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Have You been Christmas shopping today?


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Nipped to the local shops for some bits and waited to have my shoes reheeled and boy did they need healing - they had no soul either so £25 and an hour later I was done.

I forced myself to go to the card shop and get a couple of special cards. There's nowt wrong with those left over box sets from 1993 I told myself! :blush:

Local town was full of really happy shoppers full of Christmas cheer curteous to a fault(Not!!!) :boxing: Everyone was coughing their guts up as were their sproggs damn I miss working shifts at a time like this!

We popped over to Mank later also just for good measure. Christmas markets are on so busier than normal, think I was getting stressed by just the thought of going into a massive Boots. And seeing the great unwashed en mass pushing past you with total disregard!

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Christmas Shopping is a complete nightmare. Don't you just hate those people who stop in the middle of the shopping aisles for no good reason, blocking and stopping everything?

Thank goodness for internet shopping :thumbs:

Too right mate unfortunately some stuff we need to get from a shop oh well .....

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Zmas shopping there Chris??

Waiting for the New Year, but had to do some research as we drove right past the dealers, it would be rude not to, and they are the only one of 3-4 near me that have a demonstrator :teeth:;)

It would have been most rude. :p

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