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Today should have been a good day - or - WHY ME

Emperor Ming

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  Emperor Ming said:
Today should have been a good day. A day taken off work and my new car was due, my brother in law volunteered to take us up so Mrs Ming and I could have a nice long journey back in glorious sunshine and I could spend the rest of the day cleaning it until I went to poker and won lots of money. That was the plan.


The day started badly as both mrs Ming and I slept in!!

Got up breakfasted and at about 10:00am I called the garage.

"Hi mate. Mr Sainsbury here. Just making sure the 350Z is ready for collection"

"er......... er........... er ........ There is a bit of a problem! The forms from the DVLA have not come through so it has no Reg number or tax disc. i am sure they will be in the post this morniing though. can you call back in half an hour."

There is a slight atmosphere in our house and a feeling of impending doom but I TRY and stay up beat. afterall the sun is out and ... and .... and .....

Two calls later and still no docs. I am now quite cross, Mrs Ming is staying out of the way and my brother in law is looking bored but trying NOT to laugh.

11:30 and i find out that the papers are on the desk in the DVLA office in outer mongolia somewhere and MIGHT be sorted today. The vendor assures me that if they are he will go and fetch them and sort everything out. At this stage I tipped hope out with the dirty dishwater and resigned myself to getting the car tomorrow (Wishfull thinking as it turns out)

My brother in law my eldest son and i decide to kill time by changing the light bulb in th pond filter and proceed to cause a pipe leak that took three hours and lots of tape to fix!! Anger turned to humour turned to hysteria and we all had a cup of tea.

2:30pm and the call I was dreading. "The docs will not be ready today sir. I have asked.................... to keep them on her desk and I will get them tomorrow and we can sort the car out tomorrow evening. (He lives in Leeds so I can collect it AFTER work tomorrow) BUT"

"What do you mean BUT"

"Well if she forgets and puts them in the post this evening it will be late on Monday or Tuesday before I get the docs" (DVLA will not of course work on a weekend - heaven forbid it)

I calmly put down the phone having wished the man a nice day and when I was happy the phone had disconnected I prayed for the wrath of Thor and the Viking gods to rain upon him - oh and I hoped his next SH*T was a hedgehog.

For those of you who do not know me I am a police officer of many many years service and quite well known in the town I live and work.

I decided to go and collect my uniform from work as i am at crown court tomorrow - I had intended to travel in style but its back to LDV police van - and post a few letters.

I got a mile from work - 5 miles from home - when I received a telephone call to say that the case has been withdrawn for now and would be relisted. This job is 18 months old and has been to court FIVE times now!!!!!

I took a long deep breath and turned around back to town to go to the post office.

As I pulled through town I stopped three or four cars back in a line of traffic at a set of lights next to a town centre pub with a little 'beer garden' i am sat there with the stereo on contemplating how odd life can be when I hear. "Sainsbury you FU**ING WAN*ER" I look to my left and see a group of 10 or 12 bare chested arseh*les drinking and smiling. At least 6 of them I recognised as 'customers' but i could not decided who thought I was a left handed shuffler. I gritted my teeth and parked the car around the corner, went to the post office and then could contain myself no longer.

I wandered round to the beer garden and leant over the fence smiling. A few seconds later a face looks up, see's me, smiles and says "Hello Mr sainsbury" Did I recognise the voice. You betcha I did. A few others mumbled under their breath some less than pleasant comments about officers of the law but so quietly I am surprised if their drinking duddies heard them.

Me "Now then guys. Which one of you wanted to speak to me?"


me "Well one of you did cause you called me an EFFing ****er"


Me "Come on lads. speak up"


Me "Just as I thought. No bottle"

I turned and walked away and as soon as I was a second out of sight.


My brain thinks. Dont go back. My heart says Dont you dare walk away.

I go back

Me "Right you ARSEH*LES. say it to my face."


"Just as I thought. Not a spine amoungst the lot of you!"

A good long paddington bear stare and I wandered off to UTTER SILENCE.

Boy did I feel better. All that angst and ire out of my sytem in one go!

You would think that me day was over but oh no there was loads more in store.

I went to ASDA to get some shopping and in the space of 100 yards two people reversed out at me causing two hasty stops and then as I left the store someone came the wrong way down a one way street, narrowly missing me and shouting at me for being on the wrong side of the road.


I got home and tried to chill out.

Decided to make mrs Ming and I a Ming special omlette.

As soon as the ingredients were cooked I reached for the blended egg mix - 8 free range eggs if it makes a difference - caught the handle and then tipped the lot onto my feet. There was one of those horrid long silences that normally come just before a car crash then we all got a fit of the giggles. The picture of me in my trainer socks and 3/4 trousers covered in a bright orangy yellow GOOOO! was one that I shall long remember.

