the solitors offer and let them all argue it amongest themselves - in court and in the press.


I wouldn't be too fussed about loosing MaxPower as a friend, could be a good thing!


Well i am fussed coz i like getting my cars in their mag and i also like being with them at the shows ..... it would be a shame for me if they hated me! my friends dont go to car shows with me, so i rely on who i know at the shows to keep me company :(

i know im being really nice ..... too nice, but i dont just yet want to be at war with them, i believe they will threaten garage this week, if not- then i will ring solicitor back!


But for how long do you want to be mixing with Chav Power? There are more than enough car shows to go to with this club alone.....


+1 we do some lovely meets :)

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As much as we think what Amy should or should not do, at the end of the day it's down to her to decide. I find it very surprising to hear the magazine has laid out money but are to busy to give the matter any priority. Probably gives some insight into why it has got to this situation.

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i know you guys do most of the shows too and look forward to being at them with you :D

the mag run show and shine comps i enjoy entering and i like seeing my cars in the mag..... have history with them so dont wana end that badly , will see what they do this week.........

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fingers crossed it gets sorted soon! it all seems a bit pathetiic, if the garage give a quote then all works agreed between them should be done to the agreed amount, if i went into someones house after agreeing to change their boiler for £1500 for arguments sake, then as soon as i took out the old one i told them im not fitting a new one until you pay me an extra £500 then i wouldnt be in work! if they have underpriced it then tough luck! its their own fault and should have done a better job pricing it! just my 2 cents anyway

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I'd be bored of waiting by now, I'd take the solitors offer and let them all argue it amongest themselves - in court and in the press.


I wouldn't be too fussed about loosing MaxPower as a friend, could be a good thing!


+1 Max power are increasingly an anachronism these days. Back it the lads mag boom of the early "naughties" they used to shift over a quarter of a million copies a month, nowadays they shift about one tenth of that and falling. More people buy "Landrover Owner" and "Pregnancy and Birth".


They certainly aren't the only game in town, and if no one's talking, you need to get the big guns in.

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