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G'day from downunder (Few pics now)


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Hey guys and gals, how we all doing? Just thought i would check in as its been a while lol. So what have I missed? anything exciting........

Having a great time over here the weather is bloody awesome and done lots of kool things i.e great barrier reef, sailed to fraser island, ZORBING(must be tried by all) surfers paradise, loads of massive rides in water parks etc loads to tell lol. Just in the whitsundays just now about to go for a 3 Day, 2 Night sail around the islands whooop. So has it reached the stage where ur scraping ice off the window yet? ohh and any newbies gone sideways in ice or snow yet? lol


The only thing i have to complain about is the wee scooners they drink over here, i miss a big pint lol altho the beer is bloody cold so cant complain too much. As for cars wow the aussies like their fast cars.... fallen in love with a 6.6L UTE haha. Its bloody fast and sexy. Standard colour is in Pauls Green (just looks awesome B) ) Seen a fair few zeds as well altho none modded which sucks a bit. Actually i have seen more 370's than i have 350z. The yellow 370 is actual sex lol defo on the list for a future car. :teeth:



Missing my zed loads as i am driving a toyota hiace camper van just now which i have to say has been great so far ( as he touches the wooden table) The roads over here are immense and the views are just breathtaking, if i move over here loads of fun will be had in a fast car ....ROAD TRIP :D


Anyway best be off, let me know how you all are getting on.... oh Irfan have u seen my zed kicking about Giffnock since i have been gone? I just know my dad will be driving her lol.


Speak later


Jay :D:teeth::band::boat::drunk:

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Yo Jay - good to hear from you mate :thumbs:


Sounds like your having a great time over there B):sun:


Tell ya mate its tropical here at the moment - really odd for the time of year most people are on the beach at the weekends and everyone is just driving with the top down - gonna be a boiling Christmas for us ! :lol::p:blink:


Just kiddin its the usual freezing cold wet weather I am sure your missing at the moment!


Any pics of the Splittie yet? :teeth:

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ur dads been kickin the sh!t outta ur car lol it aint 2tone no more- its all black!


glad ur havin fun post some pics of fraser island if u took any- gimme a trip down memory lane lol







......and wel see how good ur tan is when u stand beside me lol

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Thong land hahaha yeh right. Well I have driven the whole east coast from melb up tp cairns and slowly making my way back down jus now. Bronze dnt b jealous of our fantastic country you could always try and visit altho......... we dnt tend to let these kiwi type in........ bad for our reputation :lol::p;)


Irfan no 1 has a chance showing off their tan next to you m8 lol.

Stan: No pics of it as yt she i in a bit of a state at the mo.... erm my cousin may have blwn up the engine hahaha. :wacko:


As for staying over here ...... I am very empted as the lifestyle suits me, but i have so many people i would miss back home..... yes ur included nix haha :teeth:


Well i best be off. I have a 1000km drive today from Rockhampton (sh!t hole) downs to Coffs harbour lol. So keep hittin me with updates on this please lol as i have sooo much threads to catch up on.


Take it easy


Jay :thumbs:


Oh and bronze if i come to nz i want a lift in ur zed lol

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Thong land hahaha yeh right. Well I have driven the whole east coast from melb up tp cairns and slowly making my way back down jus now. Bronze dnt b jealous of our fantastic country you could always try and visit altho......... we dnt tend to let these kiwi type in........ bad for our reputation :lol::p;)


Oh and bronze if i come to nz i want a lift in ur zed lol

Lol, ya reckon my visa might be revoked. :p

Just as well you're not in your Zed doing all that mileage Jay. ;) Such massive distance between cities there.


You're on Jay, if you come over to NZ, I'll organise a meet, and even let you in the Zed, as long as there's no dirt on your shoes on the new carmats. :lol: Already meet Mart's neighbour when he was over here. :thumbs:


Why is it that every time somebody is in a hot country they like to rub our noses in it? :bangin:

We wouldn't do that. :blush::ninja::lol:

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