And the day is yet young.

I have a poker match tonight ............................... :shock:

Wish me luck



does that mean you are not coming to get the plenum on Sunday ? ;):teeth::lol:

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Hi Guys


Well put mate and a great bit of moderation. :thumbs:

As Lomoto will tell you there were a couple of threads on the GTO site that either started or ended as a 'Lets all slag off coppers' thread.

I vociferously defended my profession, one that I am very proud of I might add. :boxing::)

It is also of note that I spent half my time on the site assisting in members dealing with officers who seemed to have acted inappropriately even in one case ASSISTING in the person making a complaint AGAINST an officer. I also assisted in numerous crime/police/domestic/A N Other problems which i did voluntarily and often at great length. Crikey i once spent 8 hours driving around Nottingham in my own car trying to help find a stolen Eclipse owned by a club member.

I am more than willing, time permitting to do the same on here and i will give open, unbiased advice as I see it using the benifit of 28yrs policing (No wonder I can be grumpy at times eh!!)

I accept that I may have over reacted, and I appologise for that, and yes I am touchy about the 'all coppers are wan*ers' attitude. As you rightly put it we dont say all IT guys are geeks or all plumbers/mechanics/electricians are arse*oles. It just seems that one bad experience amongst numerous good ones gets remembered. we are ALL too ready to complain when things are bad but forget our tongues when things are good.

I am very thick skinned and more than willing to have a laugh with anyone, again ask Lomoto he saw a fair chunk of my entries on the GTO site, but I dont like personal attacks.

If Blackie, or anyone else come to that, wishes to correspond regarding the ill's and massive shortfalls of the criminal justice system, the failings of 'policing' generally, the inability of the system to either treat victims fairly or criminals appropriately then i am more than willing to do so via pm or even in a seperate thread. I am willing to answer just about any question on any of the above so long as it is a question and not an attack on my profession.

(Wanna know how to catch drug dealers? In 3 years me and my team imprisoned 50. Wanna know about dodgy DVD's music and games. Bit of an expert on that - don't mention pole dancers though!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I am new to the site and do not want to be seen as the new guy rocking the boat. I think it is a great site with lots of good humour and will definately stay around.

Ming the Chilled

PS Read the next entry about the car :headhurt::rant::scare::yuck::thumbdown: and you will wonder how I am so cool right now.

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The Saga continues

Contacted the firm I am getting the car from, JCI Imports (anyone had any dealings with them?? just off the A1 north of Wetherby) to be told that the documents are ready, the car is taxed and tested and SVA'ed and ready to go. The paint work that I wanted doing has been done (a largish scuff on the nearside front of the bumper and a similar scuff in the drivers side skirt) and the car will be in Leeds at 6 pm at the guys home address.

I phoned the insurance company and paid £546 on my plastic so that I can drive it home and booked tomorrow off work (it helps when you are the gaffer) to give it a Ming clean and valet.

I'm excited, Mrs Ming is excited, my lads are excited hell the chuffin dog seems excited.

I get to Leeds at 6:30 on the nail. The car LOOKS great as we approach. We park up and do the normal walk round. All blacked out windows and BIG exhausts. I need to add here my brother in law tells it as it is. (Several spells in Jail help no end - see I like crooks as well ;) ) The first thing we look at is the front bumper. The nearside is great scuff gone and no stone chips, all smooth and shiney then there is a sort of rough bit in the middle followed by a bit of a line followed by stone chips all over the drivers side. Bear in mind the bomper was given to him OFF THE DAMN CAR why did he only spray half of it??????????????????? AR*E.

I then look at the drivers side skirt. Great job ... but wait a minute ... whats that on the door?????????? :rant::scare:

A patch the size of a dinner plate that looks like there is still polish on it ......... only it wont wipe off. Closer examination reveals three or four small blotches under the patch and some staining on the door to window rubber. We reckon that whilst spraying, someone has spilled a few drops of thinners on the door, realised, and tried to wipe them off. Only when the car was buffed up did it materialise leaving the surface lacquer stained. :angry::angry:

The car now needs ALL the front bumper spraying to remove the line and stone chips and the whole of the drivers door, the rear arch - there was a further blotch found on top of the wheel arch - and most of the front wing doing to clear up the problem.

The final agreement was that I left with my deposit back and that the guy would speak to the paint shop tomorrow, find out what they are going to do and call me. When the car is finished it will be brought to me and only if I am 101% happy with it , and that will take some doing now, will I consider the purchase.

Should the paint job be up to standard then my only concern is that in sodium street lighting the colour differential will show. Does anyone know a way to check this.

