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Post your xmas tree


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This is pretty rare for a bah humbug like me!


I put a tree up today - as I literally live in my bedroom or the kitchen I decided to put my tree up in the kitchen this year. I spend so much time sat in there (in fact i'm there now). It's only a crappy camera phone pic but you get the gist. So, show us your trees then! (just realised the tops bent :lol:)




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Ok, I put the Christmas tree up last night. I'm afraid it's a fake one as I have a cat (that has used the leather sofa as a scratching post :thumbdown: ) that would hide behind it all day everday if it wasn't packed with pressies! I haven't wrapped Jaynes yet, think there is going to be overspill when they go under the tree.... :wacko:


White LEDs, red, black and silver decorations - no tinsel!




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your fairy light display is just lazy - just drapped over the very front of the tree?!


Now go back and do it properly! ;)


It's actually not! It's just that I couldn't get dark corded LEDs......


It's only noticiable in pictures anyway. :p

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