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I am Back!!!


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I am sure no-one missed my posts in the past 7 weeks anyway, but I'm back online - albeit drugged up on painkillers etc.


For those that dont know - I went to Turkey on holiday for a week - got really pi**ed and fell off a bar while dancing on the last night - shattered my heel - hospital straight away, flight home, hospital back in UK.


7 weeks later now - still confined to bed with leg raised, in major pain all the time (but I love the Tramadol!) - its gonna be yet another month before I can at least attempt to walk again.


I was hoping to be able to drive today, but got in my Zed and pressed the clutch down once, and I was in agony (yep, its my left foot)


Anyway - I missed u all - just thought I would say 'Hi' again!



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Thanks for your kind words guys.


Apparently the heel is supposed to be one of the worse/most painful bones in your body that you can break - and I can vouch for that!! I like a good drink, but that night I was seriously drunk - even still the pain was absolute agony. A few hours later, after I had been to hospital, I was in so much pain I actually blacked out.


I have been told by my specialist, that it may take up to 6 months before I can walk again properly (without a limp) and that I would almost definitely suffer from rheumatism (at 41!! :bang: ) - however he did stress how lucky I was - apparently it was a clean break/fracture - had it have been at an angle I would have needed an operation; that would mean 3 months in hospital and I wouldn't be able to walk at all for a year - and I would have a limp for the rest of my life there after! :scare::scare::scare:


Its funny how things fall into perspective after what seemed to be a minor accident!

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Moral of the story?


It's cooler to break your heel falling off a 256bhp jetski than by falling off a chair...... :lol::lol::lol:


I was snogging a bloke called Brian from Birmingham at the time (he was naked) ;):lol::lol::lol:


You are not allowed to edit my posts - its illegal - I am gonna write to my MP! :lol::lol::lol:


edit - even though, Brian was looking hot that night! :lol:

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