I am the only bloke I know with two insurance policies for two different cars, neither of which I own :teeth::surrender: and who has to go to work on a bicycle. Who has £00000's in the bank and no car to spend it on and more wasted days off than I even want to think about.

Ming the Patience tested

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My names Blacky not blackie :teeth:


I welcome your invitation to discuss the failings of "The system".


Not sure how I can do that without questioning your profession though.


As a former member of Her Majesty's armed forces, I had also taken


much critism of my profession, some fair,some not, but everyone has


there opinion.


Might invite my Dad along old wan**r that he is.


I think my scroll buttom might take a pounding though.

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  Emperor Ming said:
The Saga continues

Contacted the firm I am getting the car from, JCI Imports (anyone had any dealings with them?? just off the A1 north of Wetherby) to be told that the documents are ready, the car is taxed and tested and SVA'ed and ready to go. The paint work that I wanted doing has been done (a largish scuff on the nearside front of the bumper and a similar scuff in the drivers side skirt) and the car will be in Leeds at 6 pm at the guys home address.

I phoned the insurance company and paid £546 on my plastic so that I can drive it home and booked tomorrow off work (it helps when you are the gaffer) to give it a Ming clean and valet.

I'm excited, Mrs Ming is excited, my lads are excited hell the chuffin dog seems excited.

I get to Leeds at 6:30 on the nail. The car LOOKS great as we approach. We park up and do the normal walk round. All blacked out windows and BIG exhausts. I need to add here my brother in law tells it as it is. (Several spells in Jail help no end - see I like crooks as well ;) ) The first thing we look at is the front bumper. The nearside is great scuff gone and no stone chips, all smooth and shiney then there is a sort of rough bit in the middle followed by a bit of a line followed by stone chips all over the drivers side. Bear in mind the bomper was given to him OFF THE DAMN CAR why did he only spray half of it??????????????????? AR*E.

I then look at the drivers side skirt. Great job ... but wait a minute ... whats that on the door?????????? :rant::scare:

A patch the size of a dinner plate that looks like there is still polish on it ......... only it wont wipe off. Closer examination reveals three or four small blotches under the patch and some staining on the door to window rubber. We reckon that whilst spraying, someone has spilled a few drops of thinners on the door, realised, and tried to wipe them off. Only when the car was buffed up did it materialise leaving the surface lacquer stained. :angry::angry:

The car now needs ALL the front bumper spraying to remove the line and stone chips and the whole of the drivers door, the rear arch - there was a further blotch found on top of the wheel arch - and most of the front wing doing to clear up the problem.

The final agreement was that I left with my deposit back and that the guy would speak to the paint shop tomorrow, find out what they are going to do and call me. When the car is finished it will be brought to me and only if I am 101% happy with it , and that will take some doing now, will I consider the purchase.

Should the paint job be up to standard then my only concern is that in sodium street lighting the colour differential will show. Does anyone know a way to check this.

I am the only bloke I know with two insurance policies for two different cars, neither of which I own :teeth::surrender: and who has to go to work on a bicycle. Who has £00000's in the bank and no car to spend it on and more wasted days off than I even want to think about.

Ming the Patience tested


Walk away from it mate. Plenty more zeds out there. Do you really want a car that you spend half your time lookin at to see if the imperfections are visible to others. :thumbdown:

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  Blacky said:
My names Blacky not blackie :teeth:


I welcome your invitation to discuss the failings of "The system".


Not sure how I can do that without questioning your profession though.


As a former member of Her Majesty's armed forces, I had also taken


much critism of my profession, some fair,some not, but everyone has


there opinion.


Might invite my Dad along old wan**r that he is.


I think my scroll buttom might take a pounding though.


Sorry about the name slip mate.

Not deliberate I assure you.

I have never said dont criticise the profession, hell I do it every damn day, just don't lump 'all coppers' the same. There ARE some *****rs but there are a lot of very hard working consciencious, and dare I say it PROUD, guys and gals doing a crap job for average money and taking a hell of a lot of risks in the process.

I too am an ex serviceman so i know where you are coming from.

More important is how is your Dad?

PS Whats a scroll buttom? :teeth:

I had a mental picture of something you sat on!! :thumbs:

We ought to start that thread some day soon.

Glad we have cleared the air.

Ming the Chilled

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no probs mate, just get a proper Z, for once Sarnie has given some proper advice :)


PS I wouldn't be a policeman in this country for £100k a month, ffs you can't even carry guns!


in Italy even the flippin traffic police around town have got semiautomatics B)

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I know what you mean mate

i am already looking on Autotrader to see whats about.

I have nothing to loose though looking at it when its done as I have my money back.

