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Steering wheel


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Getting ideas on upgrading the interior while waiting for my CF bits to come up on sale again.

Next: Steering wheel, I like the OEM because it's chunky and and feels good but mine is all knackered ( don't know why ), while watching Top Gear I noticed the steering wheel of the Ferrari California and that it's the style that I'm looking for.

Anything i should look out for when purchasing a steering wheel?

best place? ( currently looking on RallyNuts - momo- )

Have you got any pics of your aftermaket?

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Love that wheel!


Speak to Envy or Adam @ z1 as you will need all the bits like boss / QR / airbag delete etc.... Not many after market ones that look like that unfortunatly. I think I know the momo one you mean though and I think one or 2 people on here have them...


Am still wondering if the one in the pic will fit in a zed!!

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As Mark says, you will need the hub (short hub leaves the wheel at the closes oem position) & Quick release. If you get the Works bell hub then it comes with the airbag harness so you wont need anything else.


Most aftermarket wheels will be smaller than OEM. OEM wheel is 370mm IIRC & most aftermarket will be 330 or 350.


I went for the Works Bell Team Orange wheel (350mm) & it does make a big difference, I find it much more natural with a smaller wheel when driving on twisty roads :)





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Thanks Ian,


Just had a google search for works bell hub and work bell boss kit, am I right to think that those are only fitting kits and on top of it I obviously have to buy the steering wheel?

Can I just buy any aftermarket brand with the above kits?


Re: quick relase, why do I need one of those? Isn't this the macchanism that makes the wheel come off quicly a bit like F1 cars?

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Hub & Boss are the same thing :thumbs: (Took me ages to get my head around that aswell because different places advertise it as different things)


The only other aftermarket kit I know of is NRG which doesn't seem to have as good a reputation as Works Bell. Quick Release isn't needed but its nice to have if you ever leave your car in undesireable places ;) I've never removed my wheel except when showing it off or working on the interior, you would be amazed how much more room you have to work with no wheel in place :lol:


Shopping list should be


Hub/boss kit

Quick release (optional but nice to have, make sure you get the standard hub if you don't want this or the short one if you do)

Steering wheel


Your best option is to drop a pm to Adam as he will do you a package deal or have a look on the RHDJapan website & send patrik an Email :thumbs:

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  rtbiscuit said:
i love aftermarket wheels but i love my standard more, i wouldn't want to loose the cruise control and stereo control on the wheel.


Cruise control can be relocated ;) & I lost stereo control when I changed the headunit :)

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