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Why don't people understand slip roads?


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Going home from work, slip road onto a dual carriageway and its dark which doesn't help as all i can see in my mirror and over my shoulder is lights. Ok its busy but why do so many people in the nearside lane just have the attitude of tough luck - i can't move in to the outside so stuff you! Am i seriously supposed to give way at the end of the slip road???? Isn't the idea that if you can't move over you speed up or slow down accordingly and everyone flows? So sick of people on the way home from work that don't acknowledge when i let them in, don't let me out, or just can't bloody drive! Agghh! Feel so much better now! :lol:

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I hate the idiots who pull over to the outside lane 400 yards before a slip road just in case someone is coming down it :rant: usually a 40 ton truch doing 55.8 mph on the A34 :angry:


As far as I'm concerned it's up to the vehicle in the slip road to find a gap, not for me to make one for them - if there's no gap than they give way like at any other junction

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if theres nothing stopping you getting out the way and you block me in i will pull out on top of you, i genuinely dont care. theres no need for that kind of ignorance. fair enough if you cant that's fine. as far as im aware the person on the motorway should NOT change their speed whatsoever and the person joining should match speed. AND rich, i pull out into the MIDDLE lane, freeing up the left hand lane only if there is anything pulling on making it easier for them to judge. English(generalisation) people have TERRIBLE road awareness and are rude, ignorant, lazy drivers spoiled with too many lanes. its bliss when i get back to scotland.

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So, if I am driving correctly on the slip road and the dual carriageway is busy are you saying nobody should pay any attention then and I have to stop at the end? I know technically and legally i have to put surely its common sense for drivers to be traffic aware and ease the flow of traffic? That's why I always let people in at junctions and roundabouts etc so it all keeps moving along........


(unless i can tell they have pushed in or cheated in some way, then i don't! :lol: )

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So, if I am driving correctly on the slip road and the dual carriageway is busy are you saying nobody should pay any attention then and I have to stop at the end? I know technically and legally i have to put surely its common sense for drivers to be traffic aware and ease the flow of traffic? That's why I always let people in at junctions and roundabouts etc so it all keeps moving along........


(unless i can tell they have pushed in or cheated in some way, then i don't! :lol: )


i agree with that, the key bit being common sense, slip roads are massive, doing it properly no way should you get to the end. :p

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the idiot truckers on the A34 move over to block the outside lane of 2 and usually end up pulling back over having passed nothing, as if there was anything on the slip road it's already pulled in front and disappeared. This leads the the need for trucks to be banned from the outside lane of 2-lane d/c so that traffic can move at a decent speed (and i mean somewhere near 70, not warp speed) but that again relies on the muppets pulling back to the left after passing something, not thinking the outside lane is for doing 60 because there's another truck 1/2 a mile ahead.


Most days the A34 is single file all the way from the M40 to the M3 and the same on the way back :rant:


Agreed, with the speed of the Zed you should be able to match speed for a gap long before the end of a motorway slip road. If it'sa short slip road onto a 2 lane d/c then the speed limit on the d/c is probably too high.


Don't get me started on the Coventry ring road with the on-ramp being the same as the off ramp for the next juction :lol:

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the idiot truckers on the A34 move over to block the outside lane of 2 and usually end up pulling back over having passed nothing, as if there was anything on the slip road it's already pulled in front and disappeared. This leads the the need for trucks to be banned from the outside lane of 2-lane d/c so that traffic can move at a decent speed (and i mean somewhere near 70, not warp speed) but that again relies on the muppets pulling back to the left after passing something, not thinking the outside lane is for doing 60 because there's another truck 1/2 a mile ahead.


Most days the A34 is single file all the way from the M40 to the M3 and the same on the way back :rant:


Agreed, with the speed of the Zed you should be able to match speed for a gap long before the end of a motorway slip road. If it'sa short slip road onto a 2 lane d/c then the speed limit on the d/c is probably too high.


Don't get me started on the Coventry ring road with the on-ramp being the same as the off ramp for the next juction :lol:


The ring road is ace, you have no choice but to filter or its a wall for both of you :wave::yahoo:

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I hate people who dont say thanks


It makes me soooooo angry !!!! If I had a missile launcher on my zed I would use it on these people - no fuss !!




Quite agree - I personally have a supply of red turtles and banana skins for just such a scenario - my middle name is YOSHI :lol::teeth:


and Rich ...best roadcraft practice is actually to move over (when safe) when approaching a slip so that people can join - I do agree if its a dual carriageway is annoying - but no-one should be pelting along in outside going past a slip anyway ;)

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i didn't know they were called slip roads anyway. i thought they were launch ramps. i like to be at terminal velocity by the time i get to the end :lol:



But sometimes not the greatest idea - a 'friend' of mine always had that philosophy until he misjudged it with a lorry and ended up parking his Porker under said lorry...luckily he walked away - Porker didn't tho and neither did lorry :doh:

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direct from that website


Driving on the motorway



Joining the motorway. When you join the motorway you will normally approach it from a road on the left (a slip road) or from an adjoining motorway. You should


* give priority to traffic already on the motorway

* check the traffic on the motorway and match your speed to fit safely into the traffic flow in the left-hand lane

* not cross solid white lines that separate lanes or use the hard shoulder

* stay on the slip road if it continues as an extra lane on the motorway

* remain in the left-hand lane long enough to adjust to the speed of traffic before considering overtaking

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