Could end up with a car almost fully re sprayed for no more than I agreed on to start with so I can wait until Tuesday.

Me shall see

Ming the Hopeful

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  Emperor Ming said:

I know what you mean mate

i am already looking on Autotrader to see whats about.

I have nothing to loose though looking at it when its done as I have my money back.

Could end up with a car almost fully re sprayed for no more than I agreed on to start with so I can wait until Tuesday.

Me shall see

Ming the Hopeful


But do you really want a resprayed zed knowing that it was previously damaged?


The only way I would accept it was if he took at least £1k off the price :thumbs:

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Ming ...Theres bloody hundreds of decent Z's for sale at bargain prices, if your not happy.., tell the seller to stuff it and find a better one !! or even better if you are happy knock him down a few hundred more for the hassle :thumbs:


yes enjoyed various threads on the GTO site and look forward to more of your ramblings on here ;) I can certainly tell your no stranger to the keyboard B)

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  lomoto said:
Ming ...Theres bloody hundreds of decent Z's for sale at bargain prices, if your not happy.., tell the seller to stuff it and find a better one !! or even better if you are happy knock him down a few hundred more for the hassle :thumbs:


yes enjoyed various threads on the GTO site and look forward to more of your ramblings on here ;) I can certainly tell your no stranger to the keyboard B)


I reckon at least one index finger is always on the keyboard :lol:

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Ming, there is some nice examples on pistonheads to. Might be worth a look. As sarnie said, may be worth walking away, plenty more fish in the sea.


If you do decide to take the car on though, after its full front bumper respray, you're in an excellent position to get it paintshielded

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  M13KYF said:
Ming, there is some nice examples on pistonheads to. Might be worth a look. As sarnie said, may be worth walking away, plenty more fish in the sea.


If you do decide to take the car on though, after its full front bumper respray, you're in an excellent position to get it paintshielded


If he could get the £450 off the agreed price,to paintshield it then maybe it might be worth it :dry:

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Another update.

The guy called me this morning and told me that the car went into the paint shop this morning at 8:30 :smt023 The bumper IS coming off for a full spray and the staining on the door has cleaned off. this just leaves the minor spotting in the paint work which I think will still need spraying to make good. ( this I believe is what is going to be done. To be honest so long as the marks disappear and do not show i don't care how they do it. I have access to a guy who will do a QUALITY respray for the whole car for £600 if necessary)

Hopefully this should all be completed by Monday.

The vendor was very apologtic and helpful and in my opinion genuine.

I will give him one last chance to get things sorted.

Ming the Considered.

One last thing to consider.

This car comes with a full 12 months warranty. I will make sure that this covers the painted areas covering me if in a few weeks time it starts to change colour or begins to show.

Tuesday will tell.

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  Emperor Ming said:

Another update.

The guy called me this morning and told me that the car went into the paint shop this morning at 8:30 :smt023 The bumper IS coming off for a full spray and the staining on the door has cleaned off. this just leaves the minor spotting in the paint work which I think will still need spraying to make good. ( this I believe is what is going to be done. To be honest so long as the marks disappear and do not show i don't care how they do it. I have access to a guy who will do a QUALITY respray for the whole car for £600 if necessary)

Hopefully this should all be completed by Monday.

The vendor was very apologtic and helpful and in my opinion genuine.

I will give him one last chance to get things sorted.

Ming the Considered.

One last thing to consider.

This car comes with a full 12 months warranty. I will make sure that this covers the painted areas covering me if in a few weeks time it starts to change colour or begins to show.

Tuesday will tell.


hope it all goes well. You will have to let me know details of the guy who can do a quality respray. May be very useful in the future.

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heres the plan.

Spoke to the vendor again today.

The front bumper is fully sprayed. :thumbs:

The paint shop agreed that the marks on the door were some sort of splashed fluid and that it had gone past the lacquer and affected the paint under neath.

This means that the whole side of the car is being sprayed. Now this, if done properly, is a good thing as all the little scratched and marks accrued over the past three years will be remove :thumbs:

If of course it is a poor job I just walk away and start looking all over again.

If I buy this car then I intend to purchase a boot spoiler which will need painting and fitting.

If I am paying to have this painted I may as well get the other side of the car and the bumper blown over at the same time so that I have a FULLY RE-PAINTED car at a greatly reduced price :yahoo:

The sprayer is a relation of my lads boss and as such does us mates rates. It is fair to say though that he is still quite cheap when full price is paid.

I will let you know or pop down and show you the results when it is done.

Min the 'ever' hopeful

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yes but if Ming has asked for the other half to be painted, he is tying himself into the deal. The dealer hasn't asked for the other half to be painted and so would only allow the other half to be painted if Ming was going to buy the car.

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