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i didn't think the underwear thread was out of line either, but that's a whole different story.........


Anyway, i don't normally bother commenting on these things but in the true spirit of the subject matter you just happen to have caught me in pre-monthly mode so watch out! :lol:

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In my opinion it's pretty poor when the team give up their time to help run the club and when a couple of off topic (and possibly out of hand) topics get moved out of view we get hassle from some of the members.


We are very easy going here and try to please everyone. Evidently this is very difficult and sometimes we don't please everyone around here.


Sorry this time it's a thread which a few of the members liked.

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I haven't looked at the success of marriage thread, but IMO both the underwear and cheryl cole thread were derogatory and not appropriate for this forum. From just reading the extractabove from the success of marriage thread, I think the mods have done the right thing

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We all joined this forum in the first place for one main reason - an interest in ZEDs


But having a bit of a banter, sharing jokes and other 'off-topic' discussion has also helped to give a real sense of community with new friendships, as witnessed by anyone who has attended meets.


Of late, we have seen the off-topic discussion taking most of our time not helped by a very small minority who clearly regard this forum as a challenge to one they prefer and post in a way that is perceived to either to stir things up and/or to undermine the basis of what has attracted the 4500+ members here in the first place and the traders who are our life blood as it is their contributions that keep this place going, not your free membership.


Perhaps its the winter and we all feel a bit frustrated ZED activity is limited but reading an ever increasing proportion of off-topic posts, that have a limited but hard-core audience, to see if the "line" has been crossed does get a bit tedious - one of the downsides of moderating that its not so easy to 'switch channels'. Its also noticable that some of our previously more prolific posters are posting :yawn:'s.


The team discussion is getting more dominated about concerns about the way some of the off-topic and undermining threads are going, with an increasing number of pm's from members expresssing concern about thread contents, reflecting the perception of a trend that is not what the majority on here are interested in reading.


As Stew says, we are never going to please everyone all the time and we will make mistakes in the editing room. As a 'newbie' moderator I am still cutting my teeth but for those who have being moderating for years, and are some of the most highly experienced amd knowlegible ZED enthusiasts on here, their patience is understandably wearing thin and I think it is important to highlight that if we lose them we won't have this forum as it certainly won't run by itself.


If you see a thread or post deleted it will not have been done lightly and normally done by way of team consultation and a message sent to the poster concerned, unless it's a clear breach of the rules, spam etc.


We want this place to be enjoyed by all and primarily to share views about the reason we joined in the first place. The best moderation is self-moderation so for those who feel the need to push the boundaries don't be surprised if you are cut off in your prime ;)

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I haven't looked at the success of marriage thread, but IMO both the underwear and cheryl cole thread were derogatory and not appropriate for this forum. From just reading the extractabove from the success of marriage thread, I think the mods have done the right thing


Oh Luce/ (Stan) - completely agree - that joke quoted here was appalling and Tarmac was hauled up by the rest of us for it - (he knew it was a step too far ;) ) but is not representative of what was in the 'success' thread. The thread took off because a foul and offensive joke to women was posted and we just used it as a combative /competitive thing.


I think we all agree on the underwear & cheryl cole threads and that's not what we're discussing here :thumbs:


I think we all realise now that if there were a vote then it would not have ben removed and that there were other options available other than removing it completely :)

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I think we all agree on the underwear & cheryl cole threads and that's not what we're discussing here :thumbs:


i think it's all part of the same issue.


i'd go further than some of the comments made recently about some of the posts at the end of those threads going too far, by saying that the topic of the threads were not appropriate in the first place


although obviously its subjective anyway (and that's no doubt what the mods have difficulty with), imo the usual jokes like the ironing ones in this thread are ok, but lately there have been too many that have just gone too far

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Bingo! :clap:

This is my point - we're discussing the 'success' thread not other threads - thats what the problem is - our single joke thread, with multiple views and posts, has been lumped along with the ''problem'' threads that have been popping up left right and centre in 'off topic'


To avoid any further degeneration - would suggest that this thread is locked but left as evidence of our discussion

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Before this does get locked I just want to say that my joke was in context with the rest of the thread.


The joke was not meant to offend but may have pushed the barrier slightly...... I stick by that I do find it funny but as pointed out it was probably innappropriate on here.... I did not post anymore rude jokes after I was pulled up for this and I did not post anything offensive on the other 'problem' threads mentioned, so, as ive pointed out to a member of the team I do find a bit harsh using me as a scape goat on this and quoting a post from a locked thread which had banter from both sex's is in my opinion out of order and hanging me out to dry




In fact posting that joke up again is just as bad as me posting originally if it was that offensive :disguise:

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