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Mercedes takes Ownership of Brawn


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Just a shame that money talks so much and that they're losing the Brawn branding. It would've been nice to at least have kept the team as Brawn Mercedes rather than just plain ol' Mercedes GP. :(


Button and Hamilton in the same team would be disastrous IMHO. Have McLaren learnt nothing from when Alonso was there with Lewis?

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What makes me laugh is Button goes on to say that his move to McLaren, if it come off, is not all about the money, but that he feels McLaren may have a better car in the 2010 season. :lol::lol:


So his asking for a pay rise has absolutely nothing to do with Mercedes decision not to renew his drive with them... :lol:


If you are securing a £3.5m pay rise for moving teams, at least have the honesty to state thats why you are moving and not spout a load of crap about how much better the chances are by driving for one particular team.


Pay me £1m a year and Ill have a go in a pedal powered go-kart made of horse hair and cow @*!#.


Interesting that Raikonen may find himself without a seat too - nothing to do with him looking to renew at somewhere near his £30m pay deal either then... :lol:


Dont get me wrong, some of these drivers are worth their money, or at least the teams can get the money back through sticking their names to various sponsorship deals etc, but others need to adjust their valuations if they want to secure a drive.


It will certainly be interesting to see what the future brings and where Mclarn will be at when their engine partner deal runs out come 2015

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Very big news today in F1.


Personally I'm gutted to see Brawn losing the name, but I understand it secures the team financially.


However with the driver up, they will lose most of the support that they had this year as its really a totally new team in essence.


Button and Hamilton at McLaren will be a dream team.


I hope Raikonen does find himself without a seat, he's a good driver but he ain't worth the money and his voice is extremely irritating :lol:


Mclaren buying out mercedes is pretty huge too, exciting for the future.

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I expect for Maclaren having Nos 1 & 2 on their cars is a major incentive if they give the drive to Jenson. And the Hamilton's made it very clear they did not relish Raikonen joining the team.


It will be interesting to see how Jenson does against Lewis, but the testing ban does seem to be a retrograde step for anyone new joining a team, as we saw during this last season many times over - look at Fizzy - from hero at Force India to zero at Ferrari.


And it does seem a shame the Brawn team name is being discarded so soon but at least they will hold the best success record of any team in the history of F1 for results measured against the number of races entered :lol